Witek Socha

Witek Socha

Currently working with the CKEditor 5 core team on the editor framework, its ecosystem, and developer experience. Ex-developer turned into a product person but still codes for fun and brain practice. Strong opinions weakly held, and often overruled by his two kids.
Build a Collaborative Notion-Like Product in 2H
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
87 min
Build a Collaborative Notion-Like Product in 2H
You have been tasked with creating a collaborative text editing feature within your company’s product. Something along the lines of Notion or Google Docs.
CK 5 is a feature-rich framework and ecosystem of ready-to-use features targeting a wide range of use cases. It offers a cloud infrastructure to support the real-time collaboration system needs. During this workshop, you will learn how to set up and integrate CK 5. We will go over the very basics of embedding the editor on a page, through configuration, to enabling real-time collaboration features. Key learnings: How to embed, set up, and configure CK 5 to best fit a document editing system supporting real-time collaboration.
Table of contents:- Introduction to the CK 5 ecosystem.- Introduction to a “Notion-like” project template.- Embedding CK 5 on a page.- Basic CK 5 configuration.- Tuning up CK 5 for a specific use case.- Enabling real-time editing features.