Joel Lord

Joel Lord

Joel Lord is passionate about the web and technology in general. He likes to learn new things, but most of all, he wants to share his discoveries. He does so by travelling at various conferences all across the globe. He graduated from college in computer programming in the last millennium. Apart from a little break to get his BSc in computational astrophysics, he was always in the industry. As a developer advocate with Red Hat OpenShift, he meets with developers to help them make the web better by using best practices around Kubernetes. During his free time, he is usually found stargazing in a camping site somewhere or brewing a fresh batch of beer in his garage.
MERN Stack Application Deployment in Kubernetes
DevOps.js Conf 2022DevOps.js Conf 2022
152 min
MERN Stack Application Deployment in Kubernetes
Deploying and managing JavaScript applications in Kubernetes can get tricky. Especially when a database also has to be part of the deployment. MongoDB Atlas has made developers' lives much easier, however, how do you take a SaaS product and integrate it with your existing Kubernetes cluster? This is where the MongoDB Atlas Operator comes into play. In this workshop, the attendees will learn about how to create a MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) application locally, and how to deploy everything into a Kubernetes cluster with the Atlas Operator.
Kubernetes for JS Developers
DevOps.js Conf 2021DevOps.js Conf 2021
157 min
Kubernetes for JS Developers
Kubernetes is now the defacto standard for container orchestration. Despite being one of the most loved platforms out there, it can be intimidating at first. Where do you even get started to deploy your applications? In this hands-on lab, you will learn about the basic components used to deploy your application into a Kubernetes cluster. Once the basics have been covered, you will understand how to build and deploy cloud-native applications on Kubernetes. By the end of this workshop, you’ll be deploying, scaling, and automating JS-based distributed solutions using containers, Kubernetes, and other popular open-source tools for distributed computing.