What's New on Node.js Test Runner and Why it's Game-changing

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Node's new test runner is pretty cool but not many people are using it yet. In my talk, I'll show you all the neat stuff it can do, including some features I worked on. We'll take a look under the hood of Node to see how mocks work and how to use them. I'll also chat about what's next for the runner and what to expect down the line. Get ready to up your testing game with native assertions and keep things running fast!

Lucas Santos
Lucas Santos
17 min
04 Apr, 2024


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Video Summary and Transcription

The Node.js Test Runner is presented as a better alternative to Jest, offering more flexibility and improved performance. It supports TypeScript out of the box and provides comprehensive test suite visualization. The test runner has native support for code coverage and upcoming features include module mocking and improved filtering. Shifting to the test runner is simple and helps the community grow.

1. Introduction to Node.js Test Runner

Short description:

Hello, everybody. Today, we're going to talk about the Node.js Test Runner. I'm Luca Santos, a senior software engineer at OpenVault. You can reach out to me on Twitter and Instagram at elsantos.dev.

Hello, everybody. Today, we're going to talk about the Node.js Test Runner. So first of all, I'm going to introduce myself. My name is Luca Santos. I am one of the senior software engineers there at OpenVault today. I live in Sweden. I'm originally from Brazil. And you can reach out to me on any of my social networks. So basically, there's the ones in the bottom there. It's Twitter.elsantos.dev, Instagram.elsantos.dev. You know, you get the idea. Luca is a very common name in Brazil. So basically, I had to, you know, choose DNS over Nix in social networks. So just put the social network name followed by .elsantos.dev. Or if you are in doubt on any social networks that you want to talk to me, just .elsantos.dev is going to take you to my main page where everything is. Okay? I'm super open to talk about anything. So just reach out to me, and it's going to be super nice.

2. The Benefits of the Node.js Test Runner

Short description:

My goal with this talk is to make you ditch Jest for something better, the Node.js test runner. Jest is outdated and has limitations. The Node.js test runner is actively improved and offers more flexibility. The current test runners are difficult to configure, especially for TypeScript, and often require additional libraries that can slow down your project. They also lack interoperability and can be inflexible.

Next up, I'm going to share my goal in this talk for you. Like, what is the goal that I have with this talk? It's to make you ditch Jest in the end. That is simple as that. I don't hate Jest. I actually use it a lot. But I had my fair share of problems. And I think it's time to move on, right? I think it's time that we need something new, something better. Jest is super old, right? It's very good, but the time has passed, right?

So I'm going to do this. I'm going to present you something that is possibly better. But why possibly better? Well, because the Node.js test runner is still being actively improved. So there's a bunch of things that are happening. There are a bunch of things that we already have, but there's still a bunch of things missing. So you can help there if you want, okay?

But first, what is bad about the current environment? Why do we need another test runner? Isn't today enough? Isn't what we have today enough? So basically, the first thing is that they're too difficult to configure, especially for TypeScript. And they do a lot of things. Like configuring Jest is a pain. It's a super big configuration file. They do a lot of stuff. They do transforming, they do parsing, they do moving, they assert, they have coverage. It's just too many stuff. And this makes them slow, right? Because, well, it's a lot of stuff. And then you have a concept that they call yall, which is basically yet another library on top of your project. Because runners, in my opinion, should be a thing from your runtime. You shouldn't be able to install, you shouldn't install another library to have a runner. And remember, every other library, every package that install on top of your project is a code that you don't maintain, but yet you rely on it, right? So if something happens, you're gonna pay the price. And test runners, they seem to not want to interoperate with each other. They make sure that you will only be able to use them and nothing else. So it's very difficult to change from one to the other. They're completely different stuff. Most of them are pretty opinionated. So they are either super extensible or not extensible at all.

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