Raising the Bar: Our Journey Making React Native a Preferred Choice

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At Microsoft, we're committed to providing our teams with the best tools and technologies to build high-quality mobile applications. React Native has long been a preferred choice for its high performance and great user experience, but getting stakeholders on board can be a challenge. In this talk, we will share our journey of making React Native a preferred choice for stakeholders who prioritize ease of integration and developer experience. We'll discuss the specific strategies we used to achieve our goal and the results we achieved.

Lorenzo Sciandra
Lorenzo Sciandra
29 min
20 Oct, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription

This Talk discusses Rack Native at Microsoft and the efforts to improve code integration, developer experience, and leadership goals. The goal is to extend Rack Native to any app, utilize web code, and increase developer velocity. Implementing web APIs for React Native is being explored, as well as collaboration with Meta. The ultimate aim is to make web code into universal code and enable developers to write code once and have it work on all platforms.

1. Introduction to Rack Native at Microsoft

Short description:

I'm here today to talk about raising the bar. My name is Calcet, a maintainer for Rack Native at Microsoft. We use Rack Native in our biggest mobile apps, as well as on other platforms like Mac OS and Windows. We had a talk at Chain React about using and maintaining Rack Native for desktop. We also introduced the concept of the Microsoft Galaxy, with multiple Monorepos.

Why are you here? This is Zytrack. Go, go have fun. No, thank you for being here. I really appreciate you all. And well, as our lovely MC already said, I'm here today to talk about raising the bar. So, let's jump right into it.

She's already also mentioned that my name is Lorenzo Chandra. This is my face, but maybe you recognize me more like this. My name is Calcet. I've been a maintainer for Rack Native since 2018. I'm a senior software engineer at Microsoft. And what I want to talk about today is basically the journey that internally at Microsoft, me, and a few colleagues have been going through.

You see, our job, specifically me and my colleagues, is to be invisible. And you can be like, well, you suck at that. You're on stage. I can see you. You're already failing. And like, yeah, fair enough. But let me give you a bit of an explanation. So, first off, when you think about Rack Native, of course, you think about mobile apps. And at Microsoft, yes, we do use Rack Native a lot in some of our biggest mobile apps. Of course, these are mostly Brownfield apps. So, we have some parts native and some parts in Rack Native. But not only that, we actually do use Rack Native on all the other platforms that you can think of. We use it for Mac OS and Windows. And we had a talk at Chain React earlier this year from two of my colleagues, Chiara and Shivyan. And I would highly recommend you watch it because it really dives into the desktop aspect of using and maintaining Rack Native for those platforms. But not only that, a few years back, we did introduce the concept of the Microsoft Galaxy. You see, Microsoft is a big company. We don't only have one Monorepo, we have many of them.

2. Solutions for Seamless Code Integration

Short description:

When working on Rack Native, we ensure seamless code integration across different apps and Monorepos. Our goal is to enable developers to leverage the tooling instead of fighting with it. Challenges like varying needs, different versions of Rack Native, and bundle size are addressed through our solutions, including the React Native test app. This sandbox app abstracts away the pain points of using a vanilla React Native app and supports multiple versions. It also supports the new architecture and offers an experimental single app mode. Our solutions cover iOS, Android, MacOS, and Windows platforms.

And when we work on Rack Native, of course, you want to have something that can be used across different apps. So, for example, I think we recently have done the full rollout of one of the main Rack Native experiences across all the main apps. And for that to happen, basically, we have all these different Monorepos interacting with each other, but that increases the complexity of using Rack Native by quite a bit.

So, that's where me and my colleagues come in. We basically make sure that all these different parts of the galaxy, all these different planets can use the code, can take the code from one Monorepo, put it in the other one, and everything should work. So, we are invisible in that sense, because we want people to flawlessly be able to work on their code, and then that code to go into the final app, into what we call a host app, usually the products that you use.

To say in a more proper term though, what we try to do is basically enable developers working on our products to leverage the tooling instead of fighting with it. And you're all, well, some of you are Rack Native developers, so probably you know that there can be potential pain points. And at Microsoft, we have a few that are very specific to this Galaxy approach that we have. So, when we have hundreds of engineers spread across many different projects, if everyone has different needs, if they use different versions of Rack Native, different versions of their libraries, that creates a problem.

If the bundle size is too big, that's definitely a problem, because our apps like Office, that's one app for, you know, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, like all in one mobile app, as you know, like there are some policies on the stores. So, we're always like, just write below that, and we need to keep it there of course. And you know, upgrading, we all know the story when it comes to upgrading, I see everyone is just like, oh my god. And I'm sorry, it's partly my fault, we're trying to be making better. But yeah, and sometimes the code doesn't work, like it works on your site, on your monorepo where you do development, and then you, you know, send it to Outlook and then they put it into their code base and it doesn't work.

So, a lot of these things, of course, cannot be necessarily solved at the core level. So, by sending PRs against React Native, sometimes we need to take things into our own hands. And to do that, we have been working on two main solutions. The first one is what we call the test bench. This is called the React Native test app, and it's basically a sandbox React Native app where we have abstracted away, 99.9% of the pain points of using a vanilla React Native app. This one supports from 64 to 72, and we're working on 73, and basically this means that you have the sandbox and you can very quickly, and I'll show you in a bit, swap from one version of React Native to the other so that in your test environment, you can verify that all the versions that your host apps are using, their code is going to work, basically.

It does support the new architecture. It supports the Xfce cloud config plugins. We're trying to make it as usable as possible for the community, too. And we also have an experimental single app mode. So if you have a small project side thing that you want to try to put into a different vanilla React Native app, please talk to me, because we're looking for sacrifices, people we can have a partnership with and try these things out. And of course, it's not just for iOS and Android. We care about MacOS and Windows, too. So out of the box, you throw your code in there and it works across all these different platforms. You don't need to take care of those.


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