#react components

They are independent, reusable, and they let you build fast and eye-catching apps. Obviously, we’re talking about React components, which allow you to take your work to a whole another level. Tune in to the free online tutorials and masterclasses below to learn how to get the most out of their functionality and styling.
Case Study: Building Accessible Reusable React Components at GitHub
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
29 min
Case Study: Building Accessible Reusable React Components at GitHub
Twitter influencers would have you believe that if you just use the semantic html tag for elements instead of a div, your components will be accessible. but there’s a lot more that goes into it!Let’s zoom in on one component from GitHub (one that you’ve probably used before!) and look at all the accessibility considerations involved and interesting challenges in implementing them.
Wait, You're Shipping React Native to the Web?!
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
32 min
Wait, You're Shipping React Native to the Web?!
This talk focuses on building a production-grade consumer social application - https://guild.host . If you visit that site, would you be able to tell it's built using React Native just by looking and using it?

At a high level, Taz talks about what makes that possible and how the audience should consider application architecture.

At a lower level, Taz focuses on:
- How React's component composition model makes accommodating multiple platforms easy
- How large applications should use a Design System, and the Tamagui Design System comes with an optimizing compiler that outputs straight platform-specific code while the developer still writes high-level UI that happens to utilize React Native's components
- How to Server-Side Render a React Native Web application, and what considerations Guild made when choosing to create a custom SSR engine on top of Cloudflare Workers
- In order for Guild to exist anywhere, they need to embed themselves into other experiences. This involves Third-Party React Native on the Web and other platforms
- The future of this architecture, where Third-Party UI is the same as First-Party UI
Taming the State Management Dragon
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
23 min
Taming the State Management Dragon
We spend a lot of time discussing which state library we should use, and fair. There are quite a few, from the common one everyone uses and loves to hate on, to that one quirky alternative, to several up and comers. However, discussing which library is best puts the cart before the horse.

When figuring out how to handle state, we should first ask ourselves: what different categories of state do we need? What are the constraints of each category? How do they relate to each other? How do they relate to the outside world? How do we keep them from becoming a giant, brittle ball of yarn? And more.

This might sound overwhelming, but never fear! In this talk, I'll walk you through how to answer these questions, and how craft an approachable, maintainable, and scalable state system. And yes, I will talk about how to pick a state management library too.
How Realm by MongoDB is Testing Native Modules “on device”
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
11 min
How Realm by MongoDB is Testing Native Modules “on device”
Running tests on Node.js is common practice for app and library developers. But when your library is integrating more deeply with the platform, operating system or JS engine, you need to run tests “on device” increases. The Realm JS team at MongoDB is faced with this challenge, as we’re maintaining a React Native library with native modules. In this talk I’ll share the “mocha-remote” package which we’ve built to help us run tests “on device” while getting reporting and remaining in control from the comfort of our terminals.
React State Management with Valtio
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
10 min
React State Management with Valtio
In this talk, we will explore how Valtio can simplify your React state management by providing a minimalist and performant solution. We will cover the basics of Valtio, including how to create and update a store and how to access and modify the store from your components. We will also dive into some advanced Valtio features, such as subscribing to changes in the store, andusing memoization to optimize your components' performanc. By the end of this talk, you will have a solid understanding of how Valtio can make your state management more efficient and effective, allowing you to create scalable and maintainable applications.
Why Redwood Adopted React Server Components
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
33 min
Why Redwood Adopted React Server Components
Redwood, an open source full-stack app framework, has gone all-in on React and React Server Components. Why? Despite RSC’s early stage and complex implementation, Redwood is uniquely positioned to capitalize on RSC capabilities, enabling exciting new features, possibilities, and DX. 
Off with Their Heads: Rise of the Headless Components
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
25 min
Off with Their Heads: Rise of the Headless Components
Aren't You Tired of Repeating Yourself? Tired of repeating the same code over and over again in your React projects? In this talk, we'll discover the power of headless components, a design pattern that separates the logic from the presentation layer, allowing you to create reusable and flexible UI components.
We'll explore how headless components can simplify your development process, saving you both time and effort. We'll examine popular headless component libraries and provide tips for integrating them into your projects. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, join us to discover how headless components can help you streamline your React development and create high-quality, customizable UIs.
Generic Components with TS and React
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
10 min
Generic Components with TS and React
What is a generic component? How to write them? When to use it?
CCTDD: Cypress Component Test Driven Design
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
25 min
CCTDD: Cypress Component Test Driven Design
The first part of the talk will focus on a variety of patterns when using Cypress Component Testing and TDD to create React components. The code samples will be from Angular's Tour of Heroes to make the content relatable to a wider community. Currently I am working on a GitBook rewriting it in React using Cypress Component Tests, there should be plenty of content to distill into the talk.The second part of the talk will focus on test strategies, types of testing and where to apply them, and finally compare & contrast them to the familiar industry approaches.We will finish with key takeaways, sample application repos to help with learning, and rollout strategies.
Code Crimes For Good Component API
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
28 min
Code Crimes For Good Component API
When working on component library for a specific company, you want to make it easy as possible for developers to follow the recommended path quickly. Sometimes, that’s not easy. But, when there’s a way, there’s a will! Come see some hacks I have added to our codebase to enable a good API
Composition vs Configuration: How to Build Flexible, Resilient and Future-proof Components
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
17 min
Composition vs Configuration: How to Build Flexible, Resilient and Future-proof Components
Top Content
There are many ways of authoring components in React, and doing it right might not be that easy, especially when components get more complex. In this talk, you will learn how to build future-proof React components. We will cover two different approaches to building components - Composition and Configuration, to build the same component using both approaches and explore their advantages and disadvantages.
Find Out If Your Design System Is Better Than Nothing
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
20 min
Find Out If Your Design System Is Better Than Nothing
Building a design system is not enough. Your dev team has to prefer it over one-off components and third-party libraries. Otherwise, the whole effort is a waste of time. Learn how to use static code analysis to measure if your design system wins over the internal competition and data-driven ways to improve your position.
Lifting Privacy and Accessibility Up
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
25 min
Lifting Privacy and Accessibility Up
In React, Lifting State Up is a core concept. The aim of this talk is address two very important concerns in our landscape: privacy and accessibility and how we can achieve it and built in right from the components.
This talk will show my work with a little open source component ad its evolution to address privacy and accessibility with the help of community and how we as developers need to care and ship the best for our people using our tools down to the most simple component.
How to achieve layout composition in React
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
8 min
How to achieve layout composition in React
Using CSS in this age of components is difficult. Many tools have been created to help us with this problem, but they all fall short in the one problem that tooling can never solve: Which component should be in charge of which styles? In this talk, we will go over strategies on how to build layouts in a composable way.
Tame the Component Multiverse
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
27 min
Tame the Component Multiverse
Error state, loading state, awkward breakpoint, bad data, poor formatting, browser support. Every component is a multitude of challenges. How do you actually manage it? Disable the network — temporarily. Insert bad code — just for a minute. Paw at the edge of your screen. Hack local database fixtures to bits. Frontend development is a multiverse where dimensions like time and variation result in an infinite number of UI possibilities. In this talk, we'll use Storybook to progressively develop, test, document our work and tame the multiverse of our components.
AG Grid's New React Rendering Engine
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
6 min
AG Grid's New React Rendering Engine
AG Grid is the industry standard JavaScript datagrid for building data centric Business Applications. Recently the AG Grid team redesigned the grid to implement the React Rendering Engine in 100% React code. Given the complexity of a datagrid, this was a very challenging task. Hear from Niall, the founder of AG Grid, about the journey of this migration including how this was achieved, lessons learned along the way, and how it will impact your React applications using AG Grid.
Taking Component Driven One Step Further
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
20 min
Taking Component Driven One Step Further
Let's face it React is a way of building component driven applications. So technically we are all doing component driven development. But are we. Are our components really isolated, composed and tested in isolation or are they still coupled together just a little bit!! Let's take a look at how you can really be component driven so you can build, scale and reuse React components across all your React applications.
The Worlds Most Expensive React Component and How to Stop Writing It
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
23 min
The Worlds Most Expensive React Component and How to Stop Writing It
Top Content
We need to stop building expensive React components — components that promise the world but are impossible to maintain. Let's fight the apropcylpse and set aside our prop drills with this proposal for a more productive way working in React.
On the Origin of React
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
22 min
On the Origin of React
This talk looks at how components in React have evolved. We'll look back at previous versions of React, the headlining features, and how milestones like Fiber and Concurrent changed how we wrote React components. Some more details: I want to give attendees a glimpse of how React components looked at different major points in the history of React. Components written in 2013 don't look like components written in 2015 or today. This is a history of React that for some will be a walk down memory lane and for others, completely new information.
Components, Patterns and sh*t it’s Hard to Deal with
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
29 min
Components, Patterns and sh*t it’s Hard to Deal with
Everyone has a pattern library or dreams about having one. We went through conversations and the codification of our visual dictionary and then we ended up with a beautiful living document.But what happens when we need to re-use our components and they don’t fit in the design? How do we re-use our patterns in slightly different use cases?We have all the tech to make a front end really modular, we have techniques and methodologies which enabled us avoiding the bad parts of the languages we use. Every part of the puzzle seems to be falling in the right place.Yet, sometimes we are struggling in handling the variations of our patterns in a reliable and maintainable way. Our codebase is getting filled with exceptions and overrides and refactoring of base patterns becomes impossible.Not a recipe for success, more of a way to frame the problem, identify some ideas we tried and re-discuss the way we approach componentisation.
How to structure, style and document your components for maximum effectiveness
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
19 min
How to structure, style and document your components for maximum effectiveness
I'll present a practical approach to styling react components, a folder structure and documentation structure that's very easy to follow (for onboarding members) + other insights I got while using this approach.
Testing the integrity of your React components by publishing in a private registry
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
28 min
Testing the integrity of your React components by publishing in a private registry
The final stage of a react component is when it is being published and distributed. How can I ensure my packages won’t crash in production? This talk will help you to test your React components publishing them to a private registry and running End-to-End tests against them.
React Bricks: a CMS with visual editing based on React components
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
24 min
React Bricks: a CMS with visual editing based on React components
Headless CMSs are great for developers, but not for content creators.
React Bricks is the first CMS that is super-great for Developers (it's just React, backed solid APIs), for Content Creators (it keeps the visual editing experience of no-code tools like Wix) and for Designers (you can express your exact design system and be sure nobody will break it). I'll show you how it works!
React Components and How To Style Them
React Summit 2020React Summit 2020
8 min
React Components and How To Style Them
A comparative analysis between four methods of styling React components from inline styling to Styled-Components. This talk is best suited to beginner developers.
SVGs to Make Your Blog Stand Out
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
36 min
SVGs to Make Your Blog Stand Out
Are dev blogs dying out? No, they're not! Blogs are making a comeback. But sadly, most of them are lacking personal style. So, what can developers do to make their blogs unique and prettier? In this talk, I’ll show you how SVGs (as React Components) can help you take your blog from dull to awesome.
Streamlining the Component Creation Process
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
9 min
Streamlining the Component Creation Process
React helped popularize the use of components to develop websites and apps. It’s a fantastic philosophy, but while components have made our websites better, the workflow for creating components hasn’t improved much. Let’s get rid of the tedious parts like wiring your components to your CMS, and let developers focus on the important parts. With Prismic Slice Machine, we’re giving developers the best workflow for creating components. In only a few minutes we’ll create a React component, wire it to our CMS, add it to Storybook, and push the component live on our site!