Perfect Pitch: Unveiling the Mathematical Symphony Behind a Guitar Tuner

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Join me on a musical journey through the world of open source software as I share the story behind crafting from scratch an online guitar tuner with Javascript.

In this talk, we'll explore the delightful intersection of mathematics and development, where a simple curiosity led to the creation of an open-source tuner using React and Next.js.

I'll share insights and challenges into the implementation of the tuner, navigating through the algorithmic landscape of autocorrelation and frequency calculations.

Omar Diop
Omar Diop
22 min
18 Jun, 2024


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Video Summary and Transcription

This Talk provides an overview of an open-source guitar tuner project, covering topics such as pitch detection, web APIs for microphone access, implementation with React and XGS, and data visualization. It explores various pitch detection algorithms, including zero crossing, fast Fourier transform, and autocorrelation. The project utilizes the MediaStream API and Audio API to access user media. The implementation is done with React and Next.js, and includes a utility library for performing pitch estimation and detection. The Talk also discusses future improvements for the project, such as noise cancellation and chord detection.

1. Introduction to the Guitar Tuner Project

Short description:

I am Omar Job, the Technical Lead at Learn, an Italian company aiming to make digital competencies accessible to everyone. Today, we will have an overview of an open-source guitar tuner project. We will explore pitch detection and estimation, web APIs for microphone access, implementation with React and XGS, data visualization, and discuss issues and improvements. This project was born out of curiosity and aims to explore new territory. It's open source, built with React and extraJS, and utilizes the web audio API.

Hi, everyone. It's a pleasure to be here and I cannot wait to share with you this topic. So, let's start with the presentations. I am Omar Job and I'm Technical Lead at Learn, which is an Italian company which aims to make digital competencies accessible to everyone. In my free time, I have a lot of passions, one of which is music, and I love to bother my neighbors playing guitar. And that's why we are here.

So, today we're going to see a lot of things. We will have an overview about the project, which is an open source guitar tuner. We will see the basics of pitch detection and pitch estimation, so how to detect the frequency of a note that's played. And then we will see the web APIs involved in the project, so how to get access to a user's microphone. And we will see even the actual implementation with React and XGS. And we will see after that the data visualization part, so how to display the information that we are retrieving. And after that, finally, we will talk about issues and possible improvements.

I would like to start with a question that is, do we need another guitar tuner? Well, there's plenty of guitar tuners online. You can find a lot of applications and download them for free. So, which leads to another question, that is, why? Why did we come up with a guitar tuner again? Well, actually, I wanted to test myself and I was curious because I wanted to see what was under the hood. I wanted to see all the mathematics involved in pitch estimation and detection. And I want to see if I could build a guitar tuner from scratch. So, this is a project made out of pure curiosity. And disclaimer, I'm not a mathematician. This is the result of my researches and my curiosity. So, this is a project that aims to explore something that I did never explore.

The project is open source. You can find it online. You can check the code and I will share it with you after the talk so you can explore it. It's made with React and extraJS. And it uses the web audio API. The interface is pretty clear. It detects the note that is being played. And as you can see, the indicator moves when I play a note.

2. Basics of Pitch Detection and Algorithms

Short description:

The basics of pitch detection involve understanding that notes are represented by frequencies in hertz. A reference frequency, A440, is used for tuning. The guitar signal, represented by a wave, is often noisy, making analysis challenging. Various algorithms exist for pitch detection, including zero crossing.

It's very accurate. It can be improved, but for this stage, it's very, very good and it works very well. So, what are the basics of pitch detection?

Well, I want to align everyone on the topic because if you play an instrument, and I noticed that a lot of programmers do play instruments, but if you're not a musician, this topic can be tricky to understand. So, I want to align everyone on the topic. So, we start with the notes.

And I tell you that notes are represented by a frequency, which is measured in hertz. As you can see, in this table, we have a lot of notes. Every note is represented by a number, which is the frequency. On the top row, you can see the note names that go from C to B. And on the left column, you can see some numbers that go from 0 to 4. These numbers are octaves. An octave is the same note repeated, but with a different frequency, and each octave doubles the frequency of the note. In other words, if you go on the A column, on the A440, which is highlighted, you can see that if you go down with the rows in the column, the frequency is doubled.

So, the A440 is the reference frequency for tuning. So, a lot of tuners use this frequency to tune all the instruments, and this is A4, so the A in the octave 4. Guitar has six strings, so every string is played as a note. So, as you can see here, the six strings is an E note in the fourth octave. The first string, for instance, is an E in the second octave, and as you notice, the frequencies are very very different. Our goal is to detect the frequency that is being played, and tell the user which note he is playing in order to tune his guitar.

So, the guitar signal can be represented with a plot. So, in sound, the signal is represented by a wave. As you can see on the left, we have a clean signal, which is an A4, so A440 Hz. As you can see, it is periodic and very clear. On the right, you can see the guitar signal, which is not so clear, but can be very noisy and tricky to perform analysis on this kind of signal. This leads to our algorithms.

We have a lot of algorithms to perform pitch estimation and pitch detection. These are three main algorithms that I've studied, and I'm going to show you every algorithm step by step. I will point out the pros, the cons, and which one I used to perform the actual pitch detection in the project. We will start with zero crossing. Zero crossing starts with this kind of plot, so the clear signal.

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