Owning your Build-step – Owning your Code

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Ever since JavaScript has become a language for writing applications, build tools and especially bundlers have been around. They solve the discrepancy between writing code that is easy to maintain and writing code that loads efficiently in a browser. But there are advantages to bundling JavaScript code that go well beyond the browser, from cloud functions to servers to command line tools.

RollupJS is special in that it was always designed from the ground up to be a general purpose bundler rather than a frontend specific tool. In this talk, we will have a look in what way other scenarios can profit from bundling. But more importantly, I will show you how RollupJS not only generates superior output in many situations, but how easy it is to tailor its output to custom requirements and non-standard scenarios. We will see how to patch up code, mock and replace dependencies, elegantly inject build information and control the chunk generation when code-splitting, all with a just few lines of code.


Rollup is designed to be environment-agnostic, allowing customization for different targets such as browsers, Node.js, or Deno. It supports various output formats and is particularly beneficial for libraries due to its efficient dead code elimination and handling of ES modules.

Rollup improves loading times by bundling multiple JavaScript files into one, reducing the number of network requests (the waterfall effect) needed during page loading. This results in quicker load times and enhanced performance, especially noticeable in slow network conditions.

Handling dynamic imports can be challenging with Rollup, as it, like all bundlers, struggles with dynamic 'require' statements that involve complex expressions or concatenated strings, which are not statically analyzable.

When using Rollup for Node.js, it's important to be aware of issues like the handling of dynamic requires, the current working directory, and circular dependencies. Workarounds and community contributions, such as mock node resolvers, are available to address some of these challenges.

For Deno, Rollup can be configured with plugins that handle TypeScript and URL imports, reflecting Deno's native use of ES modules and direct URL imports. This makes Rollup a suitable choice for bundling Deno applications.

Plugins in Rollup allow for extensive customization and functionality enhancement, enabling features like transforming code, loading new content, and integrating with various development environments. They are crucial for adapting Rollup to specific project requirements.

The Rollup plugin ecosystem is vital as it extends the bundler's capabilities, allowing developers to add custom functionality, optimize build processes, and support a wider range of input and output formats. This flexibility makes Rollup adaptable to many different project needs.

Lukas Taegert-Atkinson
Lukas Taegert-Atkinson
28 min
01 Jul, 2021


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Video Summary and Transcription

This Talk explores JavaScript code optimization using Rollup, showcasing examples of improved load times and reduced server size. It delves into Rollup customization and plugin development, demonstrating how to write plugins and remove code using hooks. The Talk also covers module code loading, advanced code control, and importing/emitting files with Rollup. Additionally, it highlights the adoption of Rollup's plugin system by other tools and introduces a self-made terminal used in the presentation.

1. Introduction to JavaScript Code Optimization

Short description:

Hello and thank you for tuning in to my session about how to improve your generated JavaScript code using Rollup. I want to tackle another question. Why are we using all these complex build pipelines and putting all this stuff around our JavaScript code? To give you two reasons, I'm going to show you some examples. The first example is an open-source, small Scrum Poker implementation. It can be run during development without bundling, and the load time is significantly reduced with bundling. The difference is due to the network requests and the waterfall effect of loading JavaScript files. Now let's consider a server scenario with a basic Apollo server set up in Docker. The Node 14 alpine image size is 116 megabytes.

Hello and thank you for tuning in to my session about how to improve your generated JavaScript code using Rollup. Before I want to go into that part, actually, I want to tackle another question.

The question is like the basic question of JavaScript. Why are we using all these complex build pipelines and putting all this stuff around our JavaScript code? To give you two reasons, I'm going to show you some examples first.

The first example is something we built at our company. It is open-source, a small Scrum Poker implementation. You might want to give it a try if you want to. The important part of this, why I chose it, is because with this application, it is possible to run it during development without bundling. I did some measurements like cranking my browser to a really slow network setting for a small mobile phone. The times I got is without bundling it takes around 18.3 seconds to load, but with bundling, it takes seven and a half seconds. Now, I want to say the only change between those numbers was the bundling. There's not a lot less code on the right side. There's no compression, no minification. Why is that, actually? Why is there this difference in numbers? The difference you can see, actually, in these two pictures. It's these green staircase steps here, or it's usually called a waterfall here. What's happening is, it's starting, these are all JavaScript files, starting with the first file, and then it sees that there's some imports in the file. Once it's discovered those imports, it sends the network request, okay, give me those more files. It needs to load those files, pass those files, and discover some more imports, and so on. Between all those steps here, there's, basically, network request back and forth, and this is adding up. Of course, what bundling is doing, it avoids the waterfall. Now the question is, okay, this is a web application, I know what we're doing here. What about our situations? Let's say we are looking at a server. This time, I have a a very basic Apollo server set up here, just taken from the website. This time, I'm not going to give you some made up numbers. This time, we're going to do it live. I'm going to build a server in Docker. To give you a reference point here, I have a small terminal here hooked up that is running commands on my machine. We're going to build a Node 14 alpine image. This is 116 megabytes. Maybe you want to remember this number.

2. Dockerfile Setup and Server Size Reduction

Short description:

We have two Docker files prepared here. The first one is a traditional setup, copying package files, installing production dependencies, and copying the server file. The second Dockerfile uses rollup to reduce the server size from 18MB to 4MB by removing unnecessary files in node modules. This reduces startup time and is beneficial for Cloud Functions and command line tools.

We have two Docker files prepared here. The first one I'm going to run is a very traditional setup. What we're doing is we're copying the package files. We are installing the production dependencies. We are copying the server file. This is this file. There's a small wrapper here. This wrapper is just there because it starts a small timer. The timer is stopped once the server says it's fully functional. That's just the measurements.

I'm just running a command that will also immediately start the server to get some time. What I'm doing here is I'm also copying everything over to another image, just the folder we just created. The reason is that during this year, a lot of caches are created, and this saves another two to three megabytes. I'm doing this now. This will just take a moment because all of it is cached right now. The first you see, you remember, it was 160 megabytes before, now it's 134 megabytes, so an 18 megabyte server basically. Startup time was nearly 300 milliseconds.

Now I've got a second Dockerfile here, which is this one. So what this one is doing is it's basically running rollup here, taking the server as an entry point and being naughty, just overriding it again, and there are three plugins, Node.resolve, CommonJS and JSON, which are necessary for node compatibility and we are creating CommonJS file, and that's all there is. And then we are basically copying just the created artifact over, and when I'm doing this, let's see what the numbers are now. You see, it's 120 megabytes, so the 18 megabyte server just became a four megabyte server.

So why is that? That's because there's really a lot of unnecessary stuff in your node modules. This is TypeScript types, this is test files, documentation, who knows what unneeded utilities. So this is maybe not as relevant if you say, okay, 130 versus 120, but this was a really basic setup. So this keeps adding up, the bigger your server becomes, and of course, startup time was 171 milliseconds, so it's nearly half the startup time. And this is, again, the same reason that you saw before. You are reducing the waterfall time. So we are seeing this reduces the size and the startup time, so servers are maybe not that important, but Cloud Functions definitely are. Those Cloud Functions really need quick startup time or also command line tools. So another question, why would you want to use rollup for this? So there are very good alternative choices.

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