Why Redwood Adopted React Server Components

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Redwood, an open source full-stack app framework, has gone all-in on React and React Server Components. Why? Despite RSC’s early stage and complex implementation, Redwood is uniquely positioned to capitalize on RSC capabilities, enabling exciting new features, possibilities, and DX. 

David S. Price
David S. Price
33 min
13 Nov, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription

Redwood is a full stack web app framework built with React, GraphQL, and Prisma. It prioritizes conventions and maintainability, and collaborates closely with the React team. Redwood offers full-stack features, including real-time functionality without WebSockets. The Bighorn Epoch is a new phase in Redwood's roadmap. Redwood is excited about the possibilities of React Server Components and wants to collaborate with the community.

1. Introduction to Redwood and React

Short description:

I get the after-lunch crowd. We're going to learn about Redwood. Let's talk about the elephant in the room. Some of you don't know what Redwood is, so we're going to address that. We're also going to talk a lot about RSCs. I'm on the leadership team at Redwood. We love to help make people successful. React Server Components is definitely doing that for Redwood. Redwood is all in on React. There's a lot to come. We're really excited about what's happening with React.

I get the after-lunch crowd. And that's because I'm going to make you be interactive. We're going to have a really good time. We're going to learn about Redwood.

Let's talk about the elephant in the room. Some of you don't know what Redwood is, so we're going to address that. We're also going to talk a lot about RSCs. I'm on the leadership team at Redwood. I mentioned a couple of the things I do. And the most important part of the theme that draws other things together is I love, and the teams I work with, we love to help make people successful. We love to help make others successful, so that can make the Redwood Project successful. And that's a lot of what we're doing. And React Server Components is definitely doing that for Redwood. And we're also hoping that we can move some things with React Server Components forward. But first off, let's just cut to the end here. Are we getting the... There we go. I'm going to cut to the chase. I'm actually going to tell you the point before I do any of the presentation, because who knows what's really going to happen next? All you need to remember is that Redwood is all in on React. So everything I'm about to talk about, the summary at the end is that we're all in on React, and there's a lot to come. We're really excited about what's happening with React, and that's where Red... Because of where React is going, that's where Redwood is going.

2. Your journey with React

Short description:

Your journey with React. This will require a bit of audience participation. Reflect on that time in your journey with React where you felt creative possibility. JavaScript ecosystem gets us excited about what's possible.

All right. Here we go. Engaging part. All right. Your journey with React. So this will require a little bit of audience participation. It's true I actually can't see any of you right now because of the bright light, so I won't know if you're participating, but I'll be able to hear, and it'll be fun, we're going to have a good time. So if you can remember way back when, I want you to reflect on that time in your journey with React very early on where you might have felt that creative possibility. Right? JavaScript ecosystem, we love these kind of things, we get really caught up with shiny things. Why? Because it gets us excited about what's possible. So think way back in.

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