React Remixed

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React and the JavaScript ecosystem seems to be constantly changing. Wherever we look, there are new libraries and frameworks. These new tools always lead to learning concepts that are often non-transferable knowledge.

What if I told you that by learning standard web APIs, relearning the web, and getting a bunch of transferable knowledge, you can also start using a fantastic new addition to the React ecosystem: Remix!


Remix is a full-stack web framework that focuses on enhancing the user interface while adhering to web standards to provide a fast, efficient, and resilient user experience. It incorporates aspects of a compiler, server-side HTTP, server framework, and browser framework.

Remix improves performance by eliminating render and fetch waterfalls common in web applications. It uses an asset manifest to manage dependencies and supports code splitting, prefetching, and efficient resource loading to optimize both server and client interactions.

Remix consists of several components including a compiler using ES build for generating server HTTP, browser builds, and an asset manifest. It acts as a server framework and a browser framework, handling both server-side operations and interactive client-side updates.

Remix simplifies data fetching by using loader functions that run when an application loads, enabling server-side data loading. Mutations are managed through actions triggered by HTML forms, allowing for efficient state management and interaction within web applications.

Nested routing in Remix allows developers to map URL segments to component hierarchies in the UI, enabling efficient rendering of nested components without full page reloads. This approach leverages dynamic routing to enhance user experience and application performance.

Remix leverages HTML forms for data mutations, utilizing their native functionality to handle form submissions and data changes without requiring additional JavaScript. This method supports progressive enhancement and simplifies interactions with the data layer.

Remix embraces a philosophy that focuses on using fundamental web technologies like HTTP, HTML, and JavaScript without over-abstraction. It emphasizes performance optimization, especially in terms of network efficiency and server-client interactions.

Remix and Next.js are both modern web development frameworks, but Remix is noted for potentially faster loading times, especially on slower networks, and better handling of dynamic content. It focuses on robust error handling and seamless data management.

Daniel Afonso
Daniel Afonso
19 min
18 Nov, 2022


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Video Summary and Transcription

Remix is a full stack web framework that focuses on the user interface and works back to web standards. It eliminates render and fetch waterfalls in web applications, resulting in improved performance. Remix leverages the foundations of the web and combines them with features like HTTP caching and dynamic server rendering. It allows for progressive enhancement and speeds up the user experience. Remix is a powerful tool for web development with great potential for the future.

Available in Español: React Remixed

1. Introduction to Remix and Web Fetch APIs

Short description:

Welcome to my talk called React Remixed. This talk is about web fetch APIs, HTML, forms, form data objects, URL, and others. When you learn remix, you accidentally learn the web. Remix is a full stack web framework that focuses on the user interface and works back to web standards. It can be considered a compiler, a server-side HTTP, a server framework, and a browser framework. Remix leverages ES build to generate server HTTP, browser build, and an asset manifest. The asset manifest helps with preloading resources and prefetching them for client centralization. This allows Remix to eliminate render and fetch waterfalls in web applications.

Hello everyone. Welcome to my talk called React Remixed. For anything else let me start to introduce myself. I am Daniel Alfonso. I'm the person on the left on the photo, in case you didn't recognize me. The person on the right here is my programming buddy. I'm a developer advocate at the LLX group. I'm an Auth0 ambassador and a Getion instructor. And you can find me on Twitter and pretty much any social network at the handle DanielJCAlfonso.

So let's jump right into remixing and getting to know more about it. What is this talk about? Well, this talk is about web fetch APIs. It's about HTML, forms, form data objects, URL and others. Okay, now you might be wondering what does this have to do with remix? It does because when you learn remix, you accidentally learn the web. Now I know, I know, I know, I know you might be a bit tired of seemingly a new JavaScript framework showing up every day or so. But the thing is, and like I said right on the previous slide, when you learn remix, you accidentally learn the web. This is because remix leverages the stuff that you've been doing in the web for the round the past 20 years or so. And it makes sure that whenever you learn it, you get knowledge that you can bring back and forth between the web and remix, and this is super, super great.

Now, I know you might be wondering, what is remix? And let's get right into it. Remix is a full stack web framework that will let you focus on the user interface and work back to web standards to deliver a fast, slick and resilient user experience. Remix can also be considered four things. In this case, a compiler, a server-side HTTP, a server framework, and a browser framework. Let's get a bit into each one of them so we can learn a bit more. So, on the compiler part, by using ES build, remix will generate three things. Server HTTP, browser build, and an asset manifest. The browser build is used to...and includes automatically code splitting by route, fingerprinted asset imports like CSS and images, pretty much anything that you will need to run your application in a browser. The asset manifest, in this scenario, both the client and the server are using this asset manifest to pretty much know the entire dependency graph of your application. This is useful when you want to preload resources in the initial render of your application as well as prefetching them for client centralization. This is how Remix is able to delete the render and fetch waterfalls that are very, very common in web applications today. By using this build artifact, an application can be deployed to any hosting service as long as it runs JavaScript. Regarding the server-side HTTP and Android, this is an Android that is given to these JavaScript servers that I mentioned about.

2. Introduction to Remix Philosophy

Short description:

Remix is a server-side framework and a browser framework that focuses on the user interface and works back to web standards. It eliminates render and fetch waterfalls in web applications, resulting in improved performance. Remix embraces the server-client model and helps decrease the amount of data sent over the network. It leverages the foundations of the web, such as browsers, HTTP, and HTML, and combines them with features like HTTP caching and dynamic server rendering. Remix uses JavaScript to enhance the user experience and supports both read and write operations through HTML forms. It allows for progressive enhancement and speeds up the user experience by minimizing asset downloads and fetching only necessary data. Remix does not over-abstract underlying technologies, making it a great tool for web development.

While Remix runs on the server, it is not actually a server per se. Regarding the server-side framework part of Remix, if you're familiar with server-side model-view controllers like, well, Warevel or Rails, Remix is the controller and the view and it lives the model up to the developer. From the browser framework perspective, once a document is served to the browser, Remix will pretty much be responsible for iterating that page with the browser build JavaScript models. So, for instance, if a user clicks a link, instead of making a round trip to the server for the entire document and for all the assets, Remix will simply fetch the data for your next page, update the UI. This has many performance benefits over making a full document request, like these assets don't need to be downloaded or pulled from the cache, they don't need to be parsed by the browser again, and the data that it's fetched is much smaller than the entire document.

So, yeah, this is super, super great, and this is a very small introduction about what Remix is. But yeah, still speaking about it, what is its philosophy? Well, Remix embraces the server-client model fully. You can make your server fast. What you cannot do is control your user network. Sometimes, well, we've all experienced this, it seems to be working very good for us, then we check our code, our application in user network, and just because they don't have the same bandwidth or whatever that we do, then the application is small. Takes more time to load. So Remix helps you by decreasing the amount of stuff that you send over the network, so we don't need to ship all the skeleton UI, because Remix fetches and can even prefetch at times the data before the page is rendered, and this, well, will make it easier for us to send applications to our users.

Like I said previously, Remix works with the foundations of the web. In this scenario, browsers, HTTP and HTML. These are technologies that have been around for a long time, and they're pretty great, and Remix fully embraces them. By combining stuff like HTTP caching, Remix focus on the URL for assets, dynamic server rendering, and HTML features like the link attribute with the prefetch, you have all the tools you need to make your application pretty great, and like I said, browsers and these other types of things that have been around for about 20 years, they are very, very good, and Remix fully leverages it. Remix uses JavaScript to augment the user experience by emulating the browser behavior. While most recent frameworks only have APIs for read and data, Remix has both read and write. Why, you might ask? By leveraging HTML forms. HTML forms have been around for a long time, and they have been the staple for data mutation since the 90s, so Remix will embrace this and fully augment that API. This will enable the data layer of a Remix function to work with or without JavaScript on a page. So this means that JavaScript, when we talk about Remix, is what is called progressive enhancement. If you decide to add JavaScript to your application, it allows Remix to speed up your user experience in two ways. On a page transition, I mean. By not downloading and evaluating JavaScript and CSS assets, and by only fetching data for the parts of the layout that changes. Finally, and the last point of philosophy with Remix is that it doesn't over-abstract the underlying technologies. And this is why it's said, one Remix, accidentally one the web. Because if you get good at Remix, you'll accidentally get good at web development in general. Remix makes it convenient to use, like I said, browser, HTTP, JavaScript. But these things are not hidden and they are not abstracted.

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