You're 5 Minutes Away from Code Quality & Code Security

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In this session I'll use a live demo to show how effortless it is to add Code Quality and Code Security to your project with SonarCloud - not just for now but for every commit going forward.

G. Ann Campbell
G. Ann Campbell
7 min
01 Jul, 2021


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Video Summary and Transcription

Sonar Cloud makes it easy to set up projects for code quality and security analysis. It automatically analyzes code and provides insights into bugs, vulnerabilities, and other issues. The UI helps understand vulnerability flow across functions and files. Sonar Cloud supports multiple languages and offers rule descriptions and code samples for best practices. Overall, it simplifies code analysis and helps developers improve code quality.

1. Introduction to Sonar Cloud

Short description:

Hi, I'm Ann Campbell with SonarSource. Today, I want to show you how easy it is to set up your projects with code quality and code security. I'll start by logging in with my GitHub account and selecting the repositories I want to analyze. Then, I'll create my organization and choose the repositories to analyze. It's that simple!

Hi, I'm Ann Campbell with SonarSource. I don't have any slides for you today. I'm going to try something that's a little bit risky given the time constraints, but this should work out okay. So what you're seeing right now is the front page of Sonar Cloud, which is a SAS product, a SAS-SAS product, to add code quality and code security to your repository. And I want to show you today how easy that is.

So I'm going to start by logging in. Now I already have an account, so you're going to see that reflected in my experience. But as a new user, all you would have to do is choose your ALM to sign in with, and it creates your account for you. So I'm going to start with GitHub, because I have an account there. And it logs me in and shows me the projects that I have access to. But that's not what I want to show you today. What I want to show you today is how easy it is to set up your projects with code quality and code security.

So I'm going to go to the PLUS to analyze a new project. Now it asks me if I want to analyze a project from one of the existing organizations that I already have access to. But again, that's not what I want to show you today. I'm going to show you creating an organization from my ALM. So I'm going to choose GitHub. And when I get here, it says which organization do you want on GitHub? I'm going to choose my private one. And now GitHub is asking me to grant permissions. Now, I don't want to give Sonar Cloud, I'm just trying this out, right? So I don't want to give Sonar Cloud permission to all my repositories. I'm going to select the repositories that I've chosen, I've forked recently for this demonstration. So I type in my repositories and there are a couple that I want to show you. And once I've got them selected, I can save that. That brings me back to Sonar Cloud, where I've got a couple more steps to get through. So I have to name, set a key for my organization. I'm going to go with the default. I do want the free plan, Sonar Cloud is free for open source projects. So I'm going to create my organization like that. Now Sonar Cloud is asking me, of the repositories it has access to, which ones I want to analyze? I want to analyze both of them. Now I click Setup.

2. Code Analysis and Issue Exploration

Short description:

Sonar Cloud automatically analyzes my code, eliminating the need for CI/CD setup. It analyzes the latest version of master and runs the analysis for every commit and new PR on my main branch. The results are reflected in my PR in GitHub. I have zero bugs, some vulnerabilities, and other issues. Let's dive into the issues and look at the blocker issues and rules. One of the rules is that database queries should not be vulnerable to injection attacks. This application demonstrates vulnerabilities, and the UI makes it easy to understand the vulnerability flow across functions and files. Now, let's switch to another project and explore something on the Issues page under the list of languages.

And what's happening now is Sonar Cloud is checking out my code. And it's taking a look at it to see if it can automatically analyze it for me. So I don't have to do any CI CD setup here. It's just going to handle it for me.

So it looks at my code, it says, yes, I can run an automatic analysis on this. And it's analyzing the latest version of master. And from this point forward, for every commit on my main branch, and for every new PR, it's going to run that analysis for me, reflects the results in my PR in GitHub, with a check on my PR.

So now my little application has already finished analyzing. Let's jump in and see what I've got. So here's my overview. Zero bugs, I've got some vulnerabilities. I've got some other issues, but what I really want to show you here is the issues. So here I've got my list of issues. It's not terribly useful though to just see a list of issues without contact. So I'm going to dive in here. Let's look at the blocker issues, and look at the rules. And I've got database queries should not be vulnerable to injection attacks. So let's see which ones those are. And I'm going to click on this to see the issue in the context of the code.

Now, this application was crafted to demonstrate vulnerabilities. And so what we're seeing here is really compact vulnerability flow. But the reality is that in normal projects, the vulnerability flow is going to span not just functions, but probably pages as well, different files in the project. We've crafted the UI, even though you're not quite seeing that here, to make that flow across functions and files easy to understand. So that's what I wanted to show you in this project.

Now, I'm going to return to my list of projects. And my other one is done analyzing by now. So I want to jump into that one. And again, I've got my overview here at the top. And I want to show you something on the Issues page. And that is here under the list of languages.

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