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Talks from our events
TechLead Conference 2024
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Jun 15 - 19, 2024
React Summit 2024
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Jun 14 - 18, 2024
C3 Dev Festival 2024
C3 Dev Festival 2024
Jun 14 - 15, 2024
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JSNation 2024
Jun 13 - 17, 2024
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Node Congress 2024
Apr 4 - 5, 2024
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Feb 15 - 16, 2024
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React Day Berlin 2023
Dec 8 - 12, 2023
TestJS Summit 2023
TestJS Summit 2023
Dec 7 - 11, 2023
React Summit US 2023
React Summit US 2023
Nov 13 - 15, 2023
React Advanced Conference 2023
React Advanced Conference 2023
Oct 20 - 23, 2023
JS GameDev Summit 2023
JS GameDev Summit 2023
Sep 28 - 29, 2023
Trending today
Introducing Waku: The Minimal React Framework
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
19 min
Introducing Waku: The Minimal React Framework
Waku is an ongoing project aimed at developing a React framework with first-class support for React Server Components. In this talk, I will provide an overview of Waku and walk you through how you can start developing a new project using Waku.
Why You Should Use Redux in 2024
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
33 min
Why You Should Use Redux in 2024
Top Content
I've always avoided trying to do sales pitches for Redux, and tbh most of my time has been spent telling people when they _shouldn't_ use Redux :) But I still see lots of folks asking "_when_ should I use Redux?", and "how does Redux compare to $OTHER_TOOL?". So, I figure it's worth actually doin...
From Websites to Games: The Future of React Three Fiber
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
25 min
From Websites to Games: The Future of React Three Fiber
Web developers learn a lot of programming techniques in the pursuit of their career but often don't realize the depth of their own skill. React Three Fiber became a sensation among thousands of developers because it demonstrated that the knowledge they possess can be harnessed to create interacti...
Building Enterprise-grade GraphQL APIs with Domain-Driven Design and Clean Architecture
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
22 min
Building Enterprise-grade GraphQL APIs with Domain-Driven Design and Clean Architecture
In this talk, we will explore how to build scalable and maintainable GraphQL APIs for enterprise applications using Domain-Driven Design and Clean Architecture patterns. We will discuss the importance of modularizing your API around the business domain and better subdomain organization. We will b...
You Can’t Use Hooks Conditionally… or Can You?
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
28 min
You Can’t Use Hooks Conditionally… or Can You?
Top Content
It’s the hooks rule number one: “Only call hooks at the top level”.
But what if I told you that this rule does not apply to every hook? One of them can actually safely be used conditionally. 
To understand how useContext is different from other hooks, and why...
Bringing React Server Components to React Native
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
29 min
Bringing React Server Components to React Native
Top Content
React Server Components are new topic in community, bunch of frameworks are implementing them, people are discussing around this topic. But what if we could use React Server Components in React Native? And bring all optimisation features that RSC allows to mobile apps? In this talk I would presen...
The Good, The Bad, and The Web Components
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
29 min
The Good, The Bad, and The Web Components
Top Content
There has been no shortage of both fair and unfair criticism toward Web Components from a wide range of folks that build for the web, including but not limited to JavaScript Framework authors in supposed competition with the platform. In this talk I'll show you how to navigate and simplify the mu...
Remix: Embracing Web Standards to Redefine Modern Web Development
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
26 min
Remix: Embracing Web Standards to Redefine Modern Web Development
Discover the power of Remix, a groundbreaking full-stack framework that embraces web standards to redefine modern web development.As developers grapple with complex tools and frameworks, creating performant and maintainable applications becomes increasingly challenging.What if there...
Challenges for Incremental Production Optimizations
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
32 min
Challenges for Incremental Production Optimizations
We will look into usual optimization bundlers applied on production builds and how they can be combined with incremental builds.
Short takes
Anyone Can Be an Open Source Maintainer
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
7 min
Anyone Can Be an Open Source Maintainer
You don't have to be a senior React developer to create a project and open source it! I'll show you how I built an event website with React and EUI, then shared it with the world for contributions and mentored folks who helped improve it. 
React Jam and Why React Is Awesome for Making Games
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
7 min
React Jam and Why React Is Awesome for Making Games
React started as a web rendering library, but its benefits and ease of use has made it find its way into many other domains, including now games! Yes, React is not what you'd traditionally use for making games, but it’s actually great for it. This talk will talk about the popular React Jam, a 10-...
Hacking an e-Reader with React
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
7 min
Hacking an e-Reader with React
I wanted to have a tea menu to show guests and for my own reference. Turns out e-Readers use so little power and can render HTML! I'll share how to generate an e-book with all your drinks with React using Deno, as well as rendering a custom cover page with SVG. Wow your friends by turning an old...
Beyond the Console: Navigating JavaScript With Observability
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
7 min
Beyond the Console: Navigating JavaScript With Observability
Embark on a journey beyond console logs! This session unveils the power of observability in the world of JavaScript, offering practical insights and real-world examples to supercharge your development workflow. From pinpointing elusive bugs to optimizing user experiences, discover the art of maki...
Nested Interactive Elements: A Nightmare in Accessibility
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
9 min
Nested Interactive Elements: A Nightmare in Accessibility
There have been numerous remarkable new UX experiences developed over the years, such as cards displaying an array of products and clickable list items with dynamic menu options, among others. However, only a few are aware of the challenges involved in building structures with nested interactive...
TypeScript Survival Guide: Life-Saving Tips and Techniques
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
7 min
TypeScript Survival Guide: Life-Saving Tips and Techniques
Let's go through your survival kit for the TS jungle! In this talk, you'll get the complete TS guide from simple tips to complex techniques that will help you take the most of TypeScript not only in those large production projects, but also in your small hobby idea. We'll explore validation...
The Entanglement of Concerns between People and Software Development
C3 Dev Festival 2024C3 Dev Festival 2024
8 min
The Entanglement of Concerns between People and Software Development
Recently I was asked: “but Rita, aren’t you a Software Developer? Isn’t you job to write code? Why do you keep pondering about people?” My answer was simple - “because it is not up to a person to build quality software. It takes a village”. Software Development and People can not be seen a...
Learning To Learn : How To Web Dev The Right Way With Vue If You Are A Beginner
Vue.js Live 2024Vue.js Live 2024
8 min
Learning To Learn : How To Web Dev The Right Way With Vue If You Are A Beginner
It is not common that people trying to break in to web dev literally learn to start from HTML/CSS or "create xyz" workflows where 25 files pop up all of a sudden after you run one command and there's no way to comprehend what just happened. Learning should be crafted and tuned to one's way of lea...
Building a Digital Sommelier on Top of ChatGPT and the OpenAI API
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
8 min
Building a Digital Sommelier on Top of ChatGPT and the OpenAI API
When treated as a platform, LLMs such as ChatGPT become powerful building blocks for custom, conversational agents. In this talk, we use the OpenAI API and Vercel AI SDK to build a digital sommelier that recommends the perfect wine.
Suspense for Data Fetching: How to Fetch During Render
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
5 min
Suspense for Data Fetching: How to Fetch During Render
What is suspense for data fetching in React? Why does React's model make creating network requests during render so difficult? Why does (to the presenter's knowledge) no library besides Relay support this, despite its sheer convenience?
In this talk, Robert will discuss how Re...
Hands-On AI: Integrating LangChain with JavaScript for Web Developers
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
92 min
Hands-On AI: Integrating LangChain with JavaScript for Web Developers
Vivek Nayyar
Vivek Nayyar
Dive into the world of AI with our interactive workshop designed specifically for web developers. "Hands-On AI: Integrating LangChain with JavaScript for Web Developers" offers a unique opportunity to bridge the gap between AI and web development. Despite the prominence of Python in AI developmen...
Conquering Complexity: Refactoring JavaScript Projects
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
21 min
Conquering Complexity: Refactoring JavaScript Projects
One of the most common issues in JavaScript code bases is that our code is too complex. As projects and their requirements evolve, complexity creeps in. Excess complexity slows progress, frustrating us as we try to keep large chunks of a program in our heads just to understand what is happening.<...
Adapting to the Future of Work in Tech
C3 Dev Festival 2024C3 Dev Festival 2024
28 min
Adapting to the Future of Work in Tech
Anyone who worked in tech, for any amount of time, knows that the landscape is in constant motion. The technologies of today are obsolete tomorrow. The tools of the trade are in constant motion, and continuous upskilling is the bread and butter of all software engineers who survive the passing wa...
Behind the Scenes of a Visual Regression Test
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
19 min
Behind the Scenes of a Visual Regression Test
In our daily routines as frontend engineers, we diligently apply unit, integration, and end-to-end tests to our development processes. The primary goal of these practices is to deliver features at high velocity with confidence in the robustness of our code. It's crucial to ensure that any modific...
Animating React With Finesse!
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
22 min
Animating React With Finesse!
Animations are the heartbeat of captivating web experiences but wield them carelessly, and the enchantment fades into frustration. Join Nikhil on an exhilarating journey as he reveals the secrets to crafting mesmerizing, high-performance animations in your React apps.In this dynamic talk,...
Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire: A Manager's Guide to Helping New Developers Thrive
TechLead Conference 2024TechLead Conference 2024
35 min
Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire: A Manager's Guide to Helping New Developers Thrive
Andrew Coleburn
Andrew Coleburn
Onboarding to a new project can be difficult, no matter your background and experience. But it can be especially challenging for new developers straight out of school or a coding bootcamp. Drawing on personal experience as a bootcamp grad and JavaScript consultant, this talk will discuss tips and...
From Nebula to Supernova: Design System Maturity Models
C3 Dev Festival 2024C3 Dev Festival 2024
29 min
From Nebula to Supernova: Design System Maturity Models
Design systems are inevitable! They play a pivotal role in web development, enabling teams to achieve consistency, scalability, and efficiency.Join us for an insightful and entertaining talk that dives into the world of design systems and their evolution within tech organizations. In this...
JS on the Big Screen: Making TV Apps
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
22 min
JS on the Big Screen: Making TV Apps
The ever-expanding landscape of JavaScript applications has now reached the big screen - yes, you heard it right, you can build TV apps with JavaScript! 
The TV operating space is a mess; there’s more fragmentation than the Android ecosystem, and that’s saying something. Each m...
Reverse-Engineering Everything to Get Rid of Trust Issues
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
20 min
Reverse-Engineering Everything to Get Rid of Trust Issues
Like it or not, those days lots of things around us run on JavaScript. Web, mobile and desktop apps, TVs, fridges and space rockets - you name it! I will talk about how to put this to good use by utilizing the forbidden craft of "disassembling". We'll also talk about not knowing things, trusting...
Learn to Build on WEB3 Like It’s WEB2
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
83 min
Learn to Build on WEB3 Like It’s WEB2
David Dal Busco
David Dal Busco
In this session, we will build and deploy a decentralized application from scratch and delve into its additional features, all while minimizing the complexity typically associated with learning blockchain technology.By the end of this session, I hope attendees will not only have a clearer...
I Run Code From the Internet!
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
20 min
I Run Code From the Internet!
Is it wise to run code from strangers? Well, we do it all the time and there's no backing out of it. Let's take a look at how a JavaScript project could get hacked and then defend itself from supply chain attacks. 
Limit access to globals for each package? Sure. Control...
Build a powerful DataGrid in few hours with Ag Grid
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
96 min
Build a powerful DataGrid in few hours with Ag Grid
Mike Ryan
Mike Ryan
Does your React app need to efficiently display lots (and lots) of data in a grid? Do your users want to be able to search, sort, filter, and edit data? AG Grid is the best JavaScript grid in the world and is packed with features, highly performant, and extensible. In this workshop, you’ll learn...
Rise of the Robots
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
27 min
Rise of the Robots
Discover the future of automated mobile application testing with a JavaScript-powered mechanical arm. During this talk we will explore the design, prototyping, and implementation of this cutting-edge solution, optimizing testing efficiency and precision on real mobile devices. We will also discus...
Testing: Do More With Less
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
27 min
Testing: Do More With Less
How can you be confident that your code is well-tested? For me, the criteria are straightforward: you feel comfortable deploying it automatically to production on a Friday evening, and the release pipeline stays as green as an evergreen tree. In this talk, I'll share some approaches that I am fol...
Generating types without climbing a tree
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
30 min
Generating types without climbing a tree
How do you generate types dynamically? How do you write a script that creates some typescript code? The approach most people would recommend is to use Abstract Syntax Tree manipulations. I was working on a deadline to implement types for our OpenAPI client, and I would have missed our relea...
Are the (module) types wrong?
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
30 min
Are the (module) types wrong?
Have you ever installed a dependency, imported it just like the README instructs, and immediately been met with strange TypeScript errors about default imports, the output module format, or ESM/CommonJS interoperability? When everything works at runtime but TypeScript complains, you might w...
Leveraging the Event Loop for Blazing-Fast Applications!
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
35 min
Leveraging the Event Loop for Blazing-Fast Applications!
Some weeks ago I made my own implementation of signals, capable of updating 300k times the DOM in circa 600ms. Leveraging the Microtask Queue, I was able to bring that number down to 6ms, effectively improving performances by 100x. I wanna share how the Microtask Queue works and how you can lever...
Peace, Love and JavaScript
Node Congress 2024Node Congress 2024
17 min
Peace, Love and JavaScript
The stability and security of open source projects can be found in the people shaping the culture as much as the code they write. The Executive Director of the OpenJS Foundation will share lessons she learned along the way on how to build trust and transparency to minimize drama and overcome chal...
Game Development Patterns and Architectures in JavaScript
JS GameDev Summit 2023JS GameDev Summit 2023
28 min
Game Development Patterns and Architectures in JavaScript
In the realm of game development, the right architecture and design patterns can make all the difference. This session delves into the world of game development patterns and architectures in JavaScript, offering a comprehensive exploration of the techniques and strategies used to create engaging...
Unleashing Object Proxies: Building Type-Safe Wrappers for Anything
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
16 min
Unleashing Object Proxies: Building Type-Safe Wrappers for Anything
You must or must not have heard of object proxies before, but have you ever understood how to use them? What the actual usecase of an object proxy is? In this talk, we will do a deep dive into object proxies, understanding how they work, and the kinds of things you can build using them. We...
How to NOT use useEffect?
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
24 min
How to NOT use useEffect?
Top Content
Are you using React in your project? If so, you must used useEffect! Actually, it’s essential for many use cases, but there are instances where it might not be the best solution, and avoiding it can improve your application's performance.
In this talk, we will learn from experi...
Game Development with ReactJS, CSS, and React Three Fiber
JS GameDev Summit 2023JS GameDev Summit 2023
22 min
Game Development with ReactJS, CSS, and React Three Fiber
In this talk, I will share my experience in game development using ReactJS/CSS. We will explore how to make the most out of the component management provided by this library, along with the capabilities of CSS for creating an appealing user interface. Additionally, we will uncover how to leverage...
Hydration, Islands, Streaming, Resumability… Oh My!
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
26 min
Hydration, Islands, Streaming, Resumability… Oh My!
Our ecosystem can be overwhelming! First, we had the rise of SSR and SSG—and each had its own gigantic pile of frameworks and tools. Then partial hydration enabled us to hydrate only some of our components on the client, which we've seen in React Server Components. 
But what ab...
Wait, You're Shipping React Native to the Web?!
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
32 min
Wait, You're Shipping React Native to the Web?!
This talk focuses on building a production-grade consumer social application - https://guild.host . If you visit that site, would you be able to tell it's built using React Native just by looking and using it?

At a high level, Taz talks about what makes that possible and how the...
Why Everybody Needs a Framework
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
39 min
Why Everybody Needs a Framework
The prevalent advice on how to use React today is to use a framework: either to start with one or to incrementally adopt one. This deep-dive talk will explore why, and how to go about this with live code examples.
A Practical Guide for Migrating to Server Components
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
28 min
A Practical Guide for Migrating to Server Components
Server Components are the hot new thing, but so far much of the discourse around them has been abstract. Let's change that. This talk will focus on the practical side of things, providing a roadmap to navigate the migration journey. Starting from an app using the older Next.js pages router and Re...
Patterns for Performance
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
28 min
Patterns for Performance
When working with React it is important that we use the right tool for the right job. If not we will be missing out on the best performance and developer experience. While optimising AG Grid React Table we discovered a number of patterns that made significant improvements to the tables performanc...
Building End-to-End Encrypted Apps (Web & React Native)
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
32 min
Building End-to-End Encrypted Apps (Web & React Native)
Building end-to-end encrypted applications is exciting, but also intimidating. This talk is designed to lower the entry barrier, offering a clear roadmap for integrating end-to-end encryption in collaborative, real-time applications.We begin by unveiling a simple design with one shared enc...
Build a Powerful Datagrid With AG Grid
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
168 min
Build a Powerful Datagrid With AG Grid
Brian Love
Brian Love
Does your React app need to efficiently display lots (and lots) of data in a grid? Do your users want to be able to search, sort, filter, and edit data? AG Grid is the best JavaScript grid in the world and is packed with features, highly performant, and extensible. In this workshop, you’ll learn...
Free workshops
Can LLMs Learn? Let’s Customize an LLM to Chat With Your Own Data
C3 Dev Festival 2024C3 Dev Festival 2024
48 min
Can LLMs Learn? Let’s Customize an LLM to Chat With Your Own Data
Andreia Ocanoaia
Andreia Ocanoaia
Feeling the limitations of LLMs? They can be creative, but sometimes lack accuracy or rely on outdated information. In this workshop, we’ll break down the process of building and easily deploying a Retrieval-Augmented Generation system. This approach enables you to leverage the power of LLMs with...
Build a Full Stack React Native App with Oracle 23ai
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
37 min
Build a Full Stack React Native App with Oracle 23ai
Doug Drechsel
Doug Drechsel
In this workshop, you will set up a local full-stack environment and create a React Native Mobile app that runs against that stack. 
Agenda:- Install Oracle 23ai Docker container- Build and run Parse Server with the new Oracle Storage Adapter - Build and ru...
How to Build Front-End Access Control with NFTs
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
88 min
How to Build Front-End Access Control with NFTs
Solange Gueiros
Solange Gueiros
Understand the fundamentals of NFT technology and its application in bolstering web security. Through practical demonstrations and hands-on exercises, attendees will learn how to seamlessly integrate NFT-based access control mechanisms into their front-end development projects.
Building Your Generative AI Application
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
82 min
Building Your Generative AI Application
Dieter Flick
Dieter Flick
Generative AI is exciting tech enthusiasts and businesses with its vast potential. In this session, we will introduce Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), a framework that provides context to Large Language Models (LLMs) without retraining them. We will guide you step-by-step in building your ow...
Build Peer-to-Peer Applications with Pear Runtime
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
152 min
Build Peer-to-Peer Applications with Pear Runtime
David Mark Clements
David Mark Clements
Learn how to rapidly build peer-to-peer applications with Pear Runtime. No servers required. Understand peer-to-peer paradigms and construct applications from well-defined building blocks. This workshop will cover how to create both Desktop and Terminal applications (with discussion for Mobile) t...
AI on Demand: Serverless AI
DevOps.js Conf 2024DevOps.js Conf 2024
163 min
AI on Demand: Serverless AI
Top Content
Featured WorkshopFree
Nathan Disidore
Nathan Disidore
In this workshop, we discuss the merits of serverless architecture and how it can be applied to the AI space. We'll explore options around building serverless RAG applications for a more lambda-esque approach to AI. Next, we'll get hands on and build a sample CRUD app that allows you to store inf...
API Testing with Postman Workshop
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
48 min
API Testing with Postman Workshop
Top Content
Pooja Mistry
Pooja Mistry
In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, ensuring the reliability and functionality of APIs has become paramount. "API Testing with Postman" is a comprehensive workshop designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in API testing using Postman, a powe...
Authentication Beyond Passwords
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
127 min
Authentication Beyond Passwords
Juan Cruz Martinez
Juan Cruz Martinez
Passwords have long been the keys to our kingdoms. However, they often become the weak points in our armor — forgotten, misused, or exploited. Our Next apps often make use of passwords to authenticate users, but what would a world with no passwords look like? And how we can start driving into tha...
Crash course into Astro and Storyblok
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
119 min
Crash course into Astro and Storyblok
Arisa Fukuzaki
Arisa Fukuzaki
Headless architecture has gained immense popularity in recent years for its ability to decouple the frontend and backend, empowering developers to create engaging, interactive, and scalable web applications. 
In this workshop, we will quickly take a dive into the Headless World...
The Gateway to Backend: A Frontend Developer's Guide to Full-Stack Development
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
160 min
The Gateway to Backend: A Frontend Developer's Guide to Full-Stack Development
Top Content
Amy Dutton
Amy Dutton
This workshop will guide you through the product development life cycle of creating a real-world web application. You will learn about React Server Components, building a design system within Storybook, and using frontend development to approach becoming a full-stack developer. The workshop will...
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