Putting the Graph In GraphQL With The Neo4j GraphQL Library

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GraphQL exposes application data as a graph which can introduce challenges if your backend isn't graph-ready (think slow JOINs as a result of nested GraphQL queries and the dreaded n+1 query problem). The Neo4j GraphQL library enables developers to build GraphQL APIs backed a native graph database using only GraphQL type definitions. In this talk we'll see how to build a GraphQL API without writing any resolvers, add custom logic, and deploy to the cloud.


The Neo4j GraphQL Library is a JavaScript library designed for building Node.js GraphQL APIs backed by the Neo4j graph database. It allows developers to define their data model with GraphQL type definitions, which then drives the database model and API, making it easier to maintain and synchronize schemas.

Cypher is a graph database query language focused on declarative pattern matching and managing database operations, while GraphQL is a query language for APIs, designed to describe how to traverse and interact with a data graph. Cypher includes functionalities like creating indexes and importing data, whereas GraphQL primarily handles API requests and responses.

The Neo4j GraphQL Library supports authorization through GraphQL schema directives, particularly the Auth GraphQL schema directive. This allows developers to define authorization rules directly in the GraphQL schema, using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for secure access control based on roles and permissions.

For advanced use cases, the Neo4j GraphQL Library provides features like the Cypher GraphQL schema directive, which enables embedding Cypher queries within GraphQL fields to handle complex logic. Additionally, it offers extensive support for customizing API responses, handling batch queries efficiently, and integrating with various GraphQL tools and frameworks.

Yes, the Neo4j GraphQL Library is compatible with any JavaScript GraphQL implementation, enabling it to be used in serverless architectures. It can be integrated with frameworks like Next.js for full-stack applications, where API routes can be automatically deployed as serverless functions by platforms like Vercel.

William Lyon
William Lyon
23 min
09 Dec, 2021


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Video Summary and Transcription

The Talk discusses putting the graph in GraphQL with the Neo4j GraphQL Library. It explores building GraphQL APIs backed by a graph database and the comparison between Cypher and GraphQL. The Neo4j GraphQL library provides powerful features such as CRUD functionality, authorization, and pagination. It also covers topics like database integration, hiring for the GraphQL team, and deploying a GraphQL API with the Neo4j GraphQL library.

1. Introduction to GraphQL and Neo4j

Short description:

The talk is about putting the graph in GraphQL with the Neo4j GraphQL Library. Will, who works for Neo4j, introduces himself and mentions his online presence on Twitter and his personal site. He also mentions hosting the graphstuff.fm podcast.

Hi everyone. The title of this talk is Putting the Graph in GraphQL with the Neo4j GraphQL Library. You can find the slides for this at dev.neo4j.com slash GraphQL dash galaxy. So my name is Will. I work for a company called Neo4j, which is a graph database. We'll talk about what that is in just a minute. The best way to get ahold of me online is probably on Twitter, which I've linked there as well as my personal site with a blog and a newsletter that I publish. I also host the graphstuff.fm podcast. So if you like podcasts and graph technology, definitely check out graphstuff.fm.

2. Introduction to Neo4j and Graph Databases

Short description:

Neo4j is a graph database that uses a query language called Cypher. We will discuss building GraphQL APIs backed by a graph database and the graph part of GraphQL. A graph is a data structure where nodes and relationships connect nodes. We use a data model called the property graph to work with data in the graph. Knowledge graphs are an implementation of a property graph for a specific domain.

So Neo4j is a graph database that is similar to other databases that you may be familiar with, like relational databases or document databases. But the biggest difference is that the data model is a graph. So nodes are the entities relationships connect them, and with Neo4j we use a query language called Cypher which we'll take a little bit of a look at today as well.

There are lots of interesting things that we can do with graph databases and implications for their different performance optimizations from other databases. But of course, what we're going to talk about today is building GraphQL APIs backed by a graph database. So really what I want to talk about today is the graph part of GraphQL.

So fundamentally a graph is a data structure where nodes, these are the entities in the graph and relationships connect nodes. To work with data in the graph, we often use a data model called the property graph, where we add labels to nodes that describe the type of thing that they are and key value pair attributes that describe the actual data that we're working with. You also might hear about knowledge graphs. So knowledge graphs, I think, are really an implementation of a property graph for a specific domain that put things in context is how I like to think about it. Google when they announced the Google Knowledge Graph API published this blog post called Things Not Strings that I think did a really good job of explaining what a knowledge graph is how we can work with the data in a knowledge graph.


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