Play it Right with CodeceptJS: An Introduction to Supercharged End-to-End Testing

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CodeceptJS is BDD-style end-to-end testing framework which plays nicely with all popular testing engines. CodeceptJS has built-in support of PageObjects, DataObjects, plays nicely with TypeScript, and even has its own UI app! In this session, we will take a look how CodeceptJS can be paired with Playwright to make the testing simple and effective.


Concept.js is a BDD-style testing framework that is focused on browser testing, offering easy integration with various browser engines like Playwright, WebDriver, and others. It simplifies test writing by using human-like language and supporting multiple browsers, making it a versatile choice for modern web development.

Concept.js can easily switch execution between different browser engines to accommodate the needs of various browsers, including Internet Explorer and Safari. This flexibility ensures tests can be run in any required environment without significant changes to the code.

Yes, Concept.js comes with built-in support for Cucumber BDD, allowing tests to be written in Gherkin language. This feature makes it possible to involve non-technical stakeholders in the testing process by using language that is easy to understand.

Concept.js integrates with several reporting tools including Allure and Report Portal. It offers built-in UI and graphical interactive test runners that provide detailed, step-by-step reports of test executions, catering to different organizational needs.

The interactive pause feature in Concept.js allows testers to pause test executions once a page is loaded. This enables them to manually interact with the page, experiment with different commands, and determine the next steps in real-time, enhancing the effectiveness of testing and debugging.

Concept.js is designed to adjust tests for execution on different environments, including mobile browsers. This capability ensures that applications function correctly across a variety of devices, meeting the demands of modern mobile users.

Switching browser engines in Concept.js is straightforward, typically requiring a simple change in the configuration file. This flexibility allows testers to choose the most suitable engine for their specific test scenarios without rewriting tests.

Concept.js employs several strategies to manage elements that load slowly, such as automatic retries for each testing step and explicit waits. These features help ensure reliability and stability in tests, even with complex, single-page applications.

Michael Bodnarchuk
Michael Bodnarchuk
28 min
15 Jun, 2021


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Video Summary and Transcription

Concept.js is a BDD style testing framework focused on browser testing, offering easy switching between engines and Cucumber BDD support. The Pulse feature in Concept.js allows for interactive test execution and editing. Concept.js provides a user-friendly interface, reporting options, and supports parallel execution. CodeSap.js offers strategies for dealing with slow-loading elements and provides flexibility in browser control. Contributing to Concept.js is encouraged, and CodeSap.js is a good choice for advanced features and full browser control.

1. Introduction to Concept.js and Testomato

Short description:

Hello. I will introduce you to Concept.js, a supercharged end-to-end testing tool. I am Michael, a web developer and test automation engineer. I have experience with open-source testing frameworks and have developed Concept.js to solve testing problems. I also work on Testomato, a test management system for JavaScript tests.

Hello. I hope you enjoyed the conference, and I hope you learned a lot today. Lots of new tools, new approaches. You met wonderful people, and I'd like to jump on the train and introduce you to a new, very cool tool, Concept.js.

So I would call it supercharged end-to-end testing. Well, because I can, and because I really do enjoy testing with Concept.js. So my name is Michael, and I will introduce you into this tool and show you the problem it actually solves. So I am from Kiev, Ukraine. I am actually a web developer, but I also work as a test automation engineers to practice, to see how people, what problems people do have and going with automated testing. And that's how I take this experience to make it an open-source testing frameworks like, surprise, surprise, Concept.js.

So yes, I am lead developer of Concept.js as well, but also I like do testing with Concept.js. Well, I think it's fair enough to say this. I started my journey to open source testing frameworks with my previous project, Conception, which is very popular in PHP community. And Concept.js takes this experience and brings this to a new level and gets into JavaScript ecosystem. Nowadays, I'm working for my own company and we are building a test management system for automated test, Testomato. Testomato is focused on JavaScript tests, so if you have a total mess with your tests, Testomato can organize it for you. That's the idea.

2. The Era of Uncertainty and Choosing the Right Tool

Short description:

Do you remember the days when everything was stable and predictable, and Selenium was the only testing tool for browsers? Now, in the era of uncertainty, we have an ecosystem of tools like Cypress, WebDriver, Playwright, Cucumber, Jest, and Mocha. Choosing the right tool is challenging, especially when clients request specific features like writing tests in Gherkin or supporting Internet Explorer and Safari. We must be prepared to adapt our tests to different environments, including mobile browsers.

So I would start my talk with the question about do you remember that old good days when everything was pretty predictable, everything was stable, and I'm not talking about the things like that you could travel to all the places you want, you could talk to people you want to. I'm talking about just engineering stuff that previously we had only one tool. It was called Selenium, and we used it to test everything that is related to browser. If you need Selenium, you would probably choose Java. If you need, maybe you will need Python or Ruby, but you will choose Selenium. It's a certain decision. There was absolutely no alternatives on these days.

But today we live in the era of uncertainty. The JavaScript's found, and it created a wonderful ecosystem of different tools. And today choosing a right tool for the job is a tricky question, because we have Cypress, we have WebDriver, Playwright, Cucumber, Jest, Mocha. And well, how much of things you need to learn today to choose the right tool for the job. We definitely live in the era of uncertainty, and much more stress brings the questions I'm trying to list when I'm asking a client for new test automation project. because we can start writing tests, but then client came out and say, hey, I've learned about the BDD yesterday. It's so awesome. I want to write this test myself in Gherkin language. Can our tool write tests in Gherkin? Hmm, good question. Especially if we already have our tests not in Gherkin, but in JavaScript, can we easily introduce BDD level on top of it? Oh, the client came. I need Internet Explorer. You will hate me for this, but we need Internet Explorer because I have lots of enterprise clients. Can your tool easily switch to Enterprise Explorer on the fly when all the tests, especially with BDD on all the stuff we're already written? That's a good question. Hey, client comes again. I need Safari support. Well, Safari is fair enough. Safari is modern browser. Everyone uses it. And if our tool can do Safari or not, this also can be tricky for some kind of tools. But we need to be prepared for all those changes all this time. Can we adjust our tests to be executed on all those different environments? And especially for mobile browsers because the world goes mobile, and test it in mobile is also a hard requirement that client may not be fully aware of at the beginning of the journey but will be asking when you have some of tests and they will ask you, execute this test on mobile and this test. So mobile browser can be a new requirement as well. And against era of uncertainty, we don't know what a new tool will come up this year because every year, some good test automation tool emerges.


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