Authentication Beyond Passwords

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Passwords have long been the keys to our kingdoms. However, they often become the weak points in our armor — forgotten, misused, or exploited. Our Next apps often make use of passwords to authenticate users, but what would a world with no passwords look like? And how we can start driving into that future today?

Juan Cruz Martinez
Juan Cruz Martinez
127 min
06 Dec, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription

This workshop focuses on the future of authentication, specifically passwordless authentication. It explores the challenges with passwords and introduces various passwordless authentication methods such as magic links and WebOfN. The registration and authentication process for passwordless authentication are discussed, along with the use of passkeys for authentication. The workshop also covers the setup of Auth0 and the creation of a Next.js application with Auth0 integration.

1. Introduction to the Workshop

Short description:

My name is Juan, a developer advocate at Okta. I have been a software engineer for over 20 years, working for big corporations like Siemens and Cal Size. I love building software and you can find me online at BA JC Martinez.

So, hey, my name is Juan. I'm a developer advocate at Okta. I have been a software engineer for over 20 years now, working in all kinds of different projects. I work mostly for big corporations like Siemens and Cal Size. And now I'm working at Okta, which is a completely different type of organization. And the main reason why I do software engineering is because I love to build stuff, but just software stuff. Don't ever ask me to build an IKEA furniture because I'm terrible at it. But as long as it comes to software, I always find my way around that. You can find me online in most social media platforms at BA JC Martinez. So, yeah, you can follow me there if you like to connect and have further discussions about the workshop or just software engineering topics in general, I'm always posting stuff.

2. Introduction to Passwordless Authentication

Short description:

Today's workshop is about the future of authentication and how it is passwordless. We'll start with a presentation and then dive into coding a Next.js application for passwordless authentication. This will be an interactive session, so feel free to ask questions and share your thoughts. Let me share a personal experience with passwords. While on a train, I realized I forgot my password when I needed to access my ticket. Passwords are easy to forget, and I'm not alone in this struggle.

So the workshop. So today's workshop is going to be about the future of authentication and how the future of authentication is passwordless. At the beginning, we're going to have a short presentation on introducing the topic, but then we're going to get all hands into code and implementing a Next.js application that is going to allow users to sign up and log in using passwordless authentication flows. We're going to discuss that into a lot of detail today.

Also, this is going to be an interactive session. So if you have any questions, if you have any comments or anything you would like to talk about, please feel free to use the chat. I would love to do this as interactive as possible as you follow me along creating the application and working on the code. So it doesn't feel just me doing a presentation of everything, but it's actually all of us building in public in a way.

So let's get started a little bit with our presentation. That was enough a little bit about myself. And oh, look at that. I just got a notification here on my phone that says that my train to Berlin is here. So that means that I get to jump on the Deutsche Bahn train and enjoy my four hour ride to Berlin. Now, while I'm on the train, I see the person that is responsible for checking on the tickets. So I take up my phone, and I open the Deutsche Bahn app. Just to find out that I'm not logged in, right? And as the guy is getting closer, I need to enter my username or my email and password in order to access my ticket. So I can present it to him. But I kind of like forgot what my password is. And now this is a total nightmare scenario because he's approaching I don't know what my email that I used to sign up wasn't like my regular email was like my company email. What was the password that I use? Like, I'm terrible at this. And I'm not the only one because passwords are easy to forget. Right?

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