Parse, Don’t Validate

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Most JavaScript applications use JSON.parse to create any object first, and then validate and narrow the data type to the expected one. This approach has performance and security problems, as even if the data is invalid, the whole JSON string needs to be parsed first before the data is validated, instead of failing at JSON parsing stage (e.g., if number is passed instead of string in some property).

Many languages support parsing of JSON strings directly into the expected types, but it is not natively supported in JavaScript or TypeScript.

In this talk we will show how the powers of TypeScript combined with the new specification JSON Type Definition (RFC 8927) and Ajv library can be used to parse your data directly into the expected application-defined type faster than JSON.parse, and also how to serialize data of a known type approximately 10 times faster than JSON.serialize.



Simplex Chat is a unique messaging platform founded by Evgeniy, which is distinctive for not having user identifiers.

The primary challenges include security, reliability, and data validation, which are consistent issues across various projects.

JSON Schema is a way to define the format and structure of data, widely adopted since 2009. JTD (JSON Type Definition) is a simpler alternative started in 2020, supporting discriminated unions but with some limitations compared to JSON Schema.

JSON can be wasteful as it requires parsing the entire data piece before validation, it's time-consuming due to its complex, nested nature, and it has security issues like potential for call stack exhaustion and DDoS attacks.

Fastify enhances performance by efficiently handling serialization of responses, understanding the structure of the data it returns, which minimizes loops and accelerates property access.

AJV is a library used for data validation with JSON Schema and has significantly grown, with 350 million downloads monthly as of 2015. It helps manage data correctness and security in JavaScript applications.

For API development, JTD (JSON Type Definition) is recommended for most use cases because of its simplicity and alignment with data types, providing clearer and more efficient data handling.

Type alignment ensures that data parsing and serialization are directly linked to specific data types, which improves performance, security, and reliability by ensuring data is correctly typed and structured.

Evgeny Poberezkin
Evgeny Poberezkin
Jason Green
Jason Green
26 min
17 Apr, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription

Hello. We're going to talk today about JavaScript and how to ensure data correctness. JSON can be wasteful and has security issues, but Fastify tackles these challenges. JTD is better than JSON Schema for most API use cases, as it has a more strict structure and avoids debugging issues. Jason demonstrates how to validate data with JTD and TypeScript, ensuring data validity and improving performance. The approach of parsing JSON directly to the application type and serializing a specific type improves security and reliability.

Available in Español: Analizar, no validar

1. Introduction to JavaScript and Data Correctness

Short description:

Hello. We're going to talk today about JavaScript and how to ensure data correctness. We've worked together on various projects, including MailOnline and Threads. I'll hand over to Jason to introduce himself. Jason is the director of technology at Threads Styling and has extensive experience with data validation using JSON Schema. We've encountered common problems in our projects, such as security, reliability, and data validation. We'll discuss an alternative approach to validation that involves parsing and carrying the proof of validity. JSON, while flexible, has its challenges and can be wasteful.

Hello. I'm Evgeniy and this is Jason. We're going to talk today about JavaScript and how ensure data correctness but before we'll give a brief introduction.

So, we've done lots of great things together. We worked together at MailOnline, at Threads, and when I did java library Jason also helped a lot. So, currently I founded a Simplex chat, which is a messaging platform that is the only one of a kind that doesn't have user identifiers, but this is not what the talk is about.

So, I'll hand over to Jason to introduce himself. Thanks, Evgeniy. Obviously, you know by now I'm Jason Green, I'm director of technology at Threads Styling. Threads is a fashion tech company pioneering the world of personalized luxury shopping through chat and social media. I also previously worked with Evgeniy as a principal engineer at the MailOnline. I've been a long time user of data validation with JSON Schema and in particular using AJV, which I've witnessed grow and mature so much over the years. I'm an early investor in simplex chat as well.

Yeah, AJV growth has been indeed crazy so it's got from really nothing in 2015 when it started and now it has 350 million downloads every month with every JavaScript application probably everyone using that. So why do we want to talk about what we talk about, right? In all these projects we've done and we've done some really cool things, right? We've done a content creator at MailOnline when we've been quite mature and nevertheless we've built a very complex in-browser application and with hundreds of thousands of lines of JavaScript code that allowed editing. The whole MailOnline website is managed by that. And then when I was using engineering threads and Jason also joined threads, we built StoryMaker. Mostly Jason built it, I'm just basking in the glory. So it was a content management system for Instagram, which we definitely learned a lot of things from the previous project. And in all of those projects we did, we have been invariably hitting the same problems of security, reliability, data validation, whatever project we do, the problems are invariably the same. So I've done a lot of Haskell, and this parse.don't.validate.maxim belongs to Alexis Kane, one of the best and most genius Haskell engineers out there, who proposes the approach to parsing as an alternative to validation. So rather than just check that your data is correct, you push the proof and carry the proof of validity around. So not just correct, not just check that your data is correct, but also obtain some proof as if it's in some different type and use it across your application. So I'm gonna hand over to Jason. And in this class with JavaScript, what we'll learn is that you should really not be using native JSON in JavaScript. You should be doing some other things. Jason, over to you.

So as we all know, JSON is a widely used format that's generally considered to be flexible and easy to work with. However, it's important to be aware of some of the potential problems and challenges that it has. JSON is particularly wasteful.

2. Challenges with JSON and Importance of Performance

Short description:

Passing JSON can be wasteful as you need to pass the entire data before checking its validity. JSON has security issues and can exhaust the call stack with deep structures or be used in DDoS attacks. Performance and reliability are important depending on the situation, especially when it affects user experience and satisfaction. Fastify is a library that tackles serialization by defining inputs and outputs in JSON Schema, increasing speed and improving data structure handling.

Now, it's not something you're gonna notice in your day-to-day debugging when you're working with it, but passing JSON can be a very wasteful process, as you need to pass the entire piece of data before you can understand or even begin to check if it's valid or not. Because of the potentially complex and nested nature of JSON, it can be particularly time-consuming to then go on and validate.

Many of us who started in JavaScript have come to love working with type script, but then you go and throw a big large blob of unstructured JSON into the mix, and suddenly, you're back to square one. None of your types matter, and everything is unknown again. It also has some security issues. These are issues that I actually wasn't very aware of despite working with it for a long time, until looking into it. If you have very, very deep structures, they can actually exhaust your call stack. This can be just because of the data itself, or it can be a deliberate attack with very deeply nested structures being sent to your APIs. You can also suffer from very large blobs of data being sent to your APIs in the form of a DDoS attack. Once again, before you can even understand if it's valid or not, your API will have to dutifully pass those blobs, which once again is very wasteful. It is even possible to do prototype pollution attacks via JSON as well.

So before we are concerned about performance and reliability, it's important to think about when performance and reliability is actually important. It does seem like an obvious statement. You know, most people wouldn't go out of their way to make an argument that it's not important, but it's not going to be important for every situation. It really depends on various factors. Obviously, a slow app is better than no app at all. So if you have an application that's delivering value, you may have much bigger issues that you need to face before worrying about performance and reliability. Particularly in the early stages of app development, you're going to be much more concerned with time to market. If your app isn't even available yet, that's obviously a big issue. You're going to be concerned about budget, the overall user experience of your application, and of course, what are your users' needs and what's most pressing to them. However, it is going to be an issue when the performance is affecting user experience and satisfaction. That can risk you losing users and those people who go away from your application or site because it didn't load fast enough, they may not come back, which is obviously what we refer to as high bounce rates.

Even worse, if reliability is your issue and your customers are losing their work or their data is becoming corrupted, that's a big issue that, in the best case, can result in some apologies. In the worst case, you may actually end up having to pay for it in some way through compensation or discounts to keep people happy. So there is actually a solution to part of this problem, which is tackled by a library called Fastify, which is a replacement for your Express router. It tackles the serialization part of the problem, which is to say that by defining the inputs and outputs and the shape of them in JSON Schema, this library is able to more quickly serialize the responses and it can get quite good increase in speed because it's focused on ... because it knows the structure of the data it's supposed to be returning. In this way, it can take a lot that would normally be loops and turn them into straight property access. So if you talk about schemas, for a long time JSON Schema was the only way to define the format of the data or the type of the data or whatever you call it. It started from 2009 and since 2020 there is an alternative specification that was created to address the shortcomings.

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