#headless cms

Headless CMS is a type of content management system (CMS) that provides an API to store, manage and deliver content. It separates the back-end of the CMS from the front-end, allowing developers to use any programming language or framework to create customised user experiences. We have talks and workshops on this topic which cover topics such as how headless CMS works, its benefits, different types of headless CMS and more.
Visual CMS… cool for React devs? Now’s the time!
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
8 min
Visual CMS… cool for React devs? Now’s the time!
1. A brief history of web content management since 1996, with alternating code and visual tools:
   - The “FTP” era: Code editors > FrontPage/Dreamweaver
   - The “monolithic” era: CGI/ASP/PHP simple CMSs with gray tables > WordPress visual > WordPress with ACF
   - The “current” era: Headless CMSs <> Visual tools like Wix and WebFlow
2. Why now’s the time we need a new kind of CMS
3. What is React Bricks
4. The experience for content editors (explained by a customer’s content editor)
5. The experience for developers (explained by a partner agency’s web developer)
Headless - The Future of CMS Is Here
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
8 min
Headless - The Future of CMS Is Here
Find out why the headless is the new buzzword everybody wants to use. I will take you on a fast ride through Storyblok, the first headless CMS with Visual ! You will learn why thousands of users love it and what benefits it brings you - the REACT community!
Remixing WordPress: Building a Headless Site with Remix, WPGraphQL, and Web Fundamentals
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
21 min
Remixing WordPress: Building a Headless Site with Remix, WPGraphQL, and Web Fundamentals
One of the largest draws of headless or decoupled WordPress architecture is that we can endlessly remix the WordPress CMS that content creators love with the latest and greatest of web technology. This presentation will demonstrate how quickly a developer can get up and running with headless WordPress development using the Remix full stack framework. Using open source tools like WPGraphQL and Atlas Content Modeler, you can transform your WordPress site into a powerful headless CMS that serves data via GraphQL. We’ll see how we can query for and use that data in a Remix app, and also discuss how the framework’s focus on web fundamentals can benefit both the developer and the visitors who use our sites.
Don't take it Personally, it is Personalization
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
22 min
Don't take it Personally, it is Personalization
"Personalization" is right now one of the hottest buzzwords in the development world. Marketers, developers, and content creators evaluate the possibilities and alternatives to handle custom scenarios while offering powerful experiences to the users. Let's talk about personalization, the benefits, the challenges, and how we can manage and offer personalized experiences. We will see code examples using some of the features introduced in Next.js 12, the newest version of the framework, and connecting to Storyblok, a Headless CMS that offers a real-time visual editor.
Large scale projects challenges (NextJS - Contentful)
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
20 min
Large scale projects challenges (NextJS - Contentful)
NextJS is an excellent full stack framework. Contentful is a well-known flexible headless CMS. Together are a great match, but when we talk large scale projects the challenges are completely different than the ones you may face in a small to medium scale project. Leonidas will try to raise your awareness on such challenges based on Greece's experience on redesigning Vodafone's site to create beautiful self-serve and guided journeys for Vodafone customers.
How to properly handle URL slug changes in Next.js
TypeScript Congress 2022TypeScript Congress 2022
10 min
How to properly handle URL slug changes in Next.js
Top Content
If you're using a headless CMS for storing content, you also work with URL slugs, the last parts of any URL. The problem is, content editors are able to freely change the slugs which can cause 404 errors, lost page ranks, broken links, and in the end confused visitors on your site. In this talk, I will present a solution for keeping a history of URL slugs in the CMS and explain how to implement a proper redirect mechanism (using TypeScript!) for dynamically generated pages on a Next.js website.

Add to the talk notes: https://github.com/ondrabus/kontent-boilerplate-next-js-ts-congress-2022 
Exploring the WordPress Graph with Next.js & WPGraphQL
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
23 min
Exploring the WordPress Graph with Next.js & WPGraphQL
Headless Wordpress using its built-in REST API is a powerful solution to scale WordPress to the web, but complex relationships can easily turn into chains of requests, making maintainability difficult along with the potential cost of performance.
With WPGraphQL, we can harness the benefits of GraphQL, leading to a better developer experience and optimized request logic, making sure we’re only delivering what we need to our users.We’ll explore these advantages and how these pieces fit together with modern tools like Next.js to build great experiences for the web.

Slides & more
Fast & Furious - Going headless with Nuxt.js!
Vue.js London Live 2021Vue.js London Live 2021
32 min
Fast & Furious - Going headless with Nuxt.js!
This will be fast & furious! I will show you the fastest possible way to connect your Nuxt.js (Vue.js) project to the headless CMS and deploy it in seconds. You should know a thing or two about Nuxt.js, headless CMS in general or JAMstack as there will be no time to describe the concepts in detail. In the end, you will be furious how insanely good the JAMstack is!
How to View and React without a Head
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
27 min
How to View and React without a Head
You might have heard about Headless CMS. This new type of content platform gives us some benefits compared to a Monolithic CMS.We will talk about the key features of any Headless CMS and how we can integrate a headless platform into our React applications. We will focus on Storyblok, a headless CMS that offers a real-time Visual , a great feature for developers and content creators.
Contentful and headless
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
19 min
Contentful and headless
How Contentful helps you to manage all the data in a headless e-commerce website.
React Bricks: a CMS with visual editing based on React components
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
24 min
React Bricks: a CMS with visual editing based on React components
Headless CMSs are great for developers, but not for content creators.
React Bricks is the first CMS that is super-great for Developers (it's just React, backed solid APIs), for Content Creators (it keeps the visual editing experience of no-code tools like Wix) and for Designers (you can express your exact design system and be sure nobody will break it). I'll show you how it works!