#concurrent rendering

Concurrent rendering is a technique used to optimize the performance of web applications. It allows the browser to render multiple elements of the page at the same time, instead of waiting for each element to be rendered before starting on the next one. This can significantly reduce load times and improve user experience, as the page appears to load faster. In JavaScript, concurrent rendering is often used in combination with other techniques such as asynchronous loading and lazy loading to further enhance performance.
Deep Diving on Concurrent React
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
29 min
Deep Diving on Concurrent React
Writing fluid user interfaces becomes more and more challenging as the application complexity increases. In this talk, we’ll explore how proper scheduling improves your app’s experience by diving into some of the concurrent React features, understanding their rationales, and how they work under the hood.
Understanding React’s Fiber Architecture
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
29 min
Understanding React’s Fiber Architecture
Top Content
We've heard a lot about React's Fiber Architecture, but it feels like few of us understand it in depth (or have the time to). In this talk, Tejas will go over his best attempt at understanding Fiber (reviewed by other experts), and present it in an 'explain-like-I'm-five years old' way.
Cracking the Concurrent Mode
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
30 min
Cracking the Concurrent Mode
With concurrent mode coming in React 18, let's talk about the complexities behind providing declarative APIs for concurrent rendering. While implementing concurrent mode APIs from scratch for Brahmos.js, I came across lot of use cases and variability which made it one of the most interesting problem to solve, and appreciate more the React's effort on advocating Concurrent UI. In this talk we will see what concurrent mode means for a web app, what are the internal complexities and how I solved it for Brahmos.js.
Rendering: To Sync or Not to Sync?
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
28 min
Rendering: To Sync or Not to Sync?
Let’s dive deep into React rendering and evaluate the implication of Concurrent Rendering and automated batching on code that previously relied on the synchronous nature of v17. Does it always make things better? With a real world case study, we evaluate useSyncExternalStore and flushSync as tools to restore synchronous rendering to avoid “visual tearing”. Working through the trade-offs of these approaches will give us new insights into React rendering and hints on how we can optimise our applications.
Real-Time Collaborative State on the Edge
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
26 min
Real-Time Collaborative State on the Edge
Practical talk showing how to go from a local state to an on-the-edge offline capable persisted state to make an app like Figma, Notion, and more.
Concurrent React Made Easy
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
23 min
Concurrent React Made Easy
UI’s are composed of fast parts, and slow parts in terms of how responsive they are to user interaction. React's concurrent renderer decouples the fast parts from the slow parts by allowing us to render the slow parts in the background without blocking the fast parts, so that each part can respond to user interaction at its own pace. In this talk, we'll explore Concurrent React, understand what problems it solves, how it works and how to leverage it through the use of concurrent features.
Wait, React Is Multi-Threaded?
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
22 min
Wait, React Is Multi-Threaded?
Top Content
We already know, ""if some task takes time, promisify it!"". But some tasks can be computation heavy and can take time to complete, so making them async is of no use since those have to be anyway get picked. Solution? Simple, multithreading! Yeah I know that React and in turn javascript is single-threaded but what if I told you that our life was a lie ever since? Enter web workers! Key takeaways of the talk: 1. An example of a simple product search showing why async js or concurrent mode cannot work. 2. Demystifying web workers. 3. How they make this magic happen under the hood? 4. The Question of life - Aren't they same as concurrent mode? 5. Comparing the same Product list app using web workers, diving deep into the performance. 6. How one can easily misuse web workers and how to avoid it.
Staying Safe In a Concurrent World
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
30 min
Staying Safe In a Concurrent World
With React 18 the long awaited concurrent features are now available to the public. While they technically do not introduce new restrictions about how we build our components, there are many patterns that previously worked but might now introduce subtle bugs in your apps. Let's re-learn the rules of React so that we can stay safe in this new concurrent world.
Staying Safe in a Concurrent World
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
22 min
Staying Safe in a Concurrent World
With React 18 the long awaited concurrent features are now available to the public. While they technically do not introduce new restrictions about how we build our components, there are many patterns that previously worked but might now introduce subtle bugs in your apps. Let's re-learn the rules of React so that we can stay safe in this new concurrent world.
Let’s Talk about Re-renders
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
23 min
Let’s Talk about Re-renders
Top Content
React is a fantastic tool to implement complicated applications fast, we all know it. But are they going to be fast when implemented fast? Let’s talk about re-renders and their danger in react: how easy it is to make a mistake, why some small mistakes can have a huge downstream effect, and how to avoid and prevent them.This is a deep-dive type of talk, that focuses on why React components re-render, what kind of performance impact it can have, and what to do about it
Coming in React18: startTransition
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
8 min
Coming in React18: startTransition
If you've heard people talk about React18, you've probably heard the word "concurrency". Join us for this lightning talk where we take a quick look at what that means, as well as one of the new concurrent features coming in the new release – startTransition – and what we'll be able to do with it.