Taming Language Models through TypeScript

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You've probably played with bots like ChatGPT and used them to brainstorm. Maybe you've noticed that getting responses in the right structure or format has been a challenge. As people, we're okay with that - but programs are much more finicky. We've been experimenting with using TypeScript itself as a way of guiding and validating responses from language models.


TypeChat is a library developed by the TypeScript team at Microsoft designed to facilitate the integration of language models into applications. It leverages TypeScript types to guide language models in producing structured JSON responses that conform to specified types. This allows for more precise and easily parsable responses from AI models, enhancing application functionality and user interactions.

Yes, TypeChat can handle complex data schemas. It uses TypeScript types to define the expected format and structure of the JSON responses from language models. This capability enables TypeChat to manage various object types and properties, ensuring that the responses are well-structured and adhere to the defined schemas.

Using TypeScript types with language models in TypeChat provides a clear structure for the AI's responses, minimizes parsing errors, and simplifies data validation. TypeScript's static typing system helps ensure that the data conforms to the specified schema, reducing errors and improving reliability in application development.

TypeChat ensures the accuracy of AI-generated responses through a validation process that uses TypeScript. If the AI's response does not match the expected TypeScript types, TypeChat can prompt the AI to retry generating the response. This iterative validation process helps in refining the responses to align closely with the required data formats.

Yes, TypeChat is customizable for specific application needs. Developers can define their own TypeScript types that describe the exact format and structure of the data they expect from the language model. This flexibility allows TypeChat to be adapted for various use cases and applications, ranging from simple data retrieval tasks to more complex interactions.

Developers can find more information and examples on using TypeChat in the TypeChat GitHub repository. The repository includes a readme with detailed examples ranging from basic to advanced usage, providing a comprehensive guide for integrating TypeChat into their projects.

Daniel Rosenwasser
Daniel Rosenwasser
26 min
21 Sep, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription

TypeChat is an open-source library that uses TypeScript types to guide and validate responses from language models. It allows for the creation of complex responses and provides a way to repair errors in the model. TypeChat programs enable better flow of data and the ability to refer to individual steps. The math example demonstrates the use of a program translator and metaprogramming techniques for type safety. Language models trained on both code and prose perform well in this context.

1. Introduction to TypeChat

Short description:

Hi everyone, my name is Daniel Rosenwasser and I'm the program manager on the TypeScript team at Microsoft. Today, I want to talk to you about TypeChat, another thing I've been working on recently with others on my team. In the last few months, you've probably seen a lot about artificial intelligence and large language models. These language models are very powerful, and you may have had the idea of trying to bring the smarts of one of these language models into your app, maybe to add a natural language interface in some way.

Hi everyone, my name is Daniel Rosenwasser and I'm the program manager on the TypeScript team at Microsoft. Today, I want to talk to you about TypeChat, another thing I've been working on recently with others on my team.

So, in the last few months, you've probably seen a lot about artificial intelligence and large language models. These language models are very powerful, and you've probably gotten the chance to even use them in the form of something like ChatGBT or a similar sort of chat program where you can ask the model questions, it can give you answers, you can iterate through ideas, and it's just a great way to creatively iterate through concepts and whatnot.

That works really well for people, but these language models are very powerful, and you may have had the idea of trying to bring the smarts of one of these language models into your app, maybe to add a natural language interface in some way. So for an example, let's say we have some sort of app that's supposed to help us plan out plans for a day, plans for the weekend, maybe specific to a location. It doesn't seem impractical given the fact that these models have been trained on so much data in the world, so they might know a lot about Seattle or some other city that you're trying to scout out ideas for.

2. Using TypeScript types to guide language models

Short description:

In this app, you want to get data from language models. However, language models often produce data that is not easy to parse. You can get language models to respond in JSON, but it may not always match the expected format. TypeScript types can guide the language model and provide the desired format. However, the language model may still produce responses that don't conform exactly. Validation is needed to push the AI to try again.

In this app, maybe we just want to be able to ask a question, that's our user intent, and then get a set of results with a couple of venues and each of their descriptions as well. So that seems all good, but how would you go about trying to get one of these language models to produce data that you can use in this app?

The thing that you may have realized in trying to do something like this is you end up trying to often pamper the AI to give it in a specific format, and even once it's in that format, it comes up with natural language that's just not always going to be easy to parse. So for example, here's a prompt and response that took a couple of tries to get even reasonable, right? One of the things that you might notice is I end up trying to just give it a little bit of guidance on how I expect the answer to be, right?

This isn't so bad, right? But mostly because it's come up with a regular answer in a specific format. And so it's actually given me a format of list items. Each of them is numbered. And then between the venue and the description, I have a colon. Now, is the AI always going to come back with that schema or format? Not necessarily. A lot of these language models are non-deterministic. So you really can't count on this format. But even if you could count on that format, you can't always trust that the data is going to be uniformly parsable, right?

So for example, in this case, I have a list and I have everything in this format. What about trying to split the colon, right? You might try to say, let me just try to shave each of the numbers off and then split by the colon. But what if one of the items in your list has a colon inside of the title or something like that, right? You're basically trying to do natural language parsing at this point, right? And now you have a bug, and now you have to figure out how to be resilient against that. And so this ends up being a little bit, impractical for most people, right? It is very hard to parse natural language.

But many of you probably also realize that you can get the language models to respond in the form of JSON. And that's great, right? Now you actually have something that your app can easily just do a JSON.parse or whatever, and get the data that you need and work off of that. But that only really works for sort of simple examples, right? Here I was able to say, here's an example of the JSON that I want to get back, right? I have a venue and a description, a venue and a description. And the AI is pretty good at figuring that out. But it doesn't tell us about maybe optional properties, maybe the case where you have three different kinds of objects that you expect to be in a specific position, things like that. And so just giving examples would be impractical because you would get into these combinatorial explosions of all the types of things that you would want to actually provide. So examples aren't enough. What you need is something a little bit more.

And it turns out there is a format that does work out pretty well, for the most part, in our experience. And it's something that you're all familiar with here at this TypeScript conference, which is types. TypeScript types are actually a great format for describing the exact format that we want out of a language model and all the sorts of shapes that we're expecting. So types are actually really good at guiding the language model into the thing that we want, right? And you can actually take the types in an application, like the actual text of the types in your program, take a user intent, and craft a prompt that you can send into an AI service, into a language model. And that will provide you with JSON, You would say, give me a response in the form of JSON, here's the type that you should conform to when you provide that response. And so, now you're able to guide the language model.

But like I said, the language model isn't always going to come back with a response that is actually exactly as we expect, right? So maybe it comes back with JSON, but it's not of the format precisely, right? So we can always say, hey, you didn't get me correct in the JSON, try again. But you need something else that pushes an AI so that you can say try again as well. And that's the validation.

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