Taking Component Driven One Step Further

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Let's face it React is a way of building component driven applications. So technically we are all doing component driven development. But are we. Are our components really isolated, composed and tested in isolation or are they still coupled together just a little bit!! Let's take a look at how you can really be component driven so you can build, scale and reuse React components across all your React applications.

Debbie O'Brien
Debbie O'Brien
20 min
25 Oct, 2021


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Video Summary and Transcription

React was built for component-driven development. Challenges of component sharing include the inability to easily share components across applications. Monorepos have benefits but can also present challenges such as slow IDE performance and merge conflicts. Onboarding developers and the deployment process can be time-consuming. Bit solves these challenges by allowing isolated and versioned components in a monorepo, providing easy component search, filtering, and versioning, and enabling component-driven development.

1. Introduction to Component-Driven Development

Short description:

React was built for component-driven development. We're moving towards a component-driven web. This is how we are building nowadays.

♪♪ Taking Component-Driven one step further... Hey everyone, my name is Devi O'Brien, I am Head Developer Advocate at Bit. I'm also a GitHub Star and Microsoft MVP, Google Developer Expert and Media Developer Expert. And you can follow me on Twitter at devs underscore O'Brien. So let's get started.

How it's going, and oops, I completely stole Matt Billman, the CEO of Netlify. I stole his slides from his keynote talk. Sorry, Matt. What he said is how it's going. Number one, he said monoliths are moving to APIs. Number two, Git has transformed the web. Number three, components. Number four, pre-building in JS. And what I want you to focus on is number three, thinking in components. And as he said, the world is moving towards a component-driven world. We're moving towards a component-driven web, and we really need to all be thinking and working in components. Now, you might already be saying, but I'm building in React, and you're totally right. React was built for component-driven development. React was built for components. And basically, what we're doing is we're building in components. So yes, if you're already building in React, you're doing a great job. We are now building component-driven development applications with React.

Cool. So, what's the problem? This is our application. It's amazing. This is my beautiful shoe store, and I have made this application out of components. So that button component is actually only one component that's reused inside that hero component in the theme toggler at the top and also in the product card. So we're building in components, and this is how we are building nowadays. And this is great. This is fantastic.

2. Challenges of Component Sharing

Short description:

The problem is that the components have no value outside the app. So once I've built that application, all those components, they're kinda stuck inside that application. Now that's a problem. That's not really making component first. You know what happens when we have to build multiple applications? We've got like this amazing application and all these components. What do we do? So really you need another solution. You basically wanna be able to easily share those components across those applications. And there are a couple of options out there, of course.

The problem is that the components have no value outside the app. So once I've built that application, all those components, they're kinda stuck inside that application. Now that's a problem. That's not really making component first. You know what happens when we have to build multiple applications? You know, along comes the product manager, says, we need to build another app. What do we do now? We've got like this amazing application and all these components. What do we do?

So we've got now three applications and a lot of these components are similar. We're building similar e-commerce application. So we've got like, you know, big components like that shopping cart. I wanna rebuild that whole component again and again. I mean, yeah, just a simple button, copy paste it, put it in there, be fine. Or will it? There'll be inconsistency across all your applications eventually. Especially if you scale and grow and grow and grow. So really you need another solution. You basically wanna be able to easily share those components across those applications. And there are a couple of options out there, of course. You know, and you could just basically package them to NPM and hope for the best. I mean, there's a lot of work involved in that. It is possible but it's painful and we don't want pain, right?

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