Search results for "new nodejs features":

Node.js: the New and the Experimental
Node Congress 2021Node Congress 2021
31 min
Node.js: the New and the Experimental
Node.js core does not have an official roadmap - it’s the sum of the interests and efforts of the contributors that determines the future direction of the project. The evolution of a new feature in Node.js can take different twists and turns. Some new features land as experimental, to give time to gather user feedback before they’re considered stable. Other features will land as stable from the start. So, what’s in the pipeline? This talk will take a look at some of the new and experimental features in Node.js core.
The State of Node.js Core
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
24 min
The State of Node.js Core
Node.js, as a platform, is constantly changing and evolving. Node's core is a melting pot of features from our own community, as well as dependencies such as V8 and libuv. This talk will cover the latest developments in Node core.
Mastering Node.js Test Runner
Node Congress 2024Node Congress 2024
117 min
Mastering Node.js Test Runner
Marco Ippolito
Marco Ippolito
Node.js test runner is modern, fast, and doesn't require additional libraries, but understanding and using it well can be tricky.You will learn how to use Node.js test runner to its full potential.We'll show you how it compares to other tools, how to set it up, and how to run your tests effectively. During the workshop, we'll do exercises to help you get comfortable with filtering, using native assertions, running tests in parallel, using CLI, and more. We'll also talk about working with TypeScript, making custom reports, and code coverage.
What’s New in Node?
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
35 min
What’s New in Node?
This talk will walk you through some of the cool features in node that you might have missed.
Bun, Deno, Node.js? Recreating a JavaScript runtime from Scratch - Understand magic behind Node.js
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
29 min
Bun, Deno, Node.js? Recreating a JavaScript runtime from Scratch - Understand magic behind Node.js
Bun, Deno, and many other JavaScript runtimes have been hyped, but do you know why? Is it that easy to make a runtime from scratch?

I've been researching the secret behind Node.js' power and why there are so many new JavaScript runtimes coming up. Breaking down each key component used on Node.js I've come to interesting conclusions that many people used to say whereas in practice it works a bit differently.

In this talk, attendees will learn the concepts used to create a new JavaScript runtime. They're going to go through an example of how to make a JavaScript runtime by following what's behind the scenes on the Node.js project using C++. They'll learn the relationship between Chrome's V8 and Libuv and what makes one JavaScript runtime better than others.

This talk will cover the following topics:
- What's a JavaScript Engine - V8
- Why Node.js uses Libuv
- How to create a JS Runtime from scratch
Mock Service Worker 2.0
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
27 min
Mock Service Worker 2.0
It's been half a decade since Mock Service Worker (MSW) has changed the way developers approach and think of API mocking in JavaScript. With all its innovation, I felt we could do more. I spent the last year making that happen. I can't wait to share it with all of you!
Node.js startup snapshots
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
28 min
Node.js startup snapshots
V8 provides the ability to capture a snapshot out of an initialized heap and rehydrate a heap from the snapshot instead of initializing it from scratch. One of the most important use cases of this feature is to improve the startup performance of an application built on top of V8. In this talk we are going to take a look at the integration of the V8 startup snapshots in Node.js, how the snapshots have been used to speed up the startup of Node.js core, and how user-land startup snapshots can be used to speed up the startup of user applications.
5 Ways You Could Have Hacked Node.js
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
22 min
5 Ways You Could Have Hacked Node.js
Top Content
All languages are or were vulnerable to some kind of threat. I’m part of the Node.js Security team and during the year 2022, we've performed many Security Releases and some of them were really hard to think about.
Did you know you can make money by finding critical vulnerabilities in Node.js? In this talk, I’ll show you 5 ways you can have hacked Node.js and how the Node.js team deals with vulnerabilities.
Tale of Two Repos
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
24 min
Tale of Two Repos
Not all monorepos are made the same, and not all teams are equal. Managing a monorepo is way more than just ""let's select this tool or that tool"". It comprises many design decisions that you need to make for the product and for the developers. 
In this talk, I will go over the main monorepos challenges - packages installation and linking, development and deployment processes - and describe the possibilities that exist for each stage. 
At the end of the talk, you will have a simple and powerful model that will help you in making the right choice of tools and processes for your monorepo. 
Node.js: Landing your first Open Source contribution & how the Node.js project works
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
85 min
Node.js: Landing your first Open Source contribution & how the Node.js project works
 Claudio Wunder
Claudio Wunder
This workshop aims to give you an introductory module on the general aspects of Open Source. Follow Claudio Wunder from the OpenJS Foundation to guide you on how the governance model of Node.js work, how high-level decisions are made, and how to land your very first contribution. At the end of the workshop, you'll have a general understanding of all the kinds of work that the Node.js project does (From Bug triage to deciding the Next-10 years of Node.js) and how you can be part of the bigger picture of the JavaScript ecosystem.

The following technologies and soft skills might be needed):
  - Basic understanding of Git & GitHub interface
  - Professional/Intermediate English knowledge for communication and for allowing you to contribute to the Node.js org (As all contributions require communication within GitHub Issues/PRs)
  - The workshop requires you to have a computer (Otherwise, it becomes difficult to collaborate, but tablets are also OK) with an IDE setup, and we recommend VS Code and we recommend the GitHub Pull Requests & Issues Extension for collaborating with Issues and Pull Requests straight from the IDE.

The following themes will be covered during the workshop:
- A recap of some of GitHub UI features, such as GitHub projects and GitHub Issues
- We will cover the basics of Open Source and go through Open Source Guide
- We will recap Markdown
- We will cover Open Source governance and how the Node.js project works and talk about the OpenJS Foundation
  - Including all the ways one might contribute to the Node.js project and how their contributions can be valued
- During this Workshop, we will cover Issues from the nodejs/ as most of them are entry-level and do not require C++ or deep technical knowledge of Node.js.
  - Having that said, we still recommend enthusiast attendees that want to challenge themselves to "Good First Issues" from the nodejs/node (core repository) if they wish.
  - We're going to allow each attendee to choose an issue or to sit together with other attendees and tackle issues together with Pair Programming through VS Code Live Share feature
    - We can also do Zoom breakrooms for people that want to collaborate together
  - Claudio will be there to give support to all attendees and, of course, answer any questions regarding Issues and technical challenges they might face
  - The technologies used within nodejs/ are React/JSX, Markdown, MDX and Gatsby. (No need any knowledge of Gatsby, as most of the issues are platform agnostic)
- By the end of the Workshop, we'll collect all (make a list) the contributors who successfully opened a Pull Request (even if it's a draft) and recognise their participation on Social media.
Javascript Should Come With Batteries
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
30 min
Javascript Should Come With Batteries
Setting up JavaScript projects is no fun. Getting started involves installing and configuring node, tsc, prettier, eslint, a testing framework, a database driver, and more. Why is JavaScript not batteries included? In this talk we'll talk about how Deno fixes this, letting you focus on building stuff. We explore what benefits full tooling integration unlocks, and remember how fun it is to program if your tools help you, rather than requiring your babysitting.
Exploring Node.js Test Runner
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
28 min
Exploring Node.js Test Runner
The talk "Exploring Node.js Test Runner" delves into the concept of a test runner, shedding light on its essential role within the Node.js ecosystem. It provides an overview of why the development of a test runner for Node.js took considerable time, and presents an exploration of its inner workings.
Out of the Box Node.js Diagnostics
Node Congress 2022Node Congress 2022
34 min
Out of the Box Node.js Diagnostics
In the early years of Node.js, diagnostics and debugging were considerable pain points. Modern versions of Node have improved considerably in these areas. Features like async stack traces, heap snapshots, and CPU profiling no longer require third party modules or modifications to application source code. This talk explores the various diagnostic features that have recently been built into Node.
You can check the slides for Colin's talk here. 
Peace, Love and JavaScript
Node Congress 2024Node Congress 2024
17 min
Peace, Love and JavaScript
The stability and security of open source projects can be found in the people shaping the culture as much as the code they write. The Executive Director of the OpenJS Foundation will share lessons she learned along the way on how to build trust and transparency to minimize drama and overcome challenges in the JavaScript ecosystem. She will cover critical topics such as empowering projects with open governance, building an ecosystem around a community project, and how OpenJS supports essential projects such as Node.js.
Learn Fastify One Plugin at a Time
Node Congress 2021Node Congress 2021
128 min
Learn Fastify One Plugin at a Time
Matteo Collina
Matteo Collina
Fastify is an HTTP framework for Node.js that focuses on providing a good developer experience without compromising on performance metrics. What makes Fastify special are not its technical details, but its community which is wide open for contributions of any kind. Part of the secret sauce is Fastify plugin architecture that enabled developers to write more than a hundred plugins.This hands-on workshop is structured around a series of exercises that covers from basics "hello world", to how to structure a project, perform database access and authentication.
Fastify Workshop
Node Congress 2022Node Congress 2022
152 min
Fastify Workshop
Matteo Collina
Matteo Collina
Fastify is an HTTP framework for Node.js that focuses on providing a good developer experience without compromising on performance metrics. What makes Fastify special are not its technical details, but its community which is wide open for contributions of any kind. Part of the secret sauce is Fastify plugin architecture that enabled developers to write more than a hundred plugins. This hands-on workshop is structured around a series of exercises that covers from basics "hello world", to how to structure a project, perform database access and authentication.
What's New on Node.js Test Runner and Why it's Game-changing
Node Congress 2024Node Congress 2024
17 min
What's New on Node.js Test Runner and Why it's Game-changing
Node's new test runner is pretty cool but not many people are using it yet. In my talk, I'll show you all the neat stuff it can do, including some features I worked on. We'll take a look under the hood of Node to see how mocks work and how to use them. I'll also chat about what's next for the runner and what to expect down the line. Get ready to up your testing game with native assertions and keep things running fast!
Zero Dependency Testing With Node.js
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
10 min
Zero Dependency Testing With Node.js
Node.js recently shipped an experimental test runner. This talk will explore the test runner's architecture and API, and show how to use it with other core modules to create a testing experience with no external dependencies. This talk will also look at potential future additions to the test runner.
The State of Node Compatibility in Deno
Node Congress 2024Node Congress 2024
23 min
The State of Node Compatibility in Deno
Deno is a next-generation TypeScript and JavaScript runtime from the original creator of Node.js. Deno is fast, secure by default, and provides a great developer experience, with TypeScript, JSX, testing, linting, and more all included out of the box. And best of all - you can bring many of your favorite to Node modules with you to Deno. In this talk, we'll cover the current state of backward compatibility with Node.js projects and modules in Deno. We'll demonstrate what works with zero configuration, and the available mechanisms in Deno that will let you bring the best of the Node ecosystem along for the ride.
MERN Stack Application Deployment in Kubernetes
DevOps.js Conf 2022DevOps.js Conf 2022
152 min
MERN Stack Application Deployment in Kubernetes
Joel Lord
Joel Lord
Deploying and managing JavaScript applications in Kubernetes can get tricky. Especially when a database also has to be part of the deployment. MongoDB Atlas has made developers' lives much easier, however, how do you take a SaaS product and integrate it with your existing Kubernetes cluster? This is where the MongoDB Atlas Operator comes into play. In this workshop, the attendees will learn about how to create a MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) application locally, and how to deploy everything into a Kubernetes cluster with the Atlas Operator.