Declarative GraphQL in a Cloud-Native Gateway

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We’ve all heard the buzz around pushing application security into the hands of developers, but if you’re like most companies, it has been hard to actually make this a reality. You aren’t alone – putting the culture, processes, and tooling in place to make this happen is tough – especially for sophisticated applications like those backed by GraphQL.

In this hands-on technical session, StackHawk Lead Engineer Topher Lamey will walk through how to protect your GraphQL APIs from vulnerabilities using automated security testing. Get ready to roll-up your sleeves for automated AppSec testing.

Leon Nunes
Leon Nunes
48 min
01 Dec, 2022


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Video Summary and Transcription

This workshop provides an overview of GraphQL, a schema query language that allows you to request exactly what you need from the server. BlueEdge integrates GraphQL as an API gateway for microservices. The workshop covers topics such as installing BlueEdge, creating virtual services, generating schemas, and running queries. It also explores the benefits of GraphQL aggregation, schema stitching, and securing GraphQL APIs with external authentication.

1. Introduction to GraphQL

Short description:

I am a technical support specialist with a background in DevOps and Linux administration. I am learning about Kubernetes and cloud native technologies. GraphQL is a schema query language that solves the problem of unnecessary calls and filtering in REST APIs. It allows you to request exactly what you need from the server. This workshop is self-contained and provides an overview of GraphQL.

Hello, everyone. So about me, I am a technical support specialist in solo, and I have recently joined a month or so. I have a background in DevOps and Linux administration. And yeah, this is a this. This is a whole new thing for me.

Kubernetes and all these cloud native things, but I'm learning as I go. So when you open the link, you will be shown this sort of page and you can just click on this. So once you click the start track option, it will take around two minutes to create the environment. And meanwhile, you can watch the video that is that has an overview of GraphQL.

So what exactly is GraphQL? So GraphQL is like a schema query language. So if you heard of SQL, the famous SQL database, MySQL, PostgreSQL. So it's something similar. But this time it is for REST APIs. So then you have a bunch of REST APIs. You know, most of the times you have to query one and then you get a lot of information from it and you have to filter information from it. So this can get a bit cumbersome considering you know, you want for example, just a name of a user, but due to REST being REST you get a bunch of details like their phone numbers and the other details like address, etc. And then you have to filter it. So this causes unnecessary calls. And if you have, say, a shopping cart or something like that or some shopping query, like you know, give multiple REST API calls just to get a little bit of data, then you know, in that terms, REST becomes a bit cumbersome. And you have to have multiple calls to just get some information from the back end. Whereas in GraphQL, what happens is you have a server on the back end. And this server is like, a sort of a Uber to your, Uber chat we would say, to your application. And you just tell the server in a schema definition language, like what you want exactly and how you want it. For example, if you want, if you have a pet store application, and you know, you have a pet, and you have a store. So if you want to have pet names, all the pet names in the store, you could just tell graphql, like give me that and graphql will give you only that. So you get what you ask basically, and not all the noise that is unnecessary and not required.

Okay, so a little bit about Instruct. This is a self contained workshop. Everything that you require is inside this workshop, you do not have to switch over to your local machine or anything as such, you can just run everything in this lab inside this web browser, you will have these UI buttons that you can click on sometimes, in case you're not loading or anything as well as the refresh button here on the right hand side, you will see this, this bar which can be resized in case the text is too small. So you can go through the details at the workshop provides will give you a basic overview of what graph QL is and how it works and all.

2. Integration of GraphQL in BlueEdge

Short description:

GraphQL is integrated within our BlueEdge product, serving as an API gateway for microservices. Unlike typical GraphQL deployments, we have integrated it within our product. This enterprise feature is not available in the open source version. Contact us for a trial license to test and explore its capabilities.

So it's very useful in terms of microservices, where you have multiple rest API's. So we have a product called BlueEdge, that is sort of a entry point to your application. It's like an API gateway, say, and everything passes to that. So we have integrated graph QL within this product. So it has its own. So there is no separate graph QL server that is running or as such. When you have when you usually deploy graph QL, you have to deploy it with the server. Mostly there is a Apollo graph QL and there are various servers that are available that you can deploy and sort of use. But we have it integrated within our product. Also this is an enterprise feature. So the open source version does not have this. In case you would like to try it out, you can always reach out to us or me and we will help you with a trial license which you can use to test this and do your testing on that.