January 27 - 28, 2021
TestJS Summit

TestJS Summit - January, 2021

Test JavaScript. Test with JavaScript.

TestJS Summit is getting back in 2023 in hybrid format with the first in-person day streamed from the Berlin venue including hybrid networking features and interactive entertainment; and second day, as well as the numerous free workshops, streamed to the global audience online. TestJS Summit is event for QAs and software developers to get up to date with JS testing best practices, sharpen skills and get latest updates from top products core teams. Get a full ticket to participate in workshops, and network with others JS testing folks on December 7-11, 2023.

The Evolution of Browser Automation
34 min
The Evolution of Browser Automation
In this session, we’ll take a look at what has happened behind the scenes in browser automation throughout the years and what the future will have in stock for us. We will examine how web testing will develop and what challenges this will bring for conventional frameworks like Selenium or WebdriverIO, as well as new frameworks such as Cypress, Puppeteer and Playwright. Lastly, we will experiment with some new automation capabilities these frameworks provide to test some of the new web features.
It’s not about your Assertion Library
25 min
It’s not about your Assertion Library
I’ll be the first to admit: writing tests? Not all that much fun! And that’s coming from somebody who maintains a test runner in their spare time.
Once you have some tests though, you can have confidence. And once you have confidence, you can make changes. And changes are what’s needed to build awesome products.
So let’s not talk about API details, let’s talk about getting testing done. About being better engineers. About building awesome products.
Your Tests Lack Vision: Adding Eyes to your Automation Framework
28 min
Your Tests Lack Vision: Adding Eyes to your Automation Framework
In this talk, you’ll learn how visual validation works, see a live integration into an existing test code base, and discuss the pros and cons of using various visual validation techniques.
Play it Right with CodeceptJS: An Introduction to Supercharged End-to-End Testing
28 min
Play it Right with CodeceptJS: An Introduction to Supercharged End-to-End Testing
CodeceptJS is BDD-style end-to-end testing framework which plays nicely with all popular testing engines. CodeceptJS has built-in support of PageObjects, DataObjects, plays nicely with TypeScript, and even has its own UI app! In this session, we will take a look how CodeceptJS can be paired with Playwright to make the testing simple and effective.
Shipping High Quality JS Apps with Confidence
29 min
Shipping High Quality JS Apps with Confidence
Shipping bug-less code to production is (obviously) impossible, but still - our users deserve the best experience we can give them. Not only that - if we gain confidence in the way we build our software, we can sleep better at night knowing that it won’t explode in the middle of the night.
In this talk we're going to cover something I call "The Testing Spectrum" - a set of tools, practices and mindset of shipping high quality code to production. From prettier all the way to monitoring, let's avoid your next production incident together!
Security Testing for JS Apps
5 min
Security Testing for JS Apps
With StackHawk, engineering teams can run security tests against JS applications and the backing APIs to find and fix vulnerabilities before they hit production. With automated testing on every PR, you can be confident that your app is secure. Join StackHawk co-founder Ryan Severns for a quick overview of JS application security testing with StackHawk.
Get Testing out of your Tech Debt
8 min
Get Testing out of your Tech Debt
Technical debt and testing have a long and entangled history. Across many organizations, teams struggle to define “technical debt” and what should fall into the “tech debt” bucket. Testing commonly suffers the fate of being categorized as tech debt, and consequently isn’t prioritized. Defining tech debt, and even rebranding it, can help your team to prioritize testing and reduce the negative stigma around tech debt.
Testing React Hooks with Confidence
7 min
Testing React Hooks with Confidence
The talk will be presented as a refactoring story - will start from the messy untestable component, cover it with a brittle smoke test, and then show how to move all our react component logic into a custom hook and test this hook. Will present patterns to test things like - useState, effects, and Apollo.
Practical Web App Performance Problem Solving
8 min
Practical Web App Performance Problem Solving
In this talk we will learn how to solve performance issues. We will learn how the JS engine works, see use cases from production and come out with practical tips that can help you to boost your app's performance 90%!
Deploy with Speed and Confidence Using Contract Testing and Pact
32 min
Deploy with Speed and Confidence Using Contract Testing and Pact
It’s almost 2021 and we still rely on integrated environments and large end-to-end test suites to release complex, distributed applications called "software". In this talk, Matt breaks down the arguments for such nonsense and shows how a better, faster, safer alternative.
Don’t Make These Testing Mistakes
27 min
Don’t Make These Testing Mistakes
In this talk, I will discuss the common mistakes developers make when writing Cypress tests and how to avoid them. We will discuss tests that are too short, tests that hardcode data, tests that race against the application, and other mistakes. I believe this presentation will be useful to anyone writing E2E tests using JavaScript.
Testing for the Modern Web with Playwright
30 min
Testing for the Modern Web with Playwright
The modern web platform is continuously evolving. Today's web apps are more sophisticated than ever before and testing for the modern web requires modern primitives. In this talk, we will cover how Playwright is uniquely enabling web developers to ship faster and more confidently.
Detox: The Unobtainable Test Stability (or is it?)
36 min
Detox: The Unobtainable Test Stability (or is it?)
In this talk, we'll discuss how Wix is using Detox internally, how we manage configuration, how we fight flakiness, and some best practices we've developed over the ~3 years of building and using Detox in our CI process. We'll also discuss our endless striving for "0 manual QA", which always seems in reach, if we only overcome that one last technical hurdle.
Achieving A11y Automation Testing
27 min
Achieving A11y Automation Testing
Accessibility testing has come a long way in recent years. We'll dive into how EmberJS prioritized A11y with meaningful RFC's, Addons, tooling and docs. Most importantly, we'll discuss how these successes can be applied to your very own apps be they Vue, React, Angular or anything else!
Core Web Vitals - What, Why and How?
27 min
Core Web Vitals - What, Why and How?
Top Content
Performance can make or break a website, but how can you quantify that? In this session we will look at the Core Web Vitals as a way to measure performance on the web. Specifically, we'll go through the history of web performance measurements, where the new metrics come from and how they are measured.
Beyond API Mocking
25 min
Beyond API Mocking
Mocking is one of the best techniques to separate concerns during testing. When it comes to API mocking, we tend to either stub a request client or replace it with a mocked counterpart entirely. What we’re doing is altering the tested system so it makes requests to a different source, or doesn’t make them at all. That’s mainly because there was no better option. Until now.
In this talk, we’ll go through how to efficiently use API mocking that retains the integrity of your JavaScript application and results in more confident tests. On top of that, I’ll illustrate how to reuse the same mocks on different testing levels, as well as during development and debugging. All that with a single tool in your arsenal.
Writing Testable Serverless Apps Using Hexagonal Architecture
28 min
Writing Testable Serverless Apps Using Hexagonal Architecture
According to many polls, testing serverless applications and fear of the cloud vendor lock-in are among the top five challenges organizations face when adopting serverless. We often hear that using serverless effectively requires a mind shift. But what does that mean? Do we need new tools and strategies for testing serverless applications, or can we use existing tools we already use for our non-serverless applications? And what about cloud vendor lock-in? Is that a real thing or just a fictional story that scares people away from serverless? Can we decrease a risk of vendor lock-in using a well-known architecture, such as hexagonal architecture?
Testing React: A Convert’s Journey from Enzyme to Testing Library
8 min
Testing React: A Convert’s Journey from Enzyme to Testing Library
Testing Library's advantages over Enzyme for testing React:
- Opinionated framework enforces best testing practices (test behavior, not integration) - Opinions on how to find elements ( role) encourages accessibility - jest-dom assertions lead to simple, readable tests - ESLint plugins help encourage best practices in real time - test output helps locate elusive elements
There will be a few code examples, but this is largely a discussion (rather than a how-to).
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up your Test Warnings
8 min
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up your Test Warnings
Even though we write tests for our web applications, the reality is that bugs still happen. Fortunately, many of these are easily preventable paying more attention to the warnings from our apps. However, it's often so easy to put them under the rug and never come back until we find a bug in production, which leads to hundreds if now thousands of warnings appearing in our test output. This talk is about how to prevent this situation and how to get out of it.
Visual Regression Under the Hood
9 min
Visual Regression Under the Hood
Visual regression is one of the hardest part in UI testing. And you will likely agree that it is extremely powerful. But how it works? What the problem it is solving under the hood? Why people choose visual regression services and how we build the fastest visual regression tool in the world :)