You Don’t Know How to SSR

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A walk-through of the evolution of SSR in the last twelve years. We will cover how techniques changed, typical problems, tools you can use and various solutions, all from the point of view of my personal experience as a consumer and maintainer.


Emanuele Stoppo is an Italian living in Ireland, a core contributor to the Biome project, part of the team platform for the Aster project, and an avid console gamer.

Server-side rendering (SSR) is a technique in web development where a server generates the initial HTML for a web page, which is then sent to the client's browser for display. This approach contrasts with client-side rendering, where the browser builds the page using JavaScript.

Emanuele Stoppo began his career in web development shortly after graduating from university in 2010. His first experience was with PHP, using the Codingigniter framework, which is based on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern.

jQuery was a significant advancement in Emanuele's web development career, as it introduced new possibilities for animations and client-side HTML manipulation without needing to reload the web page.

Emanuele Stoppo faced challenges incorporating React into a project governed by enterprise constraints, which was initially powered by a Microsoft .NET framework CMS called Umbraco. Despite limitations, he developed his own SSR framework to integrate React effectively into the project.

Emanuele Stoppo found working with Next.js beneficial, particularly appreciating features like GetStaticProps which simplified data fetching for static generation. He also developed a deployment layer to handle serverless builds and deployments within constrained backend environments using lambdas.

In his role at Astro, Emanuele has developed several niche features using SSR techniques, such as the function per route for efficient code splitting and Edge Middleware to enhance performance by running middleware functions closer to the user.

Emanuele Stoppa
Emanuele Stoppa
23 min
15 Feb, 2024


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Video Summary and Transcription

The Talk covers the speaker's personal journey into server-side rendering (SSR) and the evolution of web development frameworks. It explores the use of jQuery for animations in SSR, the challenges faced in integrating React with Umbraco, and the creation of a custom SSR framework. The Talk also discusses the benefits of Next.js and the use of serverless artifacts for deployment. Finally, it highlights the features of Astro, including its function per route capability.

Available in Español: No sabes cómo hacer SSR

1. Introduction to SSR and Personal Journey

Short description:

Today I'm going to talk to you about SSR and my personal journey into SSR. First, let's dive into it! My name is Emanuele Stoppo, I'm Italian, I live in Ireland. I'm a core contributor of the Biome project and I belong to the team platform of the Aster project. We're going to start our journey talking about this coding framework, which is essentially my first experience with SSR. And we're going to arrive and end our journey with Astro. Now, what is server-side rendering? It's when a server gives you HTML and you render a page on your server. Let's start with my first experience in 2010 as a PHP developer working with Codingigniter, a framework based on MVC.

Hi everyone! Today I'm going to talk to you about SSR and my personal journey into SSR. Let's dive into it! First, well, presentations in order. My name is Emanuele Stoppo, I'm Italian, as you might understand from my accent, I live in Ireland. I'm a core contributor of the Biome project and I belong to the team platform of the Aster project. And I'm also an avid console gamer.

So, by the time that this video will come out, probably I will be playing Final Fantasy 7. Now, we're going to start our journey talking about this coding framework, which is essentially my first experience with SSR. And we're going to arrive and end our journey with Astro. And that's where things will get interesting. And we'll see why.

Now, first of all, what is server-side rendering? The thing is, it's changed over the years. When I actually started, server-side rendering was how you make websites. It's how you make them. But then Node.js came along, new patterns, new possibilities, new tools, blah, blah, blah. And things got different, new patterns, and so on. Essentially, it's when a server gives you HTML and you give it to your client. So, you render a page on your server and that's it. So, that's really, really basic. So, now we understand what is SSR.

Let's start with my first experience. It was 2010. I came out of university. It was one year after. And PHP was my first experience. I was a PHP developer. And I got to work with Codingigniter, which is a framework based on MVC, which stands for Model-View-Controller. Just to give you a rundown of what's this pattern. Essentially, you have your own class, which is the controller that has all the business logic of your page. Then, you have the model. Model is usually that entity that takes care of everything around your data.

2. CRUD Operations, Templating Languages, and jQuery

Short description:

So, the CRUD operations. Validations and whatnot. It connects with the database and talks with the database. Then, you have the view. You can have multiple views or reuse all the views. The view is usually a templating language. jQuery came along as a revolution. It's how I learned JavaScript. Here's an example of how I used it with SSR. We had requirements for animations without leaving the user page. So, we created a new endpoint with a controller model view and outputted only the desired HTML.

So, the CRUD operations. Validations and whatnot. So, it connects with the database and talks with the database. And then you have the view. So, the view is usually, you call it inside your controller. You can also have multiple views or reuse all the views. And the view, it's usually a templating language. So, this is an example of a templating language. If you use, for example, Vue and Svelte, you already know what's a templated language. And that's how I used to do it back in the day. So, it hasn't changed that much. Like with Vue and Svelte, they have a different syntax. But, I mean, the concept. It's the same. We interpolate the templated language with the variables. We spit out HTML and we give it to the browser. That's my first. That's how I started.

And then jQuery came along. So, jQuery was a revolution at that time. It's how I learned JavaScript. And here's an example of how I used it with SSR. So, I had my jQuery. And there was another MVC framework which is called Grails. Grails is based on this language called Groovy. It compiles in JVM. As I said, it's still an MVC. And what I did was essentially we had some requirements where we wanted to have some animations without going out from the user page. So, what you usually do at that time was you create a new endpoint with a controller model view. Specifically, for these needs, you spit out only the HTML that you want to have.

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