To App or Not: When to Choose Native or Web

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In today's landscape, deciding between building a native app or a web app can significantly impact your project's success and user experience. As technology advances and user expectations continue to evolve, the decision-making process becomes increasingly complex. Let's dive into the key considerations that can help you determine what is right for you, a native app or a web app. We'll also look at real-world examples of apps and examine the reasons behind their choice of development approach.


Capacitor allows web developers to package their web applications as native apps while retaining access to native project configurations and code, bridging the gap between web and native platforms.

Native apps allow for direct charges for downloads, in-app purchases, and potentially higher visibility in app stores, which can lead to better monetization compared to web apps typically reliant on advertising.

Web development has evolved significantly, moving from FTP uploads to using Git for version control and automating builds and deployments with services like GitHub Actions, Netlify, and Vercel.

The core languages for building web apps are HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Native apps can operate offline, access low-level device features, offer better discoverability and monetization opportunities, and provide a more secure environment with a clear permissions model.

Mike Hardington is developing a new product featuring a compelling UI library and embedded AI to provide contextual information to users.

Mike is contemplating whether to distribute his app as a native app or a web app.

Mike faced challenges such as learning Xcode, dealing with low-level programming languages, and deciding between a mobile app and a web app due to the prevailing belief that serious companies need an app.

Mike Hartington
Mike Hartington
23 min
12 Dec, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription

The Talk discusses the choice between building native or web apps for software development. It explores the benefits of building web apps, such as fast development, easy debugging, and universal rendering. It also highlights the power of native apps, with their advanced features, better offline experience, and monetization opportunities. The Talk suggests using libraries like Capacitor or React Native to combine the benefits of both web and native apps.

1. Introduction and App Distribution

Short description:

I have an opportunity for you all to join me in building the latest and greatest product. It includes a compelling UI library and AI for contextual information. I need help figuring out the best way to distribute it as there are multiple paths to choose from. Should we build a native app or a web app?

Okay, I only have like 20-ish minutes but I have an opportunity for you all and I would like to invite you to join me. So I'm building the latest and greatest product these days. It's got a compelling UI library that I personally know and love. It includes a bunch of AI in there so that way we can provide contextual information to all of our users. I gotta figure out the last part but it's something to do with how we can get that app out to everybody. And that's the part I'd like to actually invite you to help me figure out. What is the best way to distribute this? Really at the end of the day I want to make sure that this app is available to everybody. It's a really really difficult thing to figure out because there's multiple distribution paths to how you can ship an app and which path you choose is going to influence how you actually go ahead and build the app. So let's go ahead and try to walk through this process. We're going to figure out if we should app or not, whether or not we should ship this app as a native app or as a web app.

2. The First App and Native vs. Web

Short description:

This is the story of the first app I built in 2012. It was a time when mobile apps were necessary to be taken seriously as a company. As a web developer, I had to learn Xcode and deal with low-level languages. Android development was also challenging at the time. However, both iOS and Android have come a long way since then. I questioned why we didn't just build a web app, but that was the time of native apps.

I'm Mike Hardington, I work at a company called Ionic. You can find me basically everywhere online as mhardington.

Before we do that though, let's take a trip back to the very first app I ever built. This is an app, don't worry, logos, company names have been kind of obfuscated a bit. But this was an app I built circa 2012. It was a very interesting time in that space, there was this is pre iOS 7, so we're still dealing with some of this blocky skeuomorphism. But what we do have is an app that was loading a bunch of content from a remote service. We're pulling in images, we're pulling in product descriptions. I mean, we're even pulling in some of the styles that were used in that product because this app was built using a app shell and loading up HTML, CSS and JavaScript. This was truly just like cutting edge at the time, but it allowed us to build out this whole entire product demo that we could then go ahead and distribute to all of our salespeople and all of our technical trainers and give them the information they need right on their device.

Now the questions that I had was, well, if we're pulling in all of this web content, why do we need a mobile app? And at the time, the general consensus was, well, you need an app to become a serious company. And that was the end of the discussion. That was easy enough for the head of the company to say, but me, as a lowly web developer, one of the things that I had to deal with was learning Xcode. And this was truly the time when Xcode looked like iTunes. There was a lot of Objective C, even C, C++, like really, really low level stuff. And this is that, as a JavaScript developer, I was not well equipped to handle this. I basically stumbled my way through it. Thankfully, times have kind of evolved since then where we have a much nicer-looking IDE for iOS development, but also we have better languages that are more approachable for people coming from non-low level system languages.

Android was not as great as, well, we didn't even have an IDE at the time. We were using things like Eclipse with the Android SDK plugin enabled so that way we could go ahead and do some Android development. This was not the great Android development of Kotlin. We were still writing Java. We were still dealing with some of these antiquated approaches to building Android apps and doing things for Android pre 4.0 was pretty challenging. Thankfully, like iOS, Android has also come a long way, where the Java that we do write is actually much more familiar to people who have done JavaScript now and TypeScript, and the IDE is, if you've used any IntelliJ product, it is going to be the same IDE, because it is based off of all of their core editor experience.

But again, I kept pushing for, why don't we just do this as a web app? This is the time of the web, right? Everything's gonna be great. I didn't need to build and deploy up my web app. I just needed to bundle all my scripts together and then bring up the FTP client. I had my credentials. I knew where the folder was on my desktop. I could just drag it over to our hosting provider, upload it, and we're done, right? And that was 2012.

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