Automated Application Security Testing

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Traditional security testing for JS apps has focused on the front-end, but actual security issues most often lie in the backing REST API. Join StackHawk co-founder Scott Gerlach for a quick overview of why you need to rethink how you test your JS apps and how StackHawk can help you find and fix security bugs fast.

Scott Gerlach
Scott Gerlach
9 min
24 Mar, 2022


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Video Summary and Transcription

StackHawk is a dynamic application security testing tool that helps you find and fix security bugs in your running applications. It runs active security tests on your REST API, GraphQL API, SOAP API, server-side application, and single-page applications. StackHawk ensures that your application handles user input and output safely and follows OWASP top 10 best practices for application security. We make dynamic testing fast by placing the scanner close to the application and using open standards to inform the scanner. The scanner is configured via YAML, and findings are triaged to provide simple descriptions and examples for issue identification and resolution. You can push the identified issues to a JIRA ticket for prioritization and resolution. Once triaged, the scanner will remember the issues and stop notifying you. Start a free trial at to experience its benefits.

1. Introduction to StackHawk

Short description:

StackHawk is a dynamic application security testing tool that helps you find and fix security bugs in your running applications. It runs active security tests on your REST API, GraphQL API, SOAP API, server-side application, and single-page applications. StackHawk ensures that your application handles user input and output safely and follows OWASP top 10 best practices for application security.

What's up DevOpsJS people? Scott Kerlock, CSO and co-founder here at StackHawk. I hope you're having a great time learning a ton here at DevOpsJS.

Let's talk about StackHawk. Quickly, StackHawk is a dynamic application security testing tool. You can use it to test your running HTTP applications and API endpoints for security bugs and keep them from becoming vulnerable. You can use StackHawk to run active security tests on your running REST API, GraphQL API, SOAP API, server-side application, and single-page applications.

StackHawk was built for automation and CICD to be part of your robust testing strategy for your application development lifecycle. It also makes finding, understanding, and fixing security bugs easy. How does StackHawk work you ask? Great question! StackHawk runs active security tests against your running applications to ensure that your application is handling user input and output in a safe manner, as well as implementing OWASP top 10 best practices for application security. We can do this against your running application on your localhost, in CICD workflows, and against applications that have yet to be published on the internet.

2. StackHawk Scanner and Integration

Short description:

We make dynamic testing fast by placing the scanner close to the application and using open standards to inform the scanner. StackHawk focuses on helping developers find and fix security issues with a simple and integrated scanner and platform. The scanner is configured via YAML, and findings are triaged to provide simple descriptions and examples for issue identification and resolution. StackHawk is CICD enabled and integrates with major CI platforms. It also integrates with workflow and information tools, providing notifications and data processing options. Running the StackHawk scanner involves executing a Docker command, performing a crawl and attack, and generating a summary of findings.

We also make dynamic testing fast. By placing the scanner as close to the application as possible and by using open standards to inform the scanner, OpenAPI spec, GraphQL, introspection queries, SOAP, WSDL in addition to the scanner tuning we've made, most StackHawk customer applications scan average around or under 10 minutes.

Finding and fixing security issues is simple with StackHawk. Our focus as a company is to help developers find and most importantly fix security issues. The StackHawk scanner and platform are built around this simplicity model. The scanner is configured via YAML that lives with the code for the application that you're testing.

When StackHawk findings are triaged, the platform is trying to give you the simplest version of the information needed to help you quickly understand what the problem is with simple descriptions and examples of patterns to help you identify the anti-pattern, be able to recreate the issue with tools like simple curl command to replay the attack and get you into debug mode, stepping through code as fast as possible to help you fix issues and get back to your regular job of creating value for your customers.

All of this is CICD enabled. Again, you can integrate this into your CI process and importantly get feedback into the CI process on scan findings. This information can be used to break a build if you choose, based on severity of un-triage findings. Most of the major CI player logos are shown here on this slide and even if your particular one isn't, chances are pretty good StackHawk will work in your platform as long as it can run a docker container. If you can run Docker, you can run StackHawk.

You can also see here StackHawk integrates with your workflow and information tools. We can notify you of your scan results in a Slack channel, publish that information to DataDog or send you a simple webhook message that you can then use to process and do with the data what you choose.

Let's take a look at what running the StackHawk scanner looks like. As you can see here, I've got a standard server-side application. This one is a polls app that I want to test for security issues. So over here on my command line, I've got a simple Docker command that I ran. So docker run stackhawk. I fed it the stackhawk yaml, we'll look at that in a second. As you can see, it did a standard crawl looking for all the interesting things on the webpage that it could and then it did an attack. So it actively attacked this application for potential security issues. When it was all done, we've got a summary of these findings. So I've actually got a SQL ejection issue that I need to take care of. You can see that it's new. I also have a cross-site scripting issue that I've done something with before. I actually made a ticket out of this. So now it's in an assigned status. We've got a bunch of other things that we can look at as well, but let's take a look at those too. Down here at the bottom, we actually have a link to this scan.

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