Remixing How We Give

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A review of how we're using Remix at to change the way people give to charities.

We'll talk about why we decided to use Remix, how we've used it and migrated from our previous frontend application and some patterns and libraries we have developed internally.


Daphne is a platform designed to facilitate automated donations to charities that users care about. It offers both an iOS application and a web application to support this functionality.

Daphne switched to Remix from Next.js to address issues such as slow page loads on slow connections, complex form validation, and code duplication. Remix offered better error handling, simplified form mutations, and more efficient code management which improved the overall resilience and user experience of their web application.

Key features of Remix that benefited Daphne include error boundaries for handling unexpected errors, cache boundaries for managing known errors, progressive enhancement for improving usability without JavaScript, and simplified form handling which allows more streamlined data mutation and validation processes.

Daphne managed the migration by running Remix and Next.js concurrently on an Express server. They incrementally redirected routes from Next.js to Remix, shared authentication states between the two, and gradually phased out Next.js components.

Post-migration to Remix, Daphne experienced faster navigation between pages due to preloading features, reduced JavaScript file sizes, and overall faster application performance. Additionally, the progressive enhancement feature of Remix ensured that most of the application remained usable even without JavaScript.

Remix simplifies form mutations by allowing developers to manage form state, validation, and submission all within the same file, reducing the complexity and improving maintainability compared to the more distributed approach required in Next.js.

Daphne shared authentication states between Next.js and Remix during the migration by utilizing sessionStore from Remix, which could be integrated into the Next.js application, allowing seamless authentication state sharing across both platforms.

Sergio Xalambri
Sergio Xalambri
32 min
18 Nov, 2022


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Video Summary and Transcription

Daphne uses Remix for their web application, benefiting from its resilience, error boundaries, cache boundaries, and progressive enhancement. Remix simplifies form submission, authorization, and validation, and allows for easier refactoring and code duplication avoidance. Next and Remix are used together, with Remix serving as the backend for the frontend and handling data aggregation. Remix provides query functions for fetching data, mutations for form data validation and API calls, and custom conventions using the handle export. Migrating to Remix resulted in smaller JavaScript files, faster navigation, and the ability to preload data and assets. The migration process took around nine months and involved mixing Next.js and Remix using Express. Hiring someone to work on Remix is easier than hiring for other frameworks.

Available in Español: Remixando Cómo Donamos

1. Introduction to Daphne and Remix

Short description:

Hello, welcome to my presentation. I'm Sergio Salambri, web developer at Daphne, and I'm going to talk how we use Daphne, how we use Remix at Daphne. Daphne is a platform to help people donate to the charities they care about in an automated way. We use Remix for our web application because it provides resilience, error boundaries, cache boundaries, and progressive enhancement. With Remix, we can catch unexpected errors, show known errors, and ensure the application remains usable even if JavaScript fails to load. Additionally, we chose RemixBoot for its form mutation capabilities.

Hello, welcome to my presentation. I'm Sergio Salambri, web developer at Daphne, and I'm going to talk how we use Daphne, how we use Remix at Daphne.

So what is Daphne? Daphne is a platform to help people donate to the charities they care about in an automated way. To do that we provide both an iOS application and a web application and we use Remix for that web application. We also use Remix for other apps. We are going to focus on how we use it for main web. That's what users use.

So first of all we started using and building the front end. Daphne or MVP was a router application being served from a Rails route and compiled by Rails webpacker. It worked great for the MVP proof of concepts but then we changed it to Next.js for the landings and the web because we wanted to have a server and other features. We had some problems with the setup. We had slow pages on a slow connection to the website. If there was an error on one of our API calls to get data to render on the page, they would crash and show a suspected error. Also, forms were way too complex to validate and run to errors. We have some unnecessary duplication of code. Also sharding code in get server-side props function is too complex, because you need to grab it on high-order functions.

So we decided we needed to use something else, and we chose to use RemixBoot. And the reason for that is the first one, the resilience. So the resilience is how well an app can support, can keep working in case of an error. Remix doesn't make your app work all the time if there is an error, but it helps you a lot to get there or near there. With error boundaries, we can catch any unexpected error and show something to the user, like, hey, something went wrong. We are going to – we know about this now, but you can contact support if you need more help. With Cache Boundaries, we can show any known errors. The user goes to a charity and that charity doesn't exist, that's not fun. Or a user provider doesn't exist, it's not fun. They want to do something that needs more money on their account, we can return a missing payment cell or UI with Cache Boundaries. We also can use Progressive Enhancement. If a JS fails to load for any reason, the application is mostly usable. At least they can access the content. Another reason was form ammutation.

2. Simplifying Form Submission and Migration to Remix

Short description:

With Remix, the process of form submission, authorization, and validation becomes much simpler. The action call is in the same file as the form, making it easier to understand the flow of the application. Remix also offers conventions and separation of concerns, allowing for easier refactoring and avoiding code duplication. Additionally, the migration to Remix was done by running Remix and Next together, utilizing the express server to run both apps in a single process.

With the previous stack, we had to do a lot of things to do ammutation like create a form, a state for input, serialize that, send it in a fetch to an API, create the API in another file, send authorize, validate data and send it to our Rails API. With Remix, this becomes way simpler. We just render the form, export in action on the same file the form lives in. We can do the service and launch authorization and validation of the data before sending it to Rails and it works. It's way simpler.

Action call is also on the same file of the form. That's a great benefit for being able to know what's happening in a route. We go to a route, so there is a form. We go to the action. We know what's that form doing. We can also add validation with solve. Multi-step forms can work with JavaScript way simpler and with the back button, something we had used before. And we can use the user transition to enhance the experience of the users. And so from loading states to optimistic UIs.

Conventions and separation of concerns is also another reason we choose Remix. Roots files help a lot with refactoring. We can just remove a root file and remove with that the action, the loader, the component, links, everything. We need nested roots also help avoid duplication. We don't need to move code to another file and import it into many files like headers, across roots. We just create a pattern, layout root, and put inside everything that needs that header and that's it. And the component then lives in the root. Loaders and actions also use standards. And we spend less time on Remix docs and more time on Mozilla Developer Network docs. Also means hiring and teaching the stack is simpler. We hired someone who didn't know Remix and she learned Remix for the interview and passed the interview and other developers focusing on backend were able to learn Remix super fast, like a day or less than a day and started using it.

Now, how we migrated to Remix. We know we wanted to use Remix, but we still had this big Next application. What we did, the first thing was, we can migrate everything at once, so we decided to run Remix and Next together. To do this, we take advantage that Remix can be plugged in an express server and Next can also be plugged in an express server. We use express to run both processes, both apps in a single process.


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