#case study

A case study is an in-depth analysis of a particular event, situation or project. It focuses on examining the details of the subject at hand and providing an understanding of its context, processes and outcomes. In the context of JavaScript, a case study would involve researching the implementation of a specific JavaScript application or technology, such as a web framework or library, and then analyzing the results of its use. This could include exploring the advantages and disadvantages of the technology, user feedback, and any other relevant information. Case studies are useful for determining best practices and gaining insight into how certain technologies work in the real world.
How to Convert Crypto Currencies With GRPC Microservices in Node.js
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
117 min
How to Convert Crypto Currencies With GRPC Microservices in Node.js
Alex Korzhikov
Andrew Reddikh
2 authors
The workshop overviews key architecture principles, design patterns, and technologies used to build microservices in the Node.js stack. It covers the theory of the GRPC framework and protocol buffers mechanism, as well as techniques and specifics of building isolated services using the monorepo approach with lerna and yarn workspaces, TypeScript. The workshop includes a live practical assignment to create a currency converter application that follows microservices paradigms. It fits the best developers who want to learn and practice GRPC microservices pattern with the Node.js platform.
Prerequistes:- Good understanding of JavaScript or TypeScript- Experience with Node.js and writing Backend applications- Preinstall Node.js, npm- Preinstall Protocol Buffer Compiler- We prefer to use VSCode for a better experience with JavaScript and TypeScript (other IDEs are also ok)
Build a Collaborative Notion-Like Product in 2H
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
87 min
Build a Collaborative Notion-Like Product in 2H
Witek Socha
Witek Socha
You have been tasked with creating a collaborative text editing feature within your company’s product. Something along the lines of Notion or Google Docs.
CK 5 is a feature-rich framework and ecosystem of ready-to-use features targeting a wide range of use cases. It offers a cloud infrastructure to support the real-time collaboration system needs. During this workshop, you will learn how to set up and integrate CK 5. We will go over the very basics of embedding the editor on a page, through configuration, to enabling real-time collaboration features. Key learnings: How to embed, set up, and configure CK 5 to best fit a document editing system supporting real-time collaboration.
Table of contents:- Introduction to the CK 5 ecosystem.- Introduction to a “Notion-like” project template.- Embedding CK 5 on a page.- Basic CK 5 configuration.- Tuning up CK 5 for a specific use case.- Enabling real-time editing features.
0 To Auth In An Hour For Your JavaScript App
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
57 min
0 To Auth In An Hour For Your JavaScript App
Asaf Shen
Asaf Shen
Passwordless authentication may seem complex, but it is simple to add it to any app using the right tool.
We will enhance a full-stack JS application (Node.js backend + Vanilla JS frontend) to authenticate users with One Time Passwords (email) and OAuth, including:
- User authentication – Managing user interactions, returning session / refresh JWTs- Session management and validation – Storing the session securely for subsequent client requests, validating / refreshing sessions
At the end of the workshop, we will also touch on another approach to code authentication using frontend Descope Flows (drag-and-drop workflows), while keeping only session validation in the backend. With this, we will also show how easy it is to enable biometrics and other passwordless authentication methods.
Finding, Hacking and fixing your NodeJS Vulnerabilities with Snyk
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
99 min
Finding, Hacking and fixing your NodeJS Vulnerabilities with Snyk
Matthew Salmon
Matthew Salmon
npm and security, how much do you know about your dependencies?Hack-along, live hacking of a vulnerable Node app https://github.com/snyk-labs/nodejs-goof, Vulnerabilities from both Open source and written code. Encouraged to download the application and hack along with us.Fixing the issues and an introduction to Snyk with a demo.Open questions.
Build a chat room with Appwrite and React
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
41 min
Build a chat room with Appwrite and React
Wess Cope
Wess Cope
API's/Backends are difficult and we need websockets. You will be using VS Code as your editor, Parcel.js, Chakra-ui, React, React Icons, and Appwrite. By the end of this workshop, you will have the knowledge to build a real-time app using Appwrite and zero API development. Follow along and you'll have an awesome chat app to show off!
JS Security Testing in GitHub Actions
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
101 min
JS Security Testing in GitHub Actions
Zachary Conger
Zachary Conger
This workshop will focus on automating software composition analysis, static application security testing and dynamic application security testing using GitHub Actions. After a brief introduction covering the different types of application security and the importance of finding security vulnerabilities before they hit production, we'll dive into a hands-on session where users will add three different security testing tool to their build pipelines.
Deploying a decoupled restaurant review site to production with Strapi and Platform.sh
Node Congress 2022Node Congress 2022
134 min
Deploying a decoupled restaurant review site to production with Strapi and Platform.sh
Shedrack Akintayo
Chad Carlson
2 authors
Node.js has become an increasingly popular language to build and deploy backend APIs. In a world of legacy CMSs adopting decoupled implementations, plenty of frameworks have sprung up to classify themselves as "headless" CMSs, designed from the start to provide an easy way to personalize content models, administer permissions and authentication, and serve a content API quickly.
Strapi, one of the leaders in this space, has recently released their v4 version of the framework, and with Platform.sh it can be deployed alongside a number of frontends within the same project, giving a drastically simplified development experience working with decoupled sites. In this workshop, we'll deploy a Strapi demo application, which has been configured to serve a restaurant review site.
Piece piece you will add database services, tests, and frontends, all within the safety of isolated development environments. At the end, each user will have a functioning decoupled site, and some greater understanding of working with decoupled sites in production.
Hard GraphQL Problems at Shopify
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
164 min
Hard GraphQL Problems at Shopify
Rebecca Friedman
Jonathan Baker
Alex Ackerman
Théo Ben Hassen
 Greg MacWilliam
5 authors
At Shopify scale, we solve some pretty hard problems. In this workshop, five different speakers will outline some of the challenges we’ve faced, and how we’ve overcome them.

Table of contents:
1 - The infamous "N+1" problem: Jonathan Baker - Let's talk about what it is, why it is a problem, and how Shopify handles it at scale across several GraphQL APIs.
2 - Contextualizing GraphQL APIs: Alex Ackerman - How and why we decided to use directives. I’ll share what directives are, which directives are available out of the box, and how to create custom directives.
3 - Faster GraphQL queries for mobile clients: Theo Ben Hassen - As your mobile app grows, so will your GraphQL queries. In this talk, I will go over diverse strategies to make your queries faster and more effective.
4 - Building tomorrow’s product today: Greg MacWilliam - How Shopify adopts future features in today’s code.
5 - Managing large APIs effectively: Rebecca Friedman - We have thousands of developers at Shopify. Let’s take a look at how we’re ensuring the quality and consistency of our GraphQL APIs with so many contributors.