Crash course into Astro and Storyblok

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Headless architecture has gained immense popularity in recent years for its ability to decouple the frontend and backend, empowering developers to create engaging, interactive, and scalable web applications. 

In this workshop, we will quickly take a dive into the Headless World and Architecture. 

Additionally, we will build a blog website super quickly using Storyblok, a headless CMS that offers a real-time preview feature with nestable component approach, and Astro (3.0) which is already creating a buzz with the new app directory. 

- Master headless CMS fundamentals

- Master an Astro & headless CMS approach

- Use Atomic design in your Astro & Storyblok application

- Creating pages, adding content and understanding how the dynamic routing works with headless


The purpose of the Astro Storyblok workshop is to provide participants with an introduction to using Astro in combination with the headless CMS Storyblok. The workshop aims to equip attendees with the knowledge to build applications using Astro and Storyblok, focusing on integrating headless CMS features and atomic design principles into their projects.

Materials and resources for the Astro Storyblok workshop are provided on a Notion page shared during the workshop. This page contains all the necessary source codes, links to additional resources, and step-by-step instructions to follow along with the workshop activities.

The workshop utilizes several key features of Storyblok, including real-time visual editing, the ability to use headless CMS with Astro, and dynamic content management. Participants learn to create and manage content dynamically using Storyblok's visual editor and APIs.

Yes, the Astro Storyblok workshop includes a segment on creating dynamic menus. Participants learn to add new dynamic components like config components, which enable the creation and management of dynamic navigation menus that can be easily updated through the Storyblok interface.

Yes, the workshop is heavily focused on hands-on activities. Participants are guided through the process of building a blog application using Astro and Storyblok, from setting up the project to integrating dynamic content and deploying the application.

While the workshop primarily covers development aspects up to the creation of the blog application, participants interested in deployment can refer to the hands-on tutorial provided by Storyblok. This tutorial offers detailed steps on deploying the application, available through links shared in the workshop resources.

Arisa Fukuzaki
Arisa Fukuzaki
119 min
04 Dec, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription

This workshop introduces Astro Storyblok and combines it with the headless CMS, Storyblok. It covers topics such as headless CMS, JAMstack, and the use of atomic design. Participants learn how to set up a Storyblok account, configure the preview URL, and import component schemas. They also explore real-time editing, nested components, and dynamic menus. The workshop concludes with customizing existing components, adding images, and using the Astro image component.

1. Introduction to Astro Storyblok Workshop

Short description:

Hi, everyone. Thank you for joining my workshop on Astro Storyblok. In this workshop, we will explore the intro of Astra and combine it with the headless CMS, Storyblok. We will use the atomic design and build a blog application together. Although we won't cover deployment, there is a hands-on tutorial from Storyblok for you to explore after the workshop. Let's start by gauging your knowledge of headless CMS. Have you heard of any headless CMS?

Hi, everyone. Officially, a great day. And thank you so much for joining my workshop. I hope, yeah, you're excited, as I am. This is part of the React Day Berlin. I'm not in Berlin, technically, in the conference. But if you're interested in, I know that they have very cool talks and the conference going on. And I guess they also have the virtual talks, too. Make sure to check it out.

Anyway, today we gather for crash course into Astro Storyblok. So I'm going to get started with sharing one. I would say, like, not exactly a cheat sheet, but could be a cheat sheet. So during this workshop, I'm going to be using this notion page and I'm going to share my screen to show you what I'm talking about. It's a notion page. But it has a bunch of information that you want to know while you join this workshop. And also, there are lots of sources. Don't worry about, you know, that I go fast for now. Because that's something we are going to talk and see anyway.

And here is the workshop content. So I'm going to be quite often sharing this screen, the one I sent you the link just right now. If you just joined and cannot see, let's say, the past conversation, please feel free to write in your question. And also, not to forget. So since we are doing the online, mostly it's going to be like me sharing my screen and showing you how you also can, you know, like, follow together with me. And if you, let's say, like, go a little bit behind, no problem. That's why I have this notion note for the workshop, because, let me go a little bit down. So here, from here is going to be the hands on. But here I have, like, a couple of shortcuts, that you also can have a look at it. And then in, I would say, like, every single, like, part I have, let me go down a bit here. Yeah, this here, like a little note, like every single part in the end, I have something you can actually, like, fork from the workshop repo, so that you wouldn't be, you know, like, left behind. And you can just, you know, like, fork the right branch, where you were actually working on with me, and then just swap certain keys, which I'm going to also explain to you. So that's one another house rule I wanted to show you, actually, and tell you. And this is the workshop repo, which I'm also going to share with you now. So, I hope you can see that. Yeah, I would say, like, when you have access to here, I would recommend you to open this notion page for this workshop, so that, you know, like, you have all the source code that you can just copy and paste, then you wouldn't have any typos. And to get started, first of all, the purpose of this workshop, just very quickly, is about diving into, you know, the intro of Astra. So, if you're totally new to Astra, that's also totally fine, but not just, you know, diving into the Astra world, we are also going to combine with the headless CMS, which is going to be a story block this time. So, with this workshop, you will be able to get the two knowledges at once. So, that's why, like, we have the, I would say, like, outlines or a table of content for this workshop here, and we are going to use the atomic design, and that's why I chose this headless CMS in this case. And then, yeah, we are going to see the example of the Astra and story block application with Hands-On, not just having a look at it. We are going to build together. So, in the end of this, we are going to build the blog. Let's say, yeah, the blog application, which you can also deploy later on. But in this workshop, let's say from the timeframe we have, we are not going into the deployment. But if you're interested in, there is the source, actually, the Hands-On tutorial, which is provided from the story block side. So, you can, you know, have a look at it after the workshop and deploy it. All right. So, that's the intro. And the sources, I'm going to skip it, because we're going to cover anyway together in the workshop. But to align with, let's say, like, your levels of the knowledge, I want to make sure first where we can start from, because there will be different starting point, depending on the workshop audience. So, you can participate to write your answer, yes or no, from the questions that I'm going to ask you. So, I think I'm going to start from here, like how much you have the knowledge about the headless CMS? Do you know or have heard about any headless CMS? Headless content management system. You can respond to me yes or no in the chat. And depending on that, I'm going to start from something very beginning, what is headless CMS, or we can move on to the next question. Jumpstart. Okay. I see no from Anna. Khan also says no. Okay. Patricia also says no. Okay. I see a few yes. Yes. Yes. Okay. Okay. Mm-hmm. Knowing it, but didn't try. Okay. Good. I see a good mixture of it.

2. Introduction to Headless CMS and JAMstack

Short description:

Headless CMS separates the front-end and back-end sides, improving security and allowing flexibility in choosing front-end technologies. JAMstack, which stands for JavaScript, API, and Markup, interacts with APIs to fetch data, avoiding direct interaction with databases. Storyblok is the headless CMS used in this workshop. Create a free account on the Storyblok website to continue.

So, to be more fair for everyone, I think I'm going to quickly cover about what is headless CMS. So, the very easy explanation would be like the head part and the body part, which would, let's say, like, can be translated into the front-end side and the back-end side. These are not in one place. So, I like monolithic content management system like WordPress, Drupal, actually headless CMS architecture is that you split the front-end side and back-end side. So, from the security perspective, it's also quite safer because, you know, like if you want to attack some malicious purposes, stuff like that, then you need to attack several places instead of just, you know, attacking one. So, in this way, that's also like better. And the good part is that in the monolithic world, you have to stick to the certain technology like PHP, things like that. But with the headless CMS, because you interact, you know, to fetch the data through APIs. And I mean, the front-end side is completely, you know, agnostic from the back-end side, so that you can actually choose any kind of, most of all, the front-end technologies. That's why you can, you know, like use headless CMS with Astro, like today's workshop. So, yeah, that's actually something that I can tell very quickly.

Okay. So, the next question, we covered this part. And I would say, like, do you know JAMstack? You can say yes or no in the chat. And depending on that, I will decide to go to this part or this part. Okay. Okay. I see, yeah. Mostly no so far. Yes, just heard about it. I see a few yes. Okay. Then I'm also going to quickly cover about that. And yeah. Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you, but these are actually the links that you can watch later. So, if you don't understand, let's say, like, what I explained quickly, then you can always, you know, come to those links. These are videos very quickly that you can watch it, too. The video unavailable. Oh, is it unavailable? Let me quickly check. Oh, no. That's too bad. Okay. Sorry about that. I created this content actually not so long time ago. At the time it was working. But, anyway, I'm going to find a better one for you after the workshop. But, anyway, the JAMstack is, first of all, like, JAMstack's JAM, first of all, stands for the JavaScript and the A stands for the API and the M stands for the markup. And then, like, the thing is that you interact with the APIs to fetch the data. So, it's not going to be, like, you know, like, in the monolith world that you need to interact with directly with the databases. And you probably might have seen some of the cases or have heard of the cases that non developer users also have access to those database. And then, they do their best to modify some stuff. But then, like, it's getting to be too hard to, let's say, fix if something goes wrong. So, yeah. And to prevent that, the headless CMS uses, let's say, API first approach. And that's what the JAMstack, I would say, like, would fit the best. Or actually, it goes in the same direction. So, I could explain you or show you, like, more resources. But the point of this workshop is not dig into, like, lots of, let's say, logics or the theory about the JAMstack. So, I think I'm gonna finish around what is JAMstack at this point. But you're gonna see how I'm going to interact, let's say, to fetch the data, retrieve, and then render it in the end through the APIs. So, I think we covered this part.

And this question, the last question, I want to ask you would be, do you know Storyblok? That's actually the headless CMS we are gonna use. My guess is lots of no. Yes, I see no, no, no. Oh, I have heard of it. Nice. Okay. Okay. Good. I like that everyone is responding so quick. Thank you so much. And yeah, I'm happy to show you, actually. So, I think, what should I do? Yeah, I think I'm gonna directly show you, like, yeah, this website. So, you can already open up this website to go to the Storyblok site. And anyway, from here, I would ask you to create an account. So, while you're listening, what is Storyblok, you can already, you know, like, get access to this URL that I sent you. And then if you don't have an account, you can hit this try for free. Creating accounts are for free. And then if you already have an account and forgot, stuff like that, you can, you know, get access to log in. And while you're creating your Storyblok account or figuring out if you already have an account or not, then I'm gonna explain you what is Storyblok.

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