TypeScript and the Database: Who Owns the Types?

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We all love writing types in TypeScript, but we often find ourselves having to write types in another language as well: SQL. This talk will present the choose-your-own-adventure story that you face when combining TypeScript and SQL and will walk you through the tradeoffs between the various options. Combined poorly, TypeScript and SQL can be duplicative and a source of headaches, but done well they can complement one another by addressing each other's weaknesses.


The app's database includes information about books, authors, and book reviews. It stores details like book ID, title, publication year, and content, which can be null if the publication year is unknown.

The app connects to the database, runs SQL queries to fetch data, and renders the results. It uses TypeScript to define interfaces for the data structure, ensuring type safety and accuracy in data handling.

ORM stands for Object Relational Mapper. In the app, TypeORM is used as an ORM to map database tables to JavaScript objects. This allows the app to interact with the database using high-level entity objects instead of raw SQL queries.

Issues can arise if the database schema and TypeScript types are not in sync, such as when a database column becomes nullable but the change is not reflected in TypeScript, leading to potential type errors.

The app can use ORMs or schema generators to synchronize changes. For example, using TypeORM or a schema generator like pg2ts ensures that any changes in the database schema are accurately reflected in TypeScript types.

Migrations in the app are used to apply changes to the database schema, such as altering columns or making them nullable. These migrations help maintain the database structure and ensure it aligns with the application's requirements.

Using a query builder like connects JS provides type safety for database queries, ensuring that the queries match the database schema. It simplifies writing SQL queries by allowing developers to use a more abstract syntax that integrates with TypeScript.

Tools like PGTyped read SQL queries and automatically generate TypeScript types for them. This process helps maintain type accuracy across the application by ensuring that data fetched from the database matches the expected types in TypeScript.

Using an ORM simplifies database interactions and ensures type safety but can obscure the underlying SQL and affect performance. Raw SQL gives more control and may be more efficient but requires careful management of types and database synchronization.

For complex queries, it's suggested to write raw SQL to ensure optimal performance and control. Tools like PGTyped can then be used to generate accurate TypeScript types for these queries, combining flexibility with type safety.

Dan Vanderkam
Dan Vanderkam
27 min
29 Apr, 2022


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Video Summary and Transcription

The Talk discusses the use of TypeScript and SQL together in software development. It explores different approaches, such as using an ORM like TypeORM or a schema generator like pg2ts. Query builders like connects JS and tools like PGTyped are also discussed. The benefits and trade-offs of using TypeScript and SQL are highlighted, emphasizing the importance of finding a middle ground approach.

1. Working with a Database and Types

Short description:

I'm working on a new app with a database for books, authors, and reviews. The web server connects to the database, runs a query, and renders all the books. I encountered a bug and discovered the need for types. By defining a book interface and specifying the structure of the table, I resolved the type errors. Running a migration allowed me to handle the possibility of null values for the publication year.

So I'm working on this cool new app, so it has a database where I have books and their authors and book reviews. I've even got some data I've put in there, so I've got some of my favorite books. And I've got a cool web server here, so it connects to the database, it runs a query, and it renders all the books. So yeah, I think it's pretty good. Let's take a look.

So I think, seems like it maybe has a bug. So let's see what's going on here. Let's see. So I guess, what is the type of books? It's Any, it's query result Any, which means that book has an Any type. So maybe I should write, maybe I should use types to solve this problem, because this is TS Congress after all, so we can define a book interface. And let's look at the structure of this table. So we've got an ID, which is a string, and we've got created by, which is a string. And we've got title, which is a string, and we've got publication year. We're just gonna copy that. For the JavaScript people here, integers are a special kind of number. So let's just go number. And last but not least, we have contents, which is a string, or I think it could be null. And with the node-progress library, I believe you can specify a return type for a query. And hey, lo and behold, we have some type errors. So yeah, I think I just misspelled year. It should be publication year. So let's fix that. And now if we head over here, hey, what do you know? Pretty good. So types can definitely be useful when you're working with SQL. But it's not the full story.

So let's see what happens when you run a migration. So I realized that the publication year could actually be null if we don't know when it's published. So for example, who knows exactly when the Iliad and the Odyssey were published? So better just leave it as null. So let's run that. And we can confirm that.

2. Handling Database Schema Changes

Short description:

We encountered an issue when our data schema in the database changed, but the type we manually wrote didn't update accordingly. By making the publication year nullable, we resolved the error. TypeScript provided an error message when we attempted to subtract null, allowing us to fix the issue by adding a conditional.

Yep, we have our new books and publication year is null. So yeah, let's see what happens. Yep, null. And fun fact, in JavaScript 2022 minus null is in fact 22 because JavaScript. So the problem here is that we changed our data schema in the database, but this type that we wrote by hand didn't update to reflect that change. So really, publication year now is nullable. So it should be number or null. And once we make that change, then TypeScript gives us an error, right? So yeah, TypeScript is nice enough to say that you can't subtract null. And so I think here I have the fix here. We just add a conditional. Yeah, great. And let's see if that fixes things. Sure enough, it does. So once again, types can be very helpful, but there's also some potential problems here.

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