
A career in JavaScript is the pursuit of a professional path focused on developing, designing, and maintaining websites, applications, and programs using the JavaScript programming language. It involves writing code that is optimized for web browsers and other platforms, understanding client requirements, and creating user-friendly designs. In addition to coding, a career in JavaScript may also involve troubleshooting existing code, testing, debugging, and deploying software solutions. The skillset required for this type of career includes knowledge of HTML, CSS, and other scripting languages, as well as problem-solving and analytical thinking.
On Becoming a Tech Lead
TechLead Conference 2023TechLead Conference 2023
25 min
On Becoming a Tech Lead
Top Content
Tech lead sounds like a lot of work. And not the fun coding kind either. Why would you ever want that? What does it feel like when you get it?In this talk Swizec explains why he took the step towards technical leadership, how his priorities changed, and why it means he’s doing more engineering than ever. A whole new world where writing code is the easy part.
Effective Communication for Engineers
TechLead Conference 2023TechLead Conference 2023
36 min
Effective Communication for Engineers
Top Content
Your communication skills affect your career prospects, the value you bring to your company, and the likelihood of your promotion. This session helps you communicate better in a variety of professional situations, including meetings, email messages, pitches, and presentations.
A Career As Software Engineer
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
24 min
A Career As Software Engineer
Typically I talk a lot about deeply technical concepts like TypeScript, type systems, (im)mutability, MobX, Immer etc. But this time it's going to be personal and I'll share lessons, good and bad, about growing as an engineer. I've been leading open source projects, short lived projects as a freelancer and I went through the transition of engineer to tech lead twice. Both at a young startup and at Meta. This talk will be about personal experiences, unpopular opinions and even actions, and anything else that might be counterintuitive. Join for some take-aways for anyone aiming at an engineering focused career. Probably I will be wrong about most things, so don’t miss the opportunity to follow up afterwards!
Impact: Growing as an Engineer
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
27 min
Impact: Growing as an Engineer
Top Content
Becoming a web engineer is not easy, but there are tons of resources out there to help you on your journey. But where do you go from there? What do you do to keep growing, and to keep expanding the value you bring to your company? In this talk we’ll look at the different kinds of impact you can have as a web engineer. We’ll walk through what it means to take on bigger, more complex projects, and how to scale yourself, and grow the community around you. By driving our own development we can all grow our impact, and in this talk, we’ll discuss how to go about this.
Content Creation for Developers
C3 Dev Festival 2024C3 Dev Festival 2024
18 min
Content Creation for Developers
Learn how to create and share professional web development content to expand your reach, advance your careers and establish expert status. This talk will tech you how to share your knowledge effectively through blogs, videos, and social media posts, helping you stand out and connect with others.
Cognitive Load and Your Development Environment
C3 Dev Festival 2024C3 Dev Festival 2024
19 min
Cognitive Load and Your Development Environment
There's lots of information out there about reducing cognitive load for users, but what about developers? This talk will cover Cognitive Load Theory, how some disabilities affect it, and designing a development environment around it.
Rebooting Joy: Harnessing Playfulness and Hobbies to Redefine Work in the Tech World
TechLead Conference 2024TechLead Conference 2024
6 min
Rebooting Joy: Harnessing Playfulness and Hobbies to Redefine Work in the Tech World
In this presentation, we explore the role of playfulness and hobbies in preventing burnout in the tech industry. Discover how integrating joy and creativity into our work routines can enhance innovation and well-being. Join us for insights and strategies to embrace a more balanced and fulfilling approach to technology work.
Listen Better, Lead Better
C3 Dev Festival 2024C3 Dev Festival 2024
7 min
Listen Better, Lead Better
We all had a manager who doesn’t seem to listen to a single word we say, and if we don’t, it’s probably because we are that person. I’ve been on both ends, but I found a way out of the vicious cycle. The answer is active listening.As leaders, we have a lot of influence and power to make changes. We owe the team the responsibility of taking care of the team members, helping them grow, and supporting them in tough times, and we cannot do this effectively if we don’t know how to actively listen. Why would someone listen to us if we don’t listen to them?Active listening is a communication skill that involves going beyond simply hearing the words that another person speaks, to seek to understand the meaning and intent behind them. Listening builds trust, builds shared understanding, and puts the people on the same side to work toward a solution.Explore with me the meaning of active listening, how it can help us be more effective and empathetic leaders, and how to practice it.
From Chaos to Clarity: Leveraging RFCs in High-Performance Environments
TechLead Conference 2024TechLead Conference 2024
10 min
From Chaos to Clarity: Leveraging RFCs in High-Performance Environments
In high-performance environments, the pace is relentless. While it's easy to make quick technical decisions in smaller developer teams, the dynamics shift drastically when dealing with a team of 100 developers. Making significant technical decisions, especially those concerning architecture, without impacting other teams becomes nearly impossible.In this talk, I'll share my experience of structuring an RFCs process at QuintoAndar. We'll delve deep into RFCs, uncovering why they're an indispensable tool for companies aiming to maintain technical excellence, even with a sizable workforce. We'll explore how RFCs facilitate high-level technical decision-making, providing a clear roadmap for changes and empowering everyone to navigate risks with precision.
Love Your Maintainers
TechLead Conference 2024TechLead Conference 2024
19 min
Love Your Maintainers
No developer is an island and no developer is perfect. This means that you cannot create anything without using components written by someone else and these components will have defects or missing features. At some point in our life we all asked for support to someone else.But being a maintainer is not an easy task at all. Think about receiving tons of reports with partial or missing information, or being yelled by strangers for not being responsive or fast enough.For the health of our industry we must love our maintainers more: in this talk I’ll show how to politely ask for help and how to make sure you provide all the necessary informations.
From Senior Developer to Manager and Back: The Journey of Returning to Coding
C3 Dev Festival 2024C3 Dev Festival 2024
19 min
From Senior Developer to Manager and Back: The Journey of Returning to Coding
You're working as a developer, and one day - BAM, you're offered the chance to lead a team, to step into a managerial or leadership position.What now? If I accept the offer, will I forget how to code? Will my skills depreciate? Is there a way back to a specialist path? Can I really be a “manager by day, developer by night”? Will I still be a technical person?I've been at this point! At Atlassian, I undertook an experiment and moved from a senior developer position to a manager role for 15 months... and then I went back to coding.Will my experience help you make a decision if you're facing one - I don’t know. But it will be food for thought 
From Business Buzzwords to Meaningful Change: Measuring and Improving Engineering Productivity
C3 Dev Festival 2024C3 Dev Festival 2024
26 min
From Business Buzzwords to Meaningful Change: Measuring and Improving Engineering Productivity
After years of rapid growth, the winds have changed in many tech companies, with strategy changes, budget cuts, restructurings, and layoffs. Productivity and efficiency have become the business buzzwords of the season, and while pressure towards “more engineering productivity” is mounting in many organizations, it can be difficult to apply these abstract concepts to engineering teams and turn them into concrete actions that don’t alienate your team and lead to lasting impact that aligns with your stakeholders’ needs. I’m here to help. In this talk, we’ll go: - Beyond buzzwords: What do productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness mean? - Beyond “implementing DORA metrics”: How can you understand and improve your team's productivity as a technical or people leader?- Beyond your team: How can you manage up effectively to keep your bosses informed and ensure alignment with organizational goals?Having led dozens of teams through times of high change, I know that leading during a tech downturn presents unique challenges. You will take away actionable steps to help you improve on your team, and lead successfully through uncertain times.
Maximizing Your Potential in Tech Interviews: The Three Cs to Success
TechLead Conference 2024TechLead Conference 2024
21 min
Maximizing Your Potential in Tech Interviews: The Three Cs to Success
The economy is terrible, layoffs are everywhere, and interviewing is hard. Job searching is exhausting and stressful, so how do you overcome all of that? All you need is a plan!
Whether it’s overcoming nerves or learning to communicate your technical experience more effectively, we all have our struggles. What you can’t do is let them hold you back! In this talk, learn how to leverage the three C’s (Connections, Communication, and Confidence) to gain a competitive advantage during your interviews. By embracing this strategy, you’ll be prepared to crush your next interview and get that offer!
The Art of Interviewing People or How to Identify Senior Talent
TechLead Conference 2024TechLead Conference 2024
22 min
The Art of Interviewing People or How to Identify Senior Talent
This session explores the art of interviewing beyond traditional assessments, focusing on cultivating soft skills, mentorship, and recognizing senior talent. Covering strategies to build rapport, assess soft skills effectively, and shift the interview dynamic towards mentorship, the talk emphasizes the importance of cultivating a supportive environment for candidates. Additionally, it delves into identifying seniority traits beyond technical expertise, promoting diversity, and continuous improvement through feedback. Participants will gain insights to transform interviews into meaningful engagements that find talent and potential future leaders.
Tiny Things That Throw You Into Chaos: Engineering Leader’s Way Out of Daily Havoc
C3 Dev Festival 2024C3 Dev Festival 2024
25 min
Tiny Things That Throw You Into Chaos: Engineering Leader’s Way Out of Daily Havoc
Probably the most noticeable change engineers experience when they become leaders is the increase of day-to-day chaos. The moment you become responsible for the work of a team or a large area, tasks start coming at you. Dozens of them! Sometimes, per day. And also, questions. From everyone and their dog! And finally, meetings. Lots of them, long and short, exciting and boring... Does it sound familiar?
To me, very. And it took me quite some time to figure out what to do with that. I'm going to share my recipe for taming the chaos with you. I'll talk about the components of that chaos, of reasons that they occur, and about solutions for avoiding it.
Preparing for Success: A Frontend Engineer's Guide to Tech Due Diligence
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
32 min
Preparing for Success: A Frontend Engineer's Guide to Tech Due Diligence
Imagine being a knight preparing for a jousting tournament, but your horse is more interested in the fair's hay bales than your impending duel. That's what prepping your tech department for an investment round or exit can feel like sometimes. This talk provides an in-depth look into the role of a frontend engineer, especially working with React, in preparing a tech department for an investment round or an exit. Through a unique lens of tech due diligence, the presentation uncovers the importance of good practices, solid architecture, efficient documentation, and more.
Three Factors That are Blocking Contributions to Your Open Source Project
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
14 min
Three Factors That are Blocking Contributions to Your Open Source Project
When talking about contributing to open-source projects, it’s crucial to understand from a maintainer point of view what factors are stopping new contributors from contributing to your project. Whether your codebase is very overwhelming to the contributors for the first time or it  lacks good first issues and enough responsive response to their problems. 
In this talk, I will explain how I built a campaign at Amplication that scaled the contributors from 30 to 200 in just one year and how it solved every problem I mentioned above.

The Unexpected Key Value Pair in Mentoring
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
9 min
The Unexpected Key Value Pair in Mentoring
Finding mentorship when beginning your professional journey can be hard, yet it is so vital to have this support to build confidence, and grow at each stage of the process.  5+ years ago, Sidney reached out to me on LinkedIn with questions about bootcamps.  I was finishing my first year at Stitch Fix and from that first GoogleMeet call, we have now met nearly every month and followed and supported each other throughout our respective journeys in engineering.  We have never worked together, and we’ve never met!  Join us as we meet for the first time in person and talk about how vital our pairing has been! 
Lessons Learned While Learning Live
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
25 min
Lessons Learned While Learning Live
Talking in front of an audience = scary. Learning something new = scary.
Let’s talk about doing scary learning something new, WHILE being in front of an audience!
One year and 100+ videos streamed, learning TypeScript the way I learn, has helped it click in a snowball effect helping other topics ranging from Python to APIs make more sense.
In this talk, the audience will walk away with an understanding of figuring out how you learn as an individual is a lifelong gift you never knew you needed. 
Tired of Tech? Hit Reset with a Sabbatical or LOA
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
8 min
Tired of Tech? Hit Reset with a Sabbatical or LOA
Tech is tiring. Whether you’re trying to stay upskilled on the latest JavaScript framework or wading through toxic work swamps, it feels like burnout is constantly looming on the horizon. Sabbaticals and leaves of absence (LOAs) are two benefits you could take advantage of to catch a much-needed (and overdue) extended break. I’ve taken both, one time to live abroad in France for 6 months and the other time to take the summer off for 10 weeks, both at different Fortune 500 companies and each time they moved my career forward, not backward. I’ll walk through step-by-step how to figure out if you’re eligible for these benefits, break down the implications to insurance and job security in plain language, and illustrate some strategies on bridging the income gap so you can sleep at night. By the end you’ll walk away with the confidence to finally give yourself permission to reset and get excited about tech again.
Why Leetcode is Dead and Pair Programming for Interviews is the Way Forward
TechLead Conference 2023TechLead Conference 2023
32 min
Why Leetcode is Dead and Pair Programming for Interviews is the Way Forward
We’ve all experienced the job application which required us to do an online coding test. You have to brush up on your algorithms, data structures, time complexity, and by the end of it you’re cramming as if it was a university exam! Now that we’re the ones usually interviewing candidates, a good question to ask is: “are online coding tests the best indicator of a candidate’s proficiency and competence?” In this talk, we’ll explore:- The pitfalls of Leetcode-like tests- What we should be looking for in candidates- How pair programming is the best way to see how a candidate would work with the team- Plus a little mini demo on a remote pair programming interview

Do You Really Have to Become a Manager to Advance in Your Career?
TechLead Conference 2023TechLead Conference 2023
20 min
Do You Really Have to Become a Manager to Advance in Your Career?
You start as a junior developer, happily delivering lines of code. Life is easy, you love your job, you are learning a lot. And then someone approaches you saying: "We need a tech leader for a new team, and you are the most experienced person available". You either become miserable or find your new calling, but your job is not really what it was before. And then someone approaches you saying: "We are looking for a new engineering manager, and you are the most experienced person available".Is that really the most optimal career path? What could we do differently? Let's have a look at your talents and the talents needed for the job.There are many different jobs in tech: writing code, leading teams, managing people and projects, helping others use your technology, teaching, research, debugging.

Purpose: What I Learned from Stepping Down as Team Lead Twice
TechLead Conference 2023TechLead Conference 2023
8 min
Purpose: What I Learned from Stepping Down as Team Lead Twice
I know developers feel doubts of choosing the IC role over a manager or vice versa. I'll tell about my own road how to find own purpose doing things I like.
How to Get a Mentor Without Telling Them
TechLead Conference 2023TechLead Conference 2023
21 min
How to Get a Mentor Without Telling Them
Mentorship has a reputation of taking a lot of time and work. But what if it wasn't? Here are ways to get a mentor, be a mentor, and how to navigate it. I have always worked on getting mentors in every corner of my engineering career. I have mentors that do not even know they are my mentor. But I like it that way. I will go into how to get a mentor at any stage of your engineering career and how to be a good mentor/mentee.
You Do Have Time to Build it Twice
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
21 min
You Do Have Time to Build it Twice
Top Content
If you don’t have time to build it right, when will you have time to build it twice? In hyper growth startups the old adage breaks down. You get an expanding time horizon – IF you can get it shipped. An imperfect feature next week beats the perfect feature 2 months from now. Your code won’t matter if you’re dead. I didn’t believe this until I saw it myself. A startup on the cusp of hockeystick hired me to rewrite their jQuery app in React. Their tech proved the idea then became a burden. Over the next year we rewrote the whole app from scratch, grew a team of React experts, created a codebase that’s a joy to work with, and got the company to a $100,000,000 Series B. All because the early engineers knew that if the crappy version works out, there’s going to be time and resources to fix it later. This talk is about what I’ve learned while rewriting an app with users banging down the door.
When You Think There Is No Time for Learning or Coding
JSNation Live 2020JSNation Live 2020
8 min
When You Think There Is No Time for Learning or Coding
In this session, I am going to share my story on how I started coding, how I make time to work on side projects and how you can grow and advance in your career. After this talk, I hope you'll be inspired to work smarter, make new habits and continue pushing yourself even when things fall apart.
I will present some helpful tips about self-motivation, time management, setting priorities and goals, staying organized, believing in yourself and keeping a balance between your career and personal life. Additionally, in this session, we are going to talk about building the habit of coding and the benefits of it. We are going to explore ways of finding mentors in your job and outside of it and also expanding your social network.
This talk is not only about getting better at your 9 to 5 job but also about developing yourself.
Engineers Learn to Negotiate
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
8 min
Engineers Learn to Negotiate
When people ask me the most important skill I can learn to become better at my job and get promotions, I always tell them: The art of communication and human interaction. When working as engineers we are interacting with many people on daily basis. It is crucial for us to learn how to negotiate and persuade people. In this talk, we will cover 3 main techniques to become a better negotiator. these techniques can help us interact with others more effectively, get our projects approved, get promoted easier and even help us in our life.
Lessons To Outlive React
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
34 min
Lessons To Outlive React
Top Content
There was a time before React, and there will be life after. If you tie yourself too closely to any technology, you might trap yourself and miss the next wave. Let's zoom out from the state management library du jour — what timeless lessons can we learn from React? In the talk I'll discuss lessons I've learned from studying React that I will take with me for the rest of my career.