Empathy Driven Development

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Empathy-driven development empowers developers to create software that truly understands and serves users' needs. This talk explores practical techniques for integrating empathy into the development process, leading to more intuitive, user-friendly applications. Learn how cultivating empathy can foster collaboration, improve code quality, and ultimately enhance user satisfaction. Join us to unlock the transformative potential of empathy in your development journey.

Manjula Dube
Manjula Dube
29 min
08 Dec, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription

This Talk explores empathy-driven development in software engineering, emphasizing the importance of understanding and applying empathy in code reviews, communication, and team collaboration. It highlights the benefits of empathy, such as personal growth, effective communication, and high code quality, while cautioning against excessive empathy. The Talk also discusses building empathetic teams, conducting empathy workshops, and practicing empathy in interviews. It addresses language barriers, handling engineers, and the role of AI in fostering empathy.

1. Introduction to Empathy-driven Development

Short description:

I'm going to be talking about empathy-driven development today. How can you apply empathy as a developer or in your development process? Let me introduce myself. I'm Anjula Dubey, a Technical Delivery Lead at Vanguard Europe. I'm also an organiser at React India and JSConf India. You can find me on Twitter as Manjula underscore Dubey. Are you here to learn empathy or apply it to your development teams? Any technical leaders? There will be useful insights for you.

So, hi everyone. I'm going to be talking about empathy-driven development today. Maybe this is the topic that is not spoken a lot about and that is why I'm here today, building a software with human touch and how can you apply that. How can you apply empathy as a developer or maybe in your development process? So, maybe we are going to look at that.

But before that, let me introduce myself. I'm Anjula Dubey and I'm a Technical Delivery Lead at Vanguard Europe. Vanguard is an investment firm. Just for your knowledge, it's a company from US. I'm also an organiser at React India and JSConf India. On Twitter, you can find me by Manjula underscore Dubey. So, if you want to ask me some questions after my talk, you can also reach out on Twitter.

Cool. Before we move on, quickly, you can raise your hands up. Why are you here? Maybe to learn empathy? I guess all of us know about that. Yeah. You can Google it and you would know. Are you here to apply empathy to your development teams? Yes? Okay. Any technical leaders here? Tech leads? Team leads? Maybe a lot of useful insights today that you can gather and go back and apply to your team.

2. Understanding Empathy

Short description:

Empathy is the awareness of the feelings of others. It means putting oneself in someone else's shoes, comprehending their emotions, perspectives, experiences, and responding with sensitivity and compassion.

So, just a simple definition, of course. All of us know what empathy is. It's the awareness of the feelings of others. I mean, all of us know, very simple. But how do we apply it? So, the definition says that you put oneself in someone else's shoes, right? And to comprehend their emotions, perspectives, experiences, and how do you respond with sensitivity and compassion? But does it really literally mean wearing somebody else's shoes? No, of course not, right? What does it mean? Bryn Brown said that you should be able to see the world as others see it, or maybe not be too judgemental about your junior developer or a senior developer, or maybe understanding other feelings. We'll see that in our coming slides.


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