JS Security Testing Automation for Developers on Every Build

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As a developer, you need to deliver fast, and you simply don't have the time to constantly think about security. Still, if something goes wrong it's your job to fix it, but security testing blocks your automation, creates bottlenecks and just delays releases...but it doesn't have to...

NeuraLegion's developer-first Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) scanner enables developers to detect, prioritise and remediate security issues EARLY, on every commit, with NO false positives/alerts, without slowing you down.

Join this workshop to learn different ways developers can access Nexploit & start scanning without leaving the terminal!

We will be going through the set up end-to-end, whilst setting up a pipeline, running security tests and looking at the results.

Table of contents:
- What developer-first DAST (Dynamic Application Security Testing) actually is and how it works
- See where and how a modern, accurate dev-first DAST fits in the CI/CD
- Integrate NeuraLegion's Nexploit scanner with GitHub Actions
- Understand how modern applications, APIs and authentication mechanisms can be tested
- Fork a repo, set up a pipeline, run security tests and look at the results

Oliver Moradov
Oliver Moradov
Bar Hofesh
Bar Hofesh
111 min
15 Nov, 2021


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Video Summary and Transcription

This workshop introduces developers to security testing automation using Neuralegion's Developer First DAST. It covers the challenges of application security testing, the limitations of static analysis tools, and the benefits of using DAST tools. The workshop includes hands-on exercises on forking a repo, running scans, analyzing results, and testing authentication mechanisms. Neuralegion's DAST features include API security testing, automatic validation of findings, seamless integration into pipelines, and optimization of scan speeds. The workshop also covers setting up CI workflows, running scans, and analyzing vulnerabilities. Participants can ask questions and receive continued support beyond the workshop.

1. Introduction to Security Testing Workshop

Short description:

This is a hands-on workshop on security testing automation for developers. We encourage interaction and questions in the Discord. We will provide continued support beyond the workshop. The agenda includes an introduction to security testing, an overview of New Religion and our DAST technology. We will then proceed with the workshop, covering forking the repo, running a scan, analyzing the results, and testing authentication mechanisms. All the necessary assets are available in the chat and Discord.

This very hands-on workshop on security testing automation for developers on every build. Again, it's going to be very hands-on. I think you will very quickly realize that we want this to be as fun, laid back and chilled as possible. But also we want you to be as interactive with us as possible.

So any questions, any issues, any jokes, whatever it is that you might want to throw out there, do so in the Discord ideally, because that way we can build up continuous conversation. You'll also find a lot of information on there. And like I mentioned, continued support beyond this workshop for any issues that you have. We do monitor it with our support engineers and basically the whole company to ensure that you're successful in your security testing.

So a brief agenda for today. I don't know if you're all at work, at home, whatever it might be, but we're going to go through a very brief introduction into security testing, why it's so important, a bit of an intro about New Religion, about our DAST just so you can understand it in a bit more detail. And I'm going to go straight into the workshop. So if you haven't already done so, I can already see a number of familiar names that have already signed up, which is great. But we're going to fork repo. We've got the example actions there if you haven't seen it already, we're going to run a scan together, we're going to look at the results, understand the results and go through authentication mechanisms, how you can test APIs, basically how you can, by the end of this one hour, 40 minutes, I'll try and give you 20 minutes back of your time. You'll see just how quick and easy it is, that actually you can now start to go away and start automating your security testing with our DAST technology. And so what you'll need, it is on the chat, it is in the discord server, perhaps if you're watching this at a later time, these are all the assets that you'll need to play along with us. If you weren't able to do it live, but again, they're all in the chat and they're all in the Discord if you haven't seen it already.

2. Introduction to Neuralegion's Developer First DAST

Short description:

Neuralegion is a developer-focused dynamic application security testing tool. It allows developers to build the scan surface from unit tests, schedule scans, and call scans as code. The tool automatically validates findings and provides developer-friendly remediation guidelines. Application security testing is crucial due to the vulnerability of applications and the growing attack surface. Static analysis tools have limitations and often produce false positives. Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) tools like Neurolegion's Developer First DAST provide a comprehensive security scan by looking at the built application from the outside in. DAST tools can identify real-world vulnerabilities and conduct penetration tests.

So a quick about Neuralegion, if you haven't already done your homework, which I hope most of you have, we're founded in 2018. We are a global team of developers, security researchers, ethical hackers, I suppose this is something that we are also, very, very passionate about, Barz laughing because he spearheads that side, but very, very passionate about application security testing, but more importantly, application security testing for developers. And we really do feel that we are changing the way that AppSec is being carried out, typically done by security professionals as well as security team, but actually we've been built from the ground up to really provide a developer focused dynamic application security testing tool to test your web apps, your internal apps, your APIs, whether that's REST, SOAP, or indeed GraphQL, server-side mobile applications, and of course their corresponding APIs. And we really are about giving you, the developer, the ability of building the scan surface from your very first unit tests, staying within your environment. Carrying out, scheduling scans, calling scans, as code, with the Command List as part of the CLI, seamlessly integrated into your development pipelines. And one thing that we'll get onto, and I'm sure you're all putting your hands in the air and saying, finally, a tool that actually automatically validates every finding, so no false positives, and actually gives you, the developer, developer-friendly remediation guidelines, actionable results, removing the noise, so that actually you can start to fix security bugs early, and often as part of your pipeline. I haven't even introduced myself. Oli here, VP at Neo Religion, and we're joined today by Bar Hoffesch, our CTO and co-founder. Bar, say hello. Hi everyone, nice to meet you. Just want to make sure you can hear me and your microphone is working. And it's also good to know that actually, I haven't just been speaking for three minutes and no one can hear me. What? No, just kidding. Very good. So if we could all just, you know, just want to make sure everyone can hear. If you can put a hi in the Discord, ideally, if not in the chat, let us know where you're from. And again, any questions, queries... Favorite meme, favorite emoji, whatever. Whatever it might be. We're all here to have a nice relaxing hour and a half. And hopefully we're going to learn something. Which Discord channel James? It is the TestJS one. So under Events, and then TestJS, and you should see it there. So let's... Oh, yeah. And a little bit of gloating. You can see here's a sort of selection of customers that are using our innovative technology, and they range from government, defense, insurance, financial services, anything from startups with a team of two to eight developers, all the way up to teams with 500 plus developers, but actually are moving away from their legacy tools and actually moving to new religion. And we'll go through very, very quickly the differences and how we feel that we're changing the security testing space and making it very easy for developers to adopt that.

So first of all, just why is application security testing so important? Very, very few, a quick sort of quotes here that were taken from Forreter's, the state of application security. Applications are and continue to be, they always have been, and they probably always will be the weakest link in terms of security testing. A large proportion of the attack surface, so it's hard to surface the malicious users hackers are going to be trying to exploit is gonna be on the application layer. We're seeing a massive rise in the use of APIs, and actually that translates into a very, very different threat model at an exponentially growing attack surface. And we really need to make sure that our products are intrinsically secure by design. And I'm sure many of you hate that time of the year perhaps when you get clobbered with a pen test report with issues that need to be fixed on things perhaps that you worked on three months ago, six months ago, or a year ago. You're not stopping. You're developing new features, new products at breakneck speed. And actually security testing is something that needs to keep up. And that's why we talk about shift left. Okay, so shifting security testing left earlier in the process, ideally into your hands, into the developers' hands so that security testing can match your rapid release cycles, right? Integrate it into your pipeline, picking you up on issues early, fix them at the most efficient time as possible, and hopefully the more often that you're going to be picked up on issues, the less time you're going to be making these mistakes. No one wants to produce insecure software, but it's really about being secure by design, finding issues as early as possible.

Now, let's have a look at some of the different types of security testing that you may already be familiar with, that you may be including in your pipelines already. And in fact, for those that are on the Discord or put it in the chat, which of these tools are you already using in your pipeline? Are you using SCA, Software Composition Analysis, looking at your dependencies, looking at your libraries, Snyk, White Source, JFrog amongst many others which are really leading the way with this type of security testing. Pablo uses Sona. Okay, Jalena is using Snyk, great tool as well. Really, really good to look at the libraries and dependencies as I mentioned that you're already looking for, White Source, check marks, wow! Okay, great. All the Israeli ones. They are actually Israeli. That's very, very true. But I noticed that no one yet has actually mentioned any DAST tools, which is quite interesting. If you're holding that back, because I haven't asked for it, please put those in there as well. It would be good to try and understand what you're looking at and perhaps we can look at the differences or try and understand the issues and pain points that you've been experiencing so far and how our technology might be able to deal with that. We then have your static analysis like Susanna uses check marks, for example. Sonocube is another one that's just been mentioned in the Discord. But these are tools that are looking at your code base, looking for vulnerabilities, almost like a spell check, but looks at things in a sort of one-dimensional space. When you're looking at microservices, when you look at single page applications, you know, the use of APIs, et cetera, actually while static analysis is a great tool to find things, there are two or three problems with that. Number one, they're plagued with false positives. Developers are often running around chasing their tale, chasing ghosts or chasing the tail of a ghost. I don't know how you might want to say it. You know, great, but actually it misses a lot of vulnerabilities, a lot of issues because when you look at the compiled application, the built application, actually it's running very, very differently. All the different microservices working together needs to be looked at in a very different, dynamic way of, you know, in the compiled or built application, and this is where DAS, or Dynamic Application Security Testing, and SIGCOMM comes into play like Neurolegion's Developer First DAST. So we look at the, the built compiled application, looking at it from the outside in, looking at it like a malicious user or like a hacker is interacting with your application to try and find real world, live vulnerabilities within your target applications. And this is how you can really do a very, very complete comprehensive security scan. This is what your penetration tests will be conducting, either using automated tools like Neurolegion's or indeed doing things in a manual way or perhaps in a manual way using other tools for that they use for pentesting. So really looking at it in a three dimensional way, looking at authentication mechanisms, being able to understand true logic based attacks for example. And Bar, I don't know if I've missed anything or you want to add anything to that? No, I think it was pretty, pretty comprehensive. Basically the differences between looking at the code and looking at the actual product. Once we compile, once we start running, you know, all of those microservices over all of those interactions between the different parts of the system become real, which means that things like database connection to or from your application is something that's a sust can actually verify, right? Because when it's still code, it's just, you know, words, strings and text. There is no functionality there yet, so running a DAST actually means all right, that's real, that's something which is there and we can verify it and give you actual answers. Yeah, I noticed that no one yet has mentioned which DAST they're using. Are you trying to keep us on our toes, everybody? Well, you're not using DAST.

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