Building End-to-End Encrypted Apps (Web & React Native)

This talk is confirmed. The time of the talk will be announced soon.
The recording will be published after editing. Multipass and Full ticket holders have early access.
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Building end-to-end encrypted applications is exciting, but also intimidating. This talk is designed to lower the entry barrier, offering a clear roadmap for integrating end-to-end encryption in collaborative, real-time applications.

We begin by unveiling a simple design with one shared encryption key, promptly addressing its inherent challenges. Progressively, we delve into tools like Opaque, Secsync and CRDTs to tackle the challenges we identified and enhance our application with the goal of offering a seamless user experience without compromising on security.

Each segment of the talk starts with an accessible overview before diving into practical, code-based examples. This approach not only demystifies the intimidating theory and empowers attendees with the tools and knowledge to apply these principles effectively in their projects.

Video transcription, chapters and summary will be available later.