Automate WebApp Security Testing using GitHub Actions (from StackHawk team)

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Software development has changed - Frequent deployments, APIs, GraphQL, Cloud Architecture and CI/CD Automation are the norm. So why is security testing the same way it was a decade ago?

Leading teams are realizing that periodical penetration testing and security audits is not enough when code is being shipped daily. Instead, these teams are using developer-centric tools to run automated security testing in a CI/CD pipeline. Join Zachary Conger as he walks through how to automate application JS security testing using GitHub actions.


The main focus of the Test.js workshop is to automate web app security testing using Java and React, and to integrate security testing into the CI/CD pipeline using GitHub Actions.

Participants can join the Discord channel by clicking on the provided Discord link, joining the October 2022 web app security testing channel, and giving a thumbs up to the welcome message in the general channel.

GitHub Actions is a CI/CD system built into GitHub that automates software workflows, including building, testing, and deploying code. In the workshop, it is used to automate the build and test routine for a Node.js application.

The workshop introduces several tools for security testing, including Dependabot for scanning dependencies, CodeQL for scanning code bases for vulnerabilities, and StackHawk, a DAST utility for dynamic application security testing.

Attendees can fork and set up the sample application by accessing a specific GitHub repository link provided during the workshop, clicking the 'Fork' button, and then following instructions to create necessary workflow files using GitHub Actions.

To configure Dependabot, attendees need to navigate to the Settings section of their forked repository, enable the dependency graph, dependency alerts, and Dependabot security updates under the 'Code Security and Analysis' settings.

The StackHawk scanner is configured by creating a stackhawk.yml file with specific application details and API keys. It is used to perform dynamic security testing against the running application in the CI/CD pipeline.

CodeQL is used in the workshop to scan the codebase for vulnerable patterns that could lead to security issues. It helps identify potential vulnerabilities directly in the source code, enhancing the security testing process.

Participants verify their actions and progress by committing changes to their GitHub repository, observing the execution of GitHub Actions workflows, and checking the results of security scans and tests through the GitHub interface and StackHawk platform.

Zachary Conger
Zachary Conger
87 min
27 Oct, 2022


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Video Summary and Transcription

Welcome to the Test.js and DevSecOps workshops, where we automate web app security testing using Java, React, and StackHawk's DAST utility. We cover setting up GitHub Actions, scanning dependencies with Dependabot, using CodeQL for static analysis, and running StackHawk's DaaST scanner for runtime vulnerability testing. The workshops provide step-by-step instructions for setting up workflows, configuring security testing tools, and reviewing scan results to identify and fix vulnerabilities in the codebase.

1. Introduction to Test.js Workshop

Short description:

Welcome to Test.js workshop. We'll be automating web app security testing using Java and React. Fork a repo, submit questions, and subject the application to automated build and test routines using GitHub actions. Join our Discord server and the October 2022 web app security testing channel. Give a thumbs up in the general channel and the web app security testing channel to participate.

Welcome to Test.js workshop. Invitees and attendees, it's great to see everybody on here. I wanted to welcome you to our little show that we've got, what we're going to do today is. Automate web app security testing using Java and React. Is a web browser.

It helps to have a Discord, the Discord app, we're going to be doing a lot of chatting in discord, and I'll tell you about that in a minute. But what we're going to do basically is we're going to, we're going to fork a repo for a sample application, a node.js application. And what we're doing in this workshop is we're going to ask you guys to submit questions application, a node.js application. And we're going to subject that to an automated build and test routine using GitHub actions, which is GitHub's CICD system that's built into GitHub, and it's free for use for anybody for up to, like, 2000 minutes a month, something like that.

So we're going to build that application, and then we're going to subject it to a bunch of testing, a variety of different security tests. And again, all you really need is a web browser, because everything we're going to be doing is through the GitHub web interface so that we can create files, fork a repo, create file, the files that we need, run the test that we need using GitHub actions and so forth. What you need for this, really, the primary thing that you need to join us is to join our Discord. And to join the October 2022 web app security testing channel in Discord. So, I'm going to post that link here for everybody. So, if you can go to the first link that I provide, the Click that link and you should join our Discord server. And then from there, in the general channel, just give a thumbs up to our welcome message. That'll allow you to see the rest of the channels. Then once you're there, join that October 2022 web app security testing channel. And then when you get into that web app security testing channel, give us a thumbs up there too, so that we know that you're in there.

2. Getting Started with the Workshop

Short description:

We already have a question. So, it seems that I cannot check out the repos. Don't worry about that. You can just look at the repo through our website. When you get to this workshop GitHub actions GitHub repo, all you really need from there is this readme, and you can click on links to get to stuff in there. The first thing we'll be doing when we create the app is we're going to fork another repo. Looks like we've got folks joining in on the discord server. So, here's the workbook, or the guide book for the workshop that we'll be going through. If any of this stuff is not working, you should still be able to follow along. Again, really all you need is a web browser and access to GitHub, so a GitHub account. Feel free to drop questions and help each other out in the Discord chat. I'll just begin with a slide.

We already have a question. This is awesome. So, it seems that I cannot check out the repos. Don't worry about that. You can just look at the repo through our website. We're just following along in the readme that's in there. So, I'll show you what that looks like. When you get to this workshop GitHub actions GitHub repo, all you really need from there is this readme, and you can click on links to get to stuff in there.

The first thing we'll be doing when we create the app is we're going to fork another repo. All right. Looks like we've got folks joining in on the discord server. A GitHub link in the discussion panel window. I think we mean this window. So, let me give you this link. So, here's the workbook, or the guide book for the workshop that we'll be going through. If any of this stuff is not working, you should still be able to follow along. Again, really all you need is a web browser and access to GitHub, so a GitHub account. I'm going to go ahead and begin. Feel free to drop questions and help each other out in the Discord chat. And Mimi, if you can help folks along who are running into trouble, that would be awesome. I'll just begin with a slide. Thank you.


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