JS Character Encodings

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Character encodings can be confusing for every developer, providing pitfalls even for the most experienced ones, so a lot of the time we want to end up with something that “just works” without an in-depth understanding of the involved concepts. In this talk, Anna will give an overview over what they are, what the JavaScript language provides to interact with them, and how to avoid the most common mistakes in Node.js and the Web.


Strings are sequences of characters, like text, while sequences of bytes represent the digital encoding of these characters. In computing, these bytes can represent anything and are not exclusively tied to textual data.

UTF-8 is backwards compatible with ASCII because the first 127 bytes of UTF-8 match ASCII exactly, allowing UTF-8 encoded data to be read by systems that support ASCII without modification.

JavaScript engines can use various methods to store strings, often defaulting to UTF-16 encoding. However, engines are optimized to use different encodings based on the content of the string to conserve memory and enhance performance.

Using different encodings can impact how data is processed and stored. For instance, encoding mismatches can lead to data loss or misinterpretation, especially when interacting with external systems or networks.

The TextDecoder API in JavaScript allows decoding of text from binary data using different character encodings. It supports options like 'fatal' and 'stream' to handle errors and stream decoding, providing flexibility in data handling.

Understanding character encoding is crucial because it ensures that data is interpreted correctly across different systems and platforms. This is essential for maintaining data integrity and compatibility in global applications.

A common issue in Node.js is the misalignment of character data across data chunks when using certain encoding methods. This can lead to characters being incorrectly decoded if the data chunks do not align with character boundaries.

Anna Henningsen
Anna Henningsen
33 min
14 Apr, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription

Character encodings are important for converting characters into bytes. UTF-8 is the most commonly used encoding in JavaScript. JavaScript engines handle character encodings automatically. There are bugs in Node.js related to character encoding and string manipulation. It is important to be cautious when working with character encodings and to choose the appropriate method for string manipulation.

Available in Español: Codificación de caracteres en JS

1. Introduction to Character Encodings

Short description:

I am working at MongoDB working on the Developer Tools team. So let's jump in. Why are character encodings important? Your program is typically run by an operating system that has no idea what a string is. The solution is to assign numbers to characters and convert them into bytes. Strings and sequences of bytes are different things. Historically, people came up with ways to assign numbers to characters, like ASCII and character encodings for different languages.

I am working at MongoDB working on the Developer Tools team so the Shell and the GUI and the VSCode extension for the database but this talk has absolutely nothing to do with that. So let's jump in.

So about a month ago or so I saw this tweet which got somewhat popular on Twitter and you know... Some people are laughing, you get the joke. Obviously, the easiest way to get the length of a string in JavaScript is to do object spread in it then call object.keyson.object and then use array prototype reduce to sum up the length of that array. So we all know what the joke is. But let's take a step back.

Why are character encodings sometimes something that we care about or have to deal with? The typical situation that you're in is you're a software developer and you're writing software. You're writing a program. That program does not exist in isolation. There is something else out there, literally anything but your program like the file system, network, other programs, other computers, anything like that. And obviously you want your software to be able to communicate with them. The default way to communicate anything is to use strings. You can put basically anything in a string. Any data you have you can serialize into a string. So it would be nice if we could talk with these other programs using strings. Unfortunately, that's not how it works.

Your program is typically run by an operating system that has no idea what a string is. If it's a Javascript program, which is going to be the case for many of you, a Javascript string is something that the Javascript engine understands, but your operating system has no idea what to do with that. You can't just pass it directly to that. That also means you can't pass it to other things. So the solution that people came up with is, you have your string, and for each character in that string you assign that character a number, and then you come up with some clever way to assign or convert these numbers into a sequence of bytes. And this feels like a very basic discussion to have, but I think it's important to have that distinction in mind.

When I say strings, I mean sequence of characters, like text. This intermediate representation, which for the most part you don't care about, I'm going to refer to that as code points, because that is the language that Unicode uses for this, and then your output is a sequence of bytes. Obviously when you're decoding you go these steps in reverse. If you take anything away from this talk, it's that strings and sequences of bytes are different things. Historically, how people have approached that, back in the 70s when Americans had not yet discovered that there is something besides America in the world, you came up with a way to assign, a standardist way to assign numbers to characters, and those were characters from 1 to 128, and that's enough space for lowercase and uppercase English alphabets and some special characters and, you know, who needs more than that? Then the next iteration, which is a little bit more popular around the 90s I would say, is, you know, you discover that there are other languages out there besides English, and you say like, okay, well, ASCII is 128 characters, so 7 bits, bytes usually have 8 bits, so we have another 128 characters available. And the solution that people came out with was like, you know, you're probably either going to have Greek text, or Slavic text, or Arabic text, you're not going to mix these probably. So, for each of these you create a character encoding.

2. Character Encodings and JavaScript

Short description:

And so these ISO-8859 character encodings, they're like 16 different character encodings each of the additional characters that are not ASCII have an additional meaning. Unicode solves the problem by allowing as many code points as we want. UTF-8 is the most commonly used encoding, and it is backwards compatible with ASCII. UTF-16, on the other hand, uses two bytes per character but can require four bytes for certain characters. JavaScript lets you interact with strings as if they were stored using UTF-16.

And so these ISO-8859 character encodings, they're like 16 different character encodings each of the additional characters that are not ASCII have an additional meaning. But you can't mix, like you can't have a single byte sequence that can represent both, say, Greek and Arabic text, and sometimes you might want that. So something that got popular towards the end of the 90s is Unicode.

And so Unicode essentially solves that problem by saying, yeah we're not going to stick to single byte encodings, we're just going to have as many code points as we want. There is a limitation, like around one million code points currently, but that's, I mean, we're not close to hitting that currently. I don't think we're going to get that many emojis, so I think that's OK. What is sometimes relevant for JavaScript is that the first 265 code points match one of these prior encodings, namely ISA8591, that doesn't mean by itself that it is compatible with ASCII, because that's only the code points, not the actual transformation to byte sequences. But then you have multiple encodings to do that, and the one that we all know and use everyday is UTF-8, and this one is backwards compatible with ASCII because, you know, the first 127 bytes match ASCII exactly, and it uses all the other bytes to, you know, represent other characters that don't fit into that range.

And then there's UTF-16, which JavaScript people might also care about from time to time, where the idea is more closely to, you know, two bytes per character. This made a lot of sense when Unicode was first introduced because back then, you know, nobody expected that there might be more than 65,000 characters to care about. So, you know, two byte was a very natural choice for that. But with things like emoji being introduced, we're going to—we've stepped outside that range. So some things have to be represented by pairs of two bytes, so four bytes in total. So people sometimes say that JavaScript uses UTF-16, and like, well, there might be something to that. So I have here the output of the Unicode command line utility. If you've never used that, it is a very neat tool for finding out information about individual characters or looking up characters based on their code points, all that kind of stuff. However, I wrote that, I am very thankful. There is an example of what this looks like in UTF-16. I've highlighted that. And then, what happens when you use Node to print out the length of a string that only contains this single hamster face character? It says two, even though it's one character. And then you can dig further and you see that like, this one character compares equal to a string comprised of two escape sequences. And these escape sequences happen to match exactly how UTF-16 serializes things. And so you might say, well, JavaScript uses UTF-16. I'm done. The reality is that UTF-16 is a character encoding. It's a way of transforming sequences of characters into sequences of bytes. There is no sequence of bytes in here. This is not an encoding thing. It just happens to have some similarities. So in some ways, JavaScript lets you interact with strings as if they were stored using UTF-16.


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