Large scale projects challenges (NextJS - Contentful)

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NextJS is an excellent full stack framework. Contentful is a well-known flexible headless CMS. Together are a great match, but when we talk large scale projects the challenges are completely different than the ones you may face in a small to medium scale project. Leonidas will try to raise your awareness on such challenges based on Greece's experience on redesigning Vodafone's site to create beautiful self-serve and guided journeys for Vodafone customers.


The main challenges include handling the coexistence of new and old stacks, dealing with cross-stack interactions, managing logging and session sharing between stacks, reducing duplicate code, and ensuring UI component compatibility.

Next.js is favored because it is a full-stack React framework that simplifies development by integrating both backend and frontend code in one place, which speeds up development, simplifies build processes, and enhances end-to-end feature creation.

A headless CMS like Contentful is beneficial with Next.js because it is front-end agnostic, allowing content to be served to any device and making it easier to switch technologies in the future. It complements Next.js by providing features like routing and SEO that are missing from headless CMSs.

Large organizations should focus on choosing a headless CMS based on extensibility, flexibility, and support. They need to consider the content authoring experience, advanced SEO tools, and ensure the CMS can handle the scale and complexity of large projects.

In large-scale projects, it's crucial to use global state wisely to avoid overuse, which can lead to maintenance issues and performance degradation. Combining global state management with libraries like React Query or SWR can help manage state more efficiently.

Strategies include using inheritance and composition patterns for content types, establishing clear naming conventions, documenting UI components with tools like Storybook, and ensuring a structured component library to facilitate global reuse and understanding.

Leonidas Mamais
Leonidas Mamais
20 min
21 Jun, 2022


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Video Summary and Transcription

This Talk discusses the challenges faced when implementing or migrating a legacy stack to Next.js and Contentful in large-scale projects. It emphasizes the need for careful analysis and estimation of time and resources. The Talk also highlights the benefits of Next.js in facilitating collaboration with isolated teams and integrating with other frameworks. It addresses the challenges of using a headless CMS in large-scale projects and suggests strategies for handling unavailability and crashes. The importance of using global state wisely and promoting code reusability is also emphasized, along with techniques for overcoming challenges in large-scale projects.

1. Introduction to Challenges in Large-Scale Projects

Short description:

Hi, I'm Leonidas. I will talk about challenges faced when implementing or migrating a legacy stack to Next.js and Contentful in large-scale projects. These challenges are different from small to medium-scale projects. Each organization has its own business model and specific needs, so there is no one-size-fits-all solution. The purpose is to raise awareness and provide considerations for this journey.

Hi, I'm Leonidas. I have worked as a front-end engineer for about 15 years and I'm currently working as a front-end chapter lead for Vodafone Greece. Today I'm going to talk to you about challenges that you may face if you try to implement or even worse, migrate a legacy stack to a modern React framework, such as Next.js along with a headless CMS such as Contentful, but in a large-scale project.

Next.js, as you already know, is an excellent full-stack React node framework and Contentful is a well-known headless CMS. But when we talk about large-scale projects, the challenges are completely different than the one that you may face in a small to medium-scale project. In most cases, having to migrate one or more large-scale projects means that you are already part of a big organization, which by its own raises additional challenges.

With the time available, it is really hard to discuss also solutions about these challenges. Except from the time factor, each organization follows its own business model and have very specific business needs, making one solution not appropriate for all cases. So the purpose of this presentation is to raise your awareness on challenges that you may have not faced until now, and what you need to consider if you and your team decide to take this big step and begin this exciting journey. So let's begin. Let's begin with the fact that applies to all modern frameworks and not especially the ones mentioned before.

2. Challenges in Large-Scale Projects

Short description:

If you work on a project with legacy code, consider the benefits of a modern stack framework. Analyze the project and estimate the time and resources needed for migration. However, in large-scale projects, this estimation may not be feasible. The new stack should coexist with the old stack during the migration period, requiring workarounds for logging, session sharing, cross-stack journeys, code duplication, and UI component sharing.

If you work on a project that uses a lot of legacy code, you and your team will sooner or later start thinking the benefits of a modern stack framework. It will be also very easy to convince business people of your company. More stable environment, better performance, faster development time, streamlined and efficient CI, CD automation, and all this stuff will lead to a faster time to market, improve the SEO ranking, help your customers.

So what are you going to do? You will have to analyze the project and design and end up with a rough estimation of time and resources needed for the migration to happen. And you're ready to go. Sounds perfect. Not exactly. In most cases of large-scale projects, analyzing and making the initial design in order to have this rough estimation is not even feasible. And if you manage to do it, you will end up with something like, hey boss, we need to two to three years to migrate to our new stack. Large organizations won't stop developing new features for their clients, so they won't allocate their full resources to migrate to a new stack. You will end up with a vague estimation and, most probably, if the migration happens, when you are done, the technologies that you chose will already be outdated.

What you should consider, your new stack should coexist throughout the whole migration period with your old stack. You will have to follow a granular approach and find workarounds for logging handling for both stacks if you have a logging mechanism, how you will share sessions between these two stacks, how you will handle cross-stack journeys, journeys that will start from your old stack and end up to your new stack, or the other way around, how you can reduce, duplicate code and maintenance while you will have two different code bases. Finally, you will need to find ways how you will share UI components to make this thing work.

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