From Websites to Games: The Future of React Three Fiber

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Web developers learn a lot of programming techniques in the pursuit of their career but often don't realize the depth of their own skill. React Three Fiber became a sensation among thousands of developers because it demonstrated that the knowledge they possess can be harnessed to create interactive 3D graphics. However, React Three Fiber has been stuck in the mindset of websites while the future of web increasingly moves toward immersive 3D experiences.

In this presentation, we will explore the new generation of React Three Fiber and the changes being made to evolve it into a framework capable of supporting complex real time apps, such as live simulations and video games. Our goal is to give web developers a new moment of recognition where they look at a video game programmed with React and think, "I can do this"

Kris Baumgartner
Kris Baumgartner
Video transcription, chapters and summary will be available later.