Deno 2.0

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Deno 2.0 is imminent and it's bringing some big changes to the JavaScript runtime. In this talk, we'll introduce the new features including import maps, package.json auto-discovery, and bare specifiers. We'll discuss how these improvements will help address issues like duplicate dependencies and disappearing dependencies. Additionally, we'll delve into the built-in support for deno: specifiers on the registry and its role in providing a recommended path for publishing. Come learn about how these updates will shape the future of the JavaScript ecosystem and improve backwards compatibility with Node applications.

Ryan Dahl
Ryan Dahl
36 min
14 Apr, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription

The Talk discusses forced optimization with Node and Deno, with Deno aiming to pursue the same goals in a more expansive and modern way. Deno has built-in support for NPM and enforces security constraints. It also has a key-value database called Deno KV, which will be a core part of the Deno 2 API. Deno Deploy is a serverless Edge Functions platform powered by FoundationDB, optimized for fast reading and ideal for building eCommerce sites or application servers at the edge. Deno 2.0 is coming soon with more features under development.

Available in Español: Deno 2.0

1. Forced Optimization with Node and Deno

Short description:

My talk is about forced optimization, the original goal with Node was to force developers to easily build optimal servers by using async IO. These days, building optimal servers requires more than just async IO. With Deno, the goal is to continue pursuing the same goals but in a more expansive and modern way. The system needs to be maximally accessible, have excellent latency, and be serverless.

My talk is not called Dino 2.0, it's called forced optimization. There's this trick you do when you apply for conference talks where you give some title and some description and the night before you make it up as you're going along.

Yeah, so Node is quite old at this point. Maybe 13, 14 years old. My original goal with Node was to force developers to easily build optimal servers by forcing them to only use async IO. Not 100% true. There's synchronous IO in Node, but to a large extent, at least with network IO, you're kind of forced to use non-blocking IO. This is really standard these days. Essentially, any platform is making use of non-blocking IO. But in 2008, this was not the case. There was a lot of people writing kind of threaded, blocking IO servers.

These days, easily building servers and optimal servers needs more than just async IO. There's a lot that goes into this. You're managing cloud configurations. You're choosing a database. You're thinking about how data might be replicated around the world. Especially if you're using Node, you're navigating a plethora of tool chains and workflows that may or may not work nicely together. You're dealing with supply chain security. Just doing non-blocking IO isn't getting you all of the way there. With Deno, the goal is really a continuation of this original goal, but a little bit more expansive and modern. Deno continues the pursuit of the same goals, but thinking about this kind of holistically as a service that you're building and deploying to a public cloud. In order to achieve this, there are certain requirements that I think are obvious. First and foremost, I'm interested in building systems that are maximally accessible, that have a very large developer base. That is why JavaScript. JavaScript is not necessarily the greatest language on earth, but it is the most accessible language on earth. This system needs to have excellent latency everywhere. Whether you're accessing the system from Japan or you're accessing it from New York City, you should not be penalized for where you are in the world. This system should, I don't know if you're in agreement with this, but the system should be serverless. You want things that scale down to zero and scale up to as large as necessary. This is a big deal these days is that there is a lot of configuration that goes in here.

2. Deno: Frameworks, Security, and Compatibility

Short description:

You're dealing with Terraform, config files, and frameworks in Deno. The goal is to reduce boilerplate and improve security. Deno 2.0 is under development and aims to address compatibility issues with Node. Deno provides a prompt for file system access and takes a hard line stance on import specifiers. Node built-in modules are available in Deno.

You're dealing with Terraform, you're dealing with various config files from every possible library. You're dealing with lots of boilerplate, lots of frameworks. What are frameworks anyways? It's just boilerplate that you kind of lay down in advance in order to get running. We want to reduce that as much as possible in order to move people forward.

It should be secured by default, right? JavaScript is a great language for security because it is actually a sandbox and has the ability to restrict people from accessing the underlying system. Deno is attempting to meet these requirements and ever more getting closer to this. Deno 2.0 is coming out this summer and we're working towards this, right? We're kind of ever thinking about this in terms of how do we build kind of optimal cloud services, optimal servers.

I want to go through a couple of aspects of this and a couple of features of Deno 2.0 that are under development and demo them, and just give you a sense for how this thing works. So first and foremost, Deno, when we started a couple years ago, was very much on a parallel track to Node. And this has been difficult for people to adopt. Because a lot of the JavaScript ecosystem depends on NPM libraries, depends on Node APIs, and implementing these built-in modules is relatively important for people to get up and running quickly.

So yeah, let me just try to demo some of this. Is that visible? Okay. So builtin.js. And you can import readfilesync from node colon fs. And you can readfilesync, say, some file. Etsy password doesn't actually have any nefarious details in it these days, but it is nevertheless kind of a good example of security. So let's just log out this file here. So when we run this with Deno, of course, Deno's big thing is that there is no security by default. There's no access to the system by default, rather. And so every time you try to access the file system, you're going to get a prompt. And what it's asking me here is, do you want to actually allow this? And you can say, no, I don't, in which case the program's going to fail. Or you can say, yes, I do want that, in which case you kind of get out this buffer. In Node, you're probably used to this without a Node specifier. And Node these days is moving, is encouraging people to use the Node schema in that import specifier. Deno kind of takes a hard line stance here that we are not going to have these kind of FSBear specifiers and whatnot. So this induces a little bit of incompatibility with Node. But I think for good reason, right? This is this is not not too big and it gives you kind of a nice error message that kind of tells you what to do. So hopefully hopefully it's not too confusing for people. So we've got Node built in Node modules.


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