#edge functions

React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
11 min
Pushing Boundaries to the Edge
While the technology goes further and further, web development tries to get closer to the user. CDNs and web servers are evolving, and they now offer us the possibility to execute server-side logic without depending on a unique data center located in a specific place in the world. Let’s present the concept of The Edge. We will see how it works, and we’ll talk about Edge Functions. We’ll discuss why the main hosting providers are introducing this technology, and why different JavaScript frameworks are modeling their approaches based on Edge computing.
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
9 min
Pushing Boundaries To The Edge
While the technology goes further and further, web development tries to get closer to the user. CDNs and web servers are evolving, and they now offer us the possibility to execute server-side logic without depending on a unique data center located in a specific place in the world. Let’s present the concept of The Edge. We will see how it works, and we’ll talk about Edge Functions. We’ll discuss why the main hosting providers are introducing this technology, and why different JavaScript frameworks are modeling their approaches based on Edge computing.
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
26 min
The Edge & Databases: Everything Everywhere All at Once
Cloudflare Workers and Edge Functions bring the Serverless model to the next level by letting developers deploy code instantly globally to give it exceptional performance, reliability, and scale.Having server-side applications execute close to where their users are located brings greater performance and drastically improves the user experience of an app. However, due to their limited runtime environment, working with your favorite traditional database is challenging since it can’t be accessed in CloudFlare Workers directly. Prisma solves this problem in multiple ways.The goal of the talk is for developers to understand what the Edge really means, how it works, and how to work with your favorite traditional database on the Edge.
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
36 min
Deno 2.0
Top Content
Deno 2.0 is imminent and it's bringing some big changes to the JavaScript runtime. In this talk, we'll introduce the new features including import maps, package.json auto-discovery, and bare specifiers. We'll discuss how these improvements will help address issues like duplicate dependencies and disappearing dependencies. Additionally, we'll delve into the built-in support for deno: specifiers on the deno.land/x registry and its role in providing a recommended path for publishing. Come learn about how these updates will shape the future of the JavaScript ecosystem and improve backwards compatibility with Node applications.
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
9 min
Building full-stack applications on the Edge
Scaling and maintaining applications can be a pain, especially when thinking of how to build to get the user experience to a level that you are proud of. With all these shifting parts to consider, it is important to abstract parts of your applications to global reliable services. In this talk, we will discuss some of the services that Cloudflare provides, and the role they play in improving the overall developer and user experience.
Node Congress 2022Node Congress 2022
30 min
Static first websites with Cloudflare Workers
Static websites give you all sorts of great benefits. You don’t have to worry about security or scalability. They are simple to cache, cheap to host and a breeze to maintain! But sometimes I miss all the fun things you can do with just a little bit of state! Combining the Cloudflare Pages platform with Durable Objects and the HTMLRewriter API, you can have your cake and eat it too! We’ll replicate a full WordPress experience with comments, top posts, like buttons and a page counter. All on Cloudflare’s free static site hosting platform.
You can check the slides for Jonathan's talk here.