How TypeScript is integrated in your editor

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How can an editor ""automagically"" show type errors when you create a single TypeScript file without running ""npm install typescript"" or having a tsconfig.json file? Is a completion list build by your coding editor, TypeScript itself, or some other mysterious being? What is TSServer?
In this talk I will give you an overview of how the TypeScript server communicates with IDEs and other editors, delivering rich language features without ever running tsc.

Maria Solano
Maria Solano
18 min
21 Sep, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription

Today's Talk explores TypeScript integration and refactoring, code action handling, the TypeScript server and refactoring process, bug reporting, and the TypeScript protocol and LSP. The Talk discusses how TypeScript is integrated into editors, the role of code action providers, and the communication between the client and server. It also highlights the two-stage process of code actions and the importance of bug reporting. Additionally, it mentions the TypeScript protocol and how it allows for language-specific extensions. LSP is mentioned as a powerful extensibility solution used by various languages.

1. TypeScript Integration and Refactoring

Short description:

Hello, everyone! Today we'll explore how TypeScript is integrated into your editor, and who does what, and when. We'll use TypeScript inline variable refactor as an example. A code action is tied to a diagnostic, representing something that you can do to potentially fix errors. Refactoring provides smart recommendations for writing cleaner or nicer code. The editor recognizes trigger events, which can be passive or explicit. TypeScript shows refactorings based on trigger kind, and you can explicitly request a refactor for variables.

Hello, everyone, and thank you for joining me today. I'm Maria Solano, and I'm a software engineer at Microsoft. Quickly introducing myself, I focus on TypeScript editor tooling, but sometimes I also dive into LSP extensibility, Visual Studio's JavaScript Project System, or I just stare at the title TypeScript checker for a couple of hours, trying to absorb its wisdom, as I'm sure all of you have done.

Today we'll explore how TypeScript is integrated into your editor, and who does what, and when. For this, we'll use TypeScript inline variable refactor as an example, which is my favorite, mainly because I implemented it. Say that you have this print greeting function, and your cursor is in the first line of its body. In an editor like VS Code, you'll see a lightbulb. Where is that lightbulb coming from? Spoiler alert, if you click on it, a list appears. Who constructs a list and how are items inserted into that list? Not only VS Code has this functionality, Visual Studio, NeoVim, Emacs, Zed, and other obscure editors also have a TypeScript lightbulb experience that doesn't differ much from the one in VS Code. How is that done?

As a side note, during this talk I'll be using code action and refactoring as synonyms, despite that they're not exactly the same. Although the difference is a technicality, I'll explain it anyway just so that you can understand when your next code editor trivia game. A code action is tied to a diagnostic, and hence represents something that you can do to potentially fix those errors. Refactoring, on the other hand, aren't corrections, they're just smart recommendations for writing cleaner or nicer code, but it doesn't mean that there's something wrong with what you wrote.

Going back to PrintGreeting, the first thing that happens is that the editor will recognize a trigger event. This can be a passive action, such as your cursor being placed in a position where a refactoring could be applied. The trigger could also be explicit, such as one that you configure with a keybinding. Note that results could differ based on the trigger kind. Having a constant lightbulb popping up everywhere on your screen could be annoying, and so TypeScript might decide to show you certain refactorings only if you really want to see them. In this example, TypeScript will show a lightbulb besides the identifier of a variable that could be inlined, but you'll need to explicitly request the refactor in references of such variables.

2. Code Action Handling and Providers

Short description:

The editor needs someone who can understand the code to determine which refactorings to display. It records the position and content type, which may not directly correspond to the file extension. Extensions can handle code action requests using different mechanisms, such as registering a callback. Multiple code action providers can enhance the fixes provided by the language server.

Now say that we are no-beam gurus and use the mouse to click on the lightbulb. The editor doesn't actually know which refactorings to display here. It needs someone who can understand the code.

To communicate with that someone, the editor will record the position as well as the content type. Note that the content type isn't exactly a 1-to-1 mapping with the type coming from the file extension. A TypeScript snippet inside a script block of an HTML file is also assigned to the TypeScript content type. This is how you can still get code action, completions and the correct syntax highlighting in embedded code.

An extension announces that it can handle the code action request. There are different mechanisms to do so. In VS Code, you would register a code action provider for the TypeScript content type. In Visual Studio, you could use Roslyn APIs or the language service protocol. Most of the time, this basically involves registering a callback and telling the editor when to invoke it. Note that this is unlimited to language servers. Extensions like ESLint can also hook up into the code action list to enhance the fixes provided by the language server. This also means that there can be multiple code action providers coming from different extensions. The editor will then combine all of the results into a single list.

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