Infra vs Apps – Where are my Pipelines?

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Automation of a single monolithic app is pretty straight-forward. Split it into a frontend and backend and it's still manageable. Throw in more components or infrastructure and suddenly you're scratching your head at why a build ran - or didn't run. How many pipelines do I need? How many git repos should I have? Let's walkthrough use cases from small teams who own their entire stack to organizations with central IT units that manage shared infrastructure. Learn which scenarios and criteria determine how to slice but not spaghettify your pipelines.


Julie is an engineer at Microsoft and part of the Fast Track for Azure program, where she helps onboard customers to Azure.

Before joining Microsoft, Julie was an Enterprise Architect at Allianz Germany and a full-stack engineer and designer. She has experience in the Mac world and open-source technologies, preferring Node.js and Ruby over Windows.

Julie's talk focuses on CI/CD processes, particularly how they work for both applications and infrastructure. She aims to teach the audience how to manage their own CI/CD processes effectively.

Julie prefers Jenkins because it is her favorite build server of all time, although she also uses Azure DevOps and GitHub Actions.

Julie discusses the complexity of managing CI/CD when applications have multiple deployable components and the challenge of coordinating different triggers and events in the build process.

Julie suggests splitting configurations into different files to manage backend and frontend deployments separately for development and production environments, making it easier to understand and manage the pipeline processes.

Julie emphasizes that end-to-end testing is crucial for verifying that the entire application works as expected before promoting changes to production. However, she acknowledges that they can be challenging to implement and maintain.

Julie recommends that organizations new to DevOps start with managed services to facilitate easier and more frequent deployments, emphasizing the importance of shipping often regardless of the tools used.

Julie Ng
Julie Ng
32 min
01 Jul, 2021


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Video Summary and Transcription

This Talk on CICD covers various use cases, challenges, and best practices. It emphasizes the importance of people and learning in CICD, as well as the complexity of coordinating teams and managing infrastructure. The speaker shares insights on frontend development, microservices, and security considerations. The Talk concludes with discussions on Jenkins files, bash scripts, and the challenges of DevOps in organizations.

1. Introduction to CICD and My Background

Short description:

Hi, my name is Julie. I'm an engineer at Microsoft and today I'm going to talk to you about CICD and how it all works, and how it all works when you have both applications and infrastructure. I am part of the Fast Track for Azure program, which means I help onboard customers to Azure. Before that, I was an Enterprise Architect at Allianz Germany, which is a multi-billion dollar insurance company, and actually many of the opinions and recommendations I'm giving you today come from that experience as well as my experience at Microsoft. I come from the Mac world, open source. I like Node.js, Ruby, I really don't like Windows. I'm a very opinionated person, so I will try to mention when, yeah, something is my personal opinion and recommendation. The photo here I put nostalgically because it was literally the last week of February before lockdown because of Corona. So, it feels very strange not just to work remotely without ever having met your colleagues, but also giving a talk right now over video. But it seems to work.

Hi, my name is Julie. I'm an engineer at Microsoft and today I'm going to talk to you about CICD and how it all works, and how it all works when you have both applications and infrastructure.

So, a little bit about me. As I said, I'm an engineer at Microsoft. I am part of the Fast Track for Azure program, which means I help onboard customers to Azure. Before that, I was an Enterprise Architect at Allianz Germany, which is a multi-billion dollar insurance company, and actually many of the opinions and recommendations I'm giving you today come from that experience as well as my experience at Microsoft. Before that, I was a full-stack engineer, still am actually, and a designer.

So, I come from the Mac world, open source. I like Node.js, Ruby, I really don't like Windows. I'm a very opinionated person, so I will try to mention when, yeah, something is my personal opinion and recommendation. The photo here I put nostalgically because it was literally the last week of February before lockdown because of Corona. So, it feels very strange not just to work remotely without ever having met your colleagues, but also giving a talk right now over video. But it seems to work.

2. CICD Use Cases and Mono Repo with Jenkins

Short description:

Today I'm going to give you various use cases for CICD. Let's start with a mono repo and Jenkins as the build server. After pushing to the main branch, Jenkins deploys to the production environment. To ensure it works, we need continuous delivery and automated promotion. Running end-to-end tests on the deployed application helps verify its functionality. If the tests fail, the job ends. If they pass, Jenkins commits the changes to the production branch, triggering another job to deploy it.

Okay, so let's start with a very simple example. Today I'm going to give you various use cases. I'm going to try to start simple, and then it gets really complicated really quickly, but the point being I want to teach you how to fish, and not give you a fish, when it comes to figuring out CICD for yourself.

So let's start with the easiest thing possible, right, a mono repo, because we come from monoliths. Very simple. I'm going to make a push and a build server will pick it up. So I have Jenkins here. Jenkins is my favorite server of all time build server. Yeah, I use Azure DevOps and GitHub Actions as well, but I still prefer Jenkins.

Anyway, so let's say I push to the main branch. It's going to deploy to my production environment. Let's say eventually I'm happy. I'm going to somehow on my local computer, merciless changes into production, and then I'm going to push the change to production and Jenkins pushes that over to my production environment. All is good, I think. How do you know it actually works? You know, like that kind of CI just goes there. It does some tasks. But does it actually work? Right. How do you get to the point of continuous delivery? Can you do automated promotion? That is a little bit more complicated than many people expect when they first do it.

So, we still have the same mono-repo, the same sort of monolithic application. We're going to make a push to our main branch, which remember, corresponds to our development environment. So Jenkins will have deployed it. It's all done. Let's run some end-to-end tests. So in this theoretical example, let's say I have even a single-page application that actually has an end-to-end test suite, that will fire up a browser, click through everything. And what my end user is trying to do in the application, we can verify that it works as expected. So maybe I can buy a t-shirt, for example. Based on the results of that test, if they don't work, then we say, oh, failed, end of job, end of story, end of the build job, that is. Let's say it actually works. What you can do is then have Jenkins make that commit for you to that production branch. Whereas before, you might have sort of, you know, by hand, went and clicked through everything to make sure it works, you could run an end-to-end test suite and say, okay, I'm confident, let's put it into production, which will kick off another job, and then we'll deploy it to production.


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