March 27 - 29, 2021

DevOps.js Conf 2021

The JavaScript DevOps Conference

Yarn in Depth: Why & How
33 min
Yarn in Depth: Why & How
Since 2017 Yarn proved itself a pillar of JavaScript development incubating numerous features our ecosystem now heavily relies on. As years passed, as competitors improved, so did Yarn, and it's now time today to dive into the features and tradeoffs that make Yarn a truly unique gem of the JavaScript ecosystem.
Infra vs Apps – Where are my Pipelines?
32 min
Infra vs Apps – Where are my Pipelines?
Automation of a single monolithic app is pretty straight-forward. Split it into a frontend and backend and it's still manageable. Throw in more components or infrastructure and suddenly you're scratching your head at why a build ran - or didn't run. How many pipelines do I need? How many git repos should I have? Let's walkthrough use cases from small teams who own their entire stack to organizations with central IT units that manage shared infrastructure. Learn which scenarios and criteria determine how to slice but not spaghettify your pipelines.
Build your JS Pipeline in Incremental Fashion with GitLab
32 min
Build your JS Pipeline in Incremental Fashion with GitLab
Introducing CI/CD to your project might be a challenging process. In GitLab we value iteration as one of our key values, and in spirit of iteration we will be happy to share how GitLab could help you to gradually work on bringing your project to CI/CD heaven.
Troubleshooting your Serverless Node.js doesn't have to be a Pain
27 min
Troubleshooting your Serverless Node.js doesn't have to be a Pain
AWS ushered in a new landscape for deploying JavaScript applications using Node.js hosted in AWS Lambda, and since then the management simplicity that it provides has made serverless applications and APIs grow exponentially in both popularity and use cases. However, operationally for many starting out, troubleshooting issues can be painful. I'll walk through some techniques to make this easier and provide an evolution of how we can get to a better solution with tips and tools you can use in your serverless deployments right away.
Software Architectures Gone Wild
31 min
Software Architectures Gone Wild
Get ready for a run through the world of Software Architectures! Everyone who works in software has heard of terms like ‘pwa’, ‘monoliths’, ‘headless’ , ‘microservices’ and even ’service oriented architectures’. We all know what they are, but how much do we really know about them? In this talk, we will show you the differences, the similarities, when to use them, when not to use them, the success stories and of course: the massive failures. Get ready for a half an hour of tech-comedy: architecture is going to be fast and fun!
How to Get CI/CD Right in 2021: A Guide to CI and CD
9 min
How to Get CI/CD Right in 2021: A Guide to CI and CD
Software delivery is a top priority for organizations that own software, yet it remains one of the most challenging problems enterprises face today. Continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) are software practices that allow organizations and teams to deliver code to customers quickly, safely, and repeatedly. Whether it's to improve development, operations, or security, CI/CD pipelines give engineers and teams more time to work on things that matter and less time struggling with the risk, standards, and velocity of deployments. Join this session to learn about the components of CI/CD and how to build and scale pipelines for the future.
You're 5 Minutes Away from Code Quality & Code Security
7 min
You're 5 Minutes Away from Code Quality & Code Security
In this session I'll use a live demo to show how effortless it is to add Code Quality and Code Security to your project with SonarCloud - not just for now but for every commit going forward.
How is my JavaScript Doing?
8 min
How is my JavaScript Doing?
In this session, I’ll surface relevant context regarding crashes and performance issues in my JS-web-app. I’ll cover how to investigate errors and pinpoint where slowness is introduced.
Increase App Confidence Using CI/CD and Infrastructure as Code
31 min
Increase App Confidence Using CI/CD and Infrastructure as Code
Ever run code in CI/CD and builds pass only to fail during deployment? This presentation will discuss the advantages of Smoke Test patterns in CI/CD pipelines using Infrastructure as Code (IaC). Learn how teams can leverage automation to ensure apps are tested live in target environments which provide valuable insights pre-deployment. Angel will demonstrate how to leverage IaC to provision infrastructure, deploy apps, test then destroy all the resources created in a single CI/CD pipeline run.
Automate React Site Deployments from GitHub to S3 & CloudFront
33 min
Automate React Site Deployments from GitHub to S3 & CloudFront
In this talk, I will demonstrate how to create a CI/CD pipeline for a React application in AWS. We'll pull the source code from GitHub and run tests against the application before deploying it to an S3 bucket for static site hosting. The site will then be distributed using CloudFront which will point to the S3 bucket. All of the infrastructure will be built using Terraform. In addition, I'll make use of Terragrunt to show how to create this setup for multiple environments.
Owning your Build-step – Owning your Code
28 min
Owning your Build-step – Owning your Code
Ever since JavaScript has become a language for writing applications, build tools and especially bundlers have been around. They solve the discrepancy between writing code that is easy to maintain and writing code that loads efficiently in a browser. But there are advantages to bundling JavaScript code that go well beyond the browser, from cloud functions to servers to command line tools.
RollupJS is special in that it was always designed from the ground up to be a general purpose bundler rather than a frontend specific tool. In this talk, we will have a look in what way other scenarios can profit from bundling. But more importantly, I will show you how RollupJS not only generates superior output in many situations, but how easy it is to tailor its output to custom requirements and non-standard scenarios. We will see how to patch up code, mock and replace dependencies, elegantly inject build information and control the chunk generation when code-splitting, all with a just few lines of code.
How to Build CI/CD Pipelines for a Microservices Application
33 min
How to Build CI/CD Pipelines for a Microservices Application
Top Content
Microservices present many advantages for running modern software, but they also bring new challenges for both Deployment and Operational tasks. This session will discuss advantages and challenges of microservices and review the best practices of developing a microservice-based architecture.We will discuss how container orchestration using Kubernetes or Red Hat OpenShift can help us and bring it all together with an example of Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) pipelines on top of OpenShift.
GitHub Actions for Node.js Apps
32 min
GitHub Actions for Node.js Apps
GitHub Actions offer a convenient, feature-rich solution for building CI pipelines. Actions consist of composable steps controlled YAML files checked into your code repo. Come learn how to perform tasks that are commonly required of modern Node.js codebases, such as package installation, linting, running tests as part of pull requests, building Docker images, and deploying when code is merged into the main branch.
The Rise of the Dynamic Edge
32 min
The Rise of the Dynamic Edge
Over the last few years, the JS web app community has seen a growing awareness and focus on performance & scalability. The days when prominent production sites serve entirely-blank pages waiting on monolithic bundles of megates of JavaScript are (mostly!) behind us.A big part of that has been deeper integration with CDNs, after all, round-trip latency is one of the primary determiners of performance for a global audience. But frameworks, and the companies that support them, have different approaches to how they can be used, and the operational complexities their strategies introduce have real consequences.But what if, instead of a dynamic origin sending instructions to a static CDN, you could run your application directly on the edge? As it turns out, that doesn't just improve performance, it also vastly simplifies our deployment and maintenance lives too.
The Art of Feature Flagging
8 min
The Art of Feature Flagging
Fed up with merge conflicts and system failures after a big release? Feature flags can be your lifesaver!
We strive to get new features to the hands of our users as fast as we sustainably can. Some features can take longer to develop and touch other parts of the system. If not handled with care, these kinds of features can result in merge conflicts that keep developers up all night, not to mention the dreaded system failures following a big release. Equipped with feature flags, we can avoid this nightmare and continuously deploy code changes safely.
This talk consists of practical tips on how to use feature flags as release toggles.
JAM Stack Deployment Platforms and Performance Comparison
8 min
JAM Stack Deployment Platforms and Performance Comparison
Our web app is finally ready to go live but which deployment tool should we use? With the rise of JAMstack, we have a multitude of options from Vercel, Netlify, to Firebase. Certainly, performance is key for us so we want to know which one is the fastest. In this talk, we will do a real-world benchmark comparing the most known JAMstack deployment options and discuss pros and cons.
Parcel 2: the Automagical Bundler
8 min
Parcel 2: the Automagical Bundler
Parcel 1 was created out of the frustration from configuring slow and hard to configure legacy bundlers like Webpack and in turn started a trend of zero-config tooling. Unfortunately, Parcel 1 had some major design flaws that led to the creation of Parcel 2, a ground-up rewrite of Parcel which aims to resolve those design flaws whilst also creating a bundler that can scale to the size of companies like Atlassian and Adobe and beyond. A new plugin system, bundler targets, optional configuration, stable caches, improved scope-hoisting, improved developer experience and better performance are just a few of the things we’ve been working on for the last 3 years.
In this talk I’ll glance over how Parcel works and talk about a couple of the largest and most exciting new features in Parcel 2.
ING’s Journey in Building and Deploying Frond-end Code
8 min
ING’s Journey in Building and Deploying Frond-end Code
Within ING we have been dealing with JS/FE for quite some years now. Starting with nothing we evaluated the CI/CD process for this, via multiple stages into what it is right now. I will go along these stages to inspire you to create a similar process for your own company.
DevOps for Frontend: beyond Desktop Browsers
31 min
DevOps for Frontend: beyond Desktop Browsers
For the past 10 years we diligently applied DevOps principles to our Backend services, but what about the Frontend? Can we transfer some of that knowledge between these very different, yet very similar, worlds? The answer is yes, and in this talk I'll show you how DevOps principles helped us at DAZN to build our web applications for Smart TV & Gaming Consoles.
What's New in npm?
26 min
What's New in npm?
The npm CLI has been, & continues to be, a core developer tool of the Node.js/JavaScript ecosystem. This past year npm@7 became Generally Availble, introducing with it a wealth of changes & net-new capabilities including: lockfile upgrades, workspace support, installing peer dependencies default, npm diff, npm explain, npm exec, npm set-script & much, much more. We'll dive into this work as well as share some exciting news about what to expect in the weeks & months to come.