0 To Auth In An Hour For Your JavaScript App

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Passwordless authentication may seem complex, but it is simple to add it to any app using the right tool.

We will enhance a full-stack JS application (Node.js backend + Vanilla JS frontend) to authenticate users with One Time Passwords (email) and OAuth, including:

- User authentication – Managing user interactions, returning session / refresh JWTs

- Session management and validation – Storing the session securely for subsequent client requests, validating / refreshing sessions

At the end of the workshop, we will also touch on another approach to code authentication using frontend Descope Flows (drag-and-drop workflows), while keeping only session validation in the backend. With this, we will also show how easy it is to enable biometrics and other passwordless authentication methods.


The main goal of the authentication process is to verify the identity of a user attempting to access an application or resource, ensuring they are who they claim to be and preventing unauthorized access.

The prerequisites include a basic understanding of JavaScript, React, Node, and Express. Familiarity with these technologies is recommended, and having a GitHub account is necessary to access the boilerplate code used in the session.

The two major processes involved in authentication are authentication itself, where the user's credentials are verified (usually done once at login), and validation, where the token or session is validated with each subsequent request to the server.

JWTs (JSON Web Tokens) are used to represent user session or user information securely. After the server validates user credentials, it creates a JWT that the browser stores and sends with subsequent requests for session validation.

Server sessions, which are stateful, allow for easier session management and revocation but don't scale well as they require database queries for each request. Client tokens, such as JWTs, scale better in microservice architectures but make token invalidation more challenging.

The authentication service manages complex aspects of authentication, such as JWT management and session token refresh, enabling developers to focus on application-specific logic rather than on the intricacies of secure authentication.

The authentication provider component in a React application initializes and configures authentication services, making them available throughout the application. It typically wraps the application's root component to ensure all child components have access to authentication functions.

Asaf Shen
Asaf Shen
57 min
17 May, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription

This workshop covers the implementation of authentication in a JavaScript application using Node and React. It explores the concepts of authentication and user access, token-based authentication, and the implementation of API calls for login and actions. The workshop also covers the creation of middleware for validation and the implementation of social login. It concludes with a discussion on session management, building forms with flows, customizing screens and authentication methods, and upcoming releases and community engagement.

1. Introduction to Authentication in JavaScript

Short description:

In this session, we will cover how to facilitate authentication to a JavaScript application using Node and React. We'll discuss authentication concepts, code the authentication part, and provide prerequisites for the session. Feel free to ask questions and interact with us.

Hello, everyone, again. My name is Asaf, and I'm going to cover in the next one hour or maybe a bit less, I'm going to cover how to facilitate authentication to a standard JavaScript application that is written in a Node and React application. My premise for you for this session is that you're going to have the ability to add authentication in no time to any application, and you have a better understanding about the moving parts authentication and how to do it in a manner that is both secure and have a good UX.

So, what we are going to cover in the next session, we're going to talk a bit about few authentication concepts. And then we are going to jump right into coding the authentication part in the application that we have. Just to mention the prerequisites, I assume you have a basic understanding about JavaScript, React, Node, and Express. You can manage it, even if you are not familiar with one of those concepts, but it is recommended. And also, if you want to check out the boilerplate code and to use the same application as I am going to use, you should have a GitHub account. I will publish the a open-source repository for the template application. You can use it. And, if you want, you can write the code in any IDE. I'm going to use VS Code. This is if you want to code and also Node 18 or higher.

One second. I want to see the chat here. So, if you have any questions, feel free to write them in the chat. I'll try to be responsive there and just hope that I'll see the chat. But feel free to also ask questions, pause, to turn on your mic. Whatever you feel more comfortable. Also, I have a colleague here and he can also answer the questions.

2. Introduction to Authentication and App Overview

Short description:

In this part, Assaf introduces himself and Descope, a platform that supports various authentication methods. He explains that the app they are working on lacks authentication and sets a one-hour deadline to implement it. The plan includes breaking down the authentication concept, designing the architecture, coding the client and server sides, and leaving time for debugging. Assaf also briefly describes the app they will be working on, which is a simplistic app with a dashboard page that displays information about ice cream consumption.

Okay. Before we start, very quick details about myself. My name is Assaf. I work at Descope. Descope has an amazing platform that can help every developer build a secure and frictionless authentication. We have basically support all authentication methods out there. We support both B2B application, business application, and consumer application. We are focusing more on passwordless, and we have multiple multiple approach to integrate with authentication service, either no code or some code or use the API. If you want, you can read more, you can just try the scope in Google or go to the scope.com and you'll find us there. Beside that, my experience besides arguing a lot with the product team, I write in GoLang and in JavaScript and TypeScript, and in my free time, I love to play Frisbee and learn about astronomy, and also I'm a Real Madrid fan, big game today, like that's it about me.

So, the story is the following. We are here in the sprint planning meeting, and we have a simple app, but it doesn't have any authentication, so we need you to do it, and you have one hour to do it, maybe a bit less because I talked a bit lengthy before. So, what we are going to do, we are going to break down the authentication concept. We are going to, this is the sprint, how we are scheduling this sprint. We are going to talk like a bit about the authentication concept and break down. We are going to have a design architect about what happens where in the application, what happens in the front end, what happens in the back end. We are going to code the client side, we are going to code the server side, and in the free time, we are probably going to leave a few minutes to coffee and debugging.

Before we are starting, I want to show you the app that we have. This is a very simplistic app. I hope it's running. No, it's not. I'm going to share the information about the repository, et cetera, later on. Just want to show you what we have and what we are going to build. We have a very simplistic app. This app has two pages, the dashboard page. Dashboard page shows you information. The concept of the app is give you information about your ice cream consumption. Doesn't really matter. The data doesn't really matter. It can be any application.


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