Design-Driven Full-stack: an End-to-End Dev Workflow that Scales

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I’m going to show you something you haven’t seen before — a simple, integrated workflow made possible by React, RedwoodJS, and Storybook. We’ll start from scratch, generate code for components, design and mock state, then finish with a secure API and CRUD UI.

Sounds hard? It was. But not anymore! 🤯

You’ll learn how to bridge existing development gaps between stateful designs, data fetching, and your API using Redwood Cell components — a one-stop-React-shop for fetch, state, mocks, and design. Teams can move faster. Solo devs can iterate more quickly. And there are secondary benefits from documentation to security to accessibility, which add up to improving long-term maintainability at scale.

Get ready to be inspired by what you’ll be able to build!

David S. Price
David S. Price
32 min
17 Jun, 2022


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Video Summary and Transcription

This Talk discusses the challenges of building full stack applications and introduces Redwood.js as a solution. It emphasizes the importance of design-driven workflows and the use of Redwood Cells to handle state and simplify complex tasks. The Talk also highlights the seamless integration between the front end and back end using mock data and the optimization of workflow for performant teams. It concludes with a mention of Redwood's authentication features and the importance of community and collaboration.

1. Introduction to Building Full Stack Applications

Short description:

Hello, Amsterdam. It is really good to be here. Are you okay if we have some fun? We're going to have some fun. My name is David and I come to talk about building a full stack application. Sometimes things can go out of hand quickly when building a full stack application. There's a lot of dynamic complexity in assembling all the parts. The JS ecosystem has both beauty and tensions. Our goal is to ship features as soon as possible.

Hello, Amsterdam. People of Internet Land, all around the world. It is really good to be here. Are you okay if we have some fun? Would that be okay? All right. I mean, some of it, we're going to do a walkthrough. But some of it, well, it may get a little bit strange. But we're going to have some fun.

Again, my name is David and I come to talk about building a full stack application. If oh, yep, there we go. Oh, we went too far. My clicker. My clicker clicked. That's a question I want to ask you. So you want to build a full stack application. Yes? All right. Well, I've got some good news. But of course, you always start with the bad news. And the bad news is that sometimes things can go out of hand a little bit quickly, right? Is anyone, so question for you, anyone who's built a full stack application, who would say raise of hands that you've used probably 75% of those tools or tools like that in your application? Raise of hands? Right? How about 80, 90%? Raise of hands? Right. Okay. Maybe three out of four, but that's a part of the beauty of the ecosystem that we work in. And it's also one of the tensions of the ecosystem that we work in.

So what happened before this train literally went off the rails? You're shipping features, right? You just want to build features as quickly as possible, design, dev, deploy, on repeat. And sometimes it doesn't always go the way that you want it to go. There's this way that we assemble all the parts that adds a lot of dynamic complexity, right? And complexity means often going off the rails. The beauty of the JS ecosystem is its diversity, the modularity, and the rate of innovation. The bane of the JS ecosystem is its diversity, modularity, and rate of innovation. Right? It's powerful, but sometimes it goes wrong for the same reasons that it goes right. All right. So, again, our goal, we want to ship features, we want to do it frequently. We want to ship features as soon as possible.

2. Architecture and Process Challenges

Short description:

And as our application scales, we want to ship features continually. We need an architecture and process that works efficiently across the stack. Config, integration, and dependencies add overhead. Separation of concerns is important, but it requires integration and config when bringing them back together.

And as our application, as our team scales, our user base scales, we want to ship features continually, frequently. Design, dev, and deploy. And it's not just the technology.

So, that's what I want to talk about today. We need both an architecture and a process that's going to work across a stack as efficiently as possible. So, what gets in the way of architecture and process? Oh, it did a thing again. Hang on a second. You know, I don't trust my clicker anymore. Uh-oh. Did I just give away something? All right. What gets in the way? Has anyone done config before? Oh, come on, raise your hands. I know we'll get there, right? Yeah, config. Well, come on, all you do in JavaScript is config. If you're not raising your hands, then you're lying.

I'm a framework developer, so all I do is config, but I don't know if I love config. Integration, config, dependencies, all of that adds overhead over time, because also, you've got to move fast and keep up with those dependencies. As break and changes happen, you have to keep up with config. Conventions. Separation of concerns. Now this is actually interesting. In full stack, what you're taught to do is you're taught to separate concerns, which you have to. That could be at the specific endpoint level. Maybe you're creating an integration with a third-party application. Your entire API, right? We want to separate concerns. We want to separate from the front end, right? Working with React, working with state, working with data. If we want to just do design and lay up, we want to separate concerns. What happens when you need to bring those separate concerns back together? What are you doing? Oh, come on. That was a... So what was overhead? You're doing integration and config, right? So even when you separate concerns, then you have to come back and do integration and config on them, right? Okay, next one. Clicker.

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