VS Code Can Do That!

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How do you debug so easily in VS Code? How do codespaces work? What are those key combinations to edit code so quickly? What extensions are the ones I shouldn't code without? Get ready to hit the ground running in this fast-paced, demo-heavy talk that takes you through some of the best and most effective tips and tricks in VS Code. Learn how to setup your environment and customize it the way you like it. You'll walk out with several tips on how to be more efficient with one of the hottest tools on the Web today!

John Papa
John Papa
28 min
11 Jun, 2021


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Video Summary and Transcription

The Talk covers various tips and features of using VS Code, including the command palette, Zen mode, external terminals, and debugging. It also highlights advanced editing and refactoring features, Git integration, and the use of dev containers. The speaker demonstrates how to set up a dev container for a Python app, run code in a container, and create and configure dev containers. The benefits of using dev containers are also discussed, such as eliminating manual configuration, handling dependencies, and facilitating team-based development.

Available in Español: ¡VS Code puede hacer eso!

1. The Power of Knowing Which Button to Press

Short description:

There is a legend about Thomas Edison in New York City. When thousands of homes were without power, he knew exactly which button to press to restore it. The moral of the story is that efficiency comes from knowing which button to press, not just pressing buttons in VS Code.

Thank you all for coming. I'd like to start you out with a little bit of a story before we get into VS Code specifically. There is this legend that a long time ago, there was a power of failure in New York City. With this came tens of thousands of homes without power. What did they do? They called Thomas Edison to come down and see what you could do to help us out with this. Thomas Edison walks in and looks at the situation and says, You know, I think I know what to do. He goes ahead and looks at the wall and presses a button, and all the power is turned on everywhere inside the entire city. It's great. We get the power back. They say thank you so much for doing this. He says no problem. And he writes up a bill on his invoice there and hands it to them. And it's for $10,000. Which is a lot of money at the time. So they're like, we're grateful and all, but all you do is press a button. And he goes, I got you, you're right. Let me revise that. They're like, thank you so much. So what he does, he revises the bill to be a dollar for pressing the button. And then $9,999 for knowing which button to press. And that's really the moral of the story here. It's not about pressing a button in VS Code. It's about knowing which button to press to be efficient.

2. Tips for Using VS Code

Short description:

VS Code has a command palette that can be accessed using F1 or Command-Shift-P. The Insiders Build provides daily drops of updated features and is quite stable. You can find files quickly by name using the command palette or by navigating through the tree in the Explorer. Layout customization allows you to remove distractions.

And VS Code my favorite button is F1, which works across all the products on Mac, and Windows, and Linux. Or Command-Shift-P on a Mac today is what I'll be using. And that brings up the command palette inside of VS Code because VS Code can do that.

And my name is John Papa and today we're going to show you a whole series of tips that you can use today with VS Code and some things that maybe you didn't know that you could do working tomorrow. So let's start right there off with the Insiders Build. Now there's a stable build which sounds like, hey, it's stable, right? Got to use it. And that comes out once a month. But there's an Insiders Build which gives you practically daily drops of different code. So in that Insiders Build, you can just click here to download the Stableware Insiders for your platform. You get updated features all the time. I've been using this from day one. I never used the stable build. I only used the Insiders and it is actually quite stable. So I'd call it a stable insiders build and I recommend you give it a shot.

Now everybody needs to find files. One of the nice things in VS Code is that you can find files through the tree where you can look in the Explorer using your mouse and trackpad. Or you can use the command palette. Remember that keystroke I said you need to remember, if you go to command shift P, you'll find all these commands. Well, there's also a command P. That's a menu option to find a file quickly. So let's say you wanted to find a router file. You can see I typed in router up there and it does partial file name matching. You can use the arrow keys to go up and down as well. So it's a great way for you to find files quickly by name. It also pass in the pathway to that name. For example, if you have a lot of files in your project called index.html or index.js, you can type that in. You might find a lot of them. But if you put in the pathway to it for the folders, it'll actually narrow it down for you.

Another thing I really like about this is layout customization. Here, you're noticing in this video that I got rid of all the distractions.

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