Bethany Griggs

Bethany Griggs

Senior Software Engineer at Red Hat and a Node.js Technical Steering Committee Member. Beth has been involved with the Node.js project since 2016, when she joined IBM in their Node.js Runtime Team. Now at Red Hat, she’s continuing her work around Node.js, including contributing to the Node.js project. Beth is an active member of the Node.js Release Working Group, who audit the content for and produce the Node.js releases. Her other focuses are the creation of resources and tooling to support Node.js deployments to cloud.
Node.js: the New and the Experimental
Node Congress 2021Node Congress 2021
31 min
Node.js: the New and the Experimental
Node.js core does not have an official roadmap - it’s the sum of the interests and efforts of the contributors that determines the future direction of the project. The evolution of a new feature in Node.js can take different twists and turns. Some new features land as experimental, to give time to gather user feedback before they’re considered stable. Other features will land as stable from the start. So, what’s in the pipeline? This talk will take a look at some of the new and experimental features in Node.js core.