Panel discussion "Innovation in React"

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Tejas Kumar
Tejas Kumar
Sara Vieira
Sara Vieira
Mark Erikson
Mark Erikson
Miguel Ángel Durán
Miguel Ángel Durán
Sylwia Vargas
Sylwia Vargas
Elian Van Cutsem
Elian Van Cutsem
32 min
08 Dec, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription

The Talk discussed various topics related to React, including the wishlist for future versions, the importance of accessibility, reducing bundle size, and improving deployment. It also explored React's innovation, stability, and the role of meta-frameworks. The challenges of contributing to React's open source project were highlighted, along with the need for a more community-driven approach. The Talk concluded with a lunch break announcement.

1. Introduction and React Wishlist

Short description:

We have a bunch of people in the panel. I want to start with asking, what would you like to see from React in future versions? I would like to see some level of support for accessibility.

We have a bunch of people in the panel, so I first want to call in Tejas, who does not literally need an introduction, because he has already been introductioned. He's been introductioned, my man. Then, I want to welcome Elan. The alien. I tried so hard. Woo! Alien! His name is Alien. And your name is Tejas. Tejas. Yes. Okay, and Miguel. Miguel. See, if the name's Spanish, I can say it. Sylvia, please. Sylvia Vargas. Which also sounds Spanish, but it's not. And Mark Eriksson, please. Yes, Mark. Mark, we do not have one here. You don't have one? Already do. You're sitting on it, dear. No. You do have. Hi. Okay. So, if anybody wants some water, please.

Okay. So, how is everyone doing today? So good. Good. Okay. How many hours collectively have we slept? Three. Two. Like, four, I think. Are you going to be like, eight, and just ruin the whole thing for everyone? Let's say six. Okay. Seven-ish. Jealous. Okay, cool. It keeps going up, which is interesting. Except Miguel. He kind of ruined it. Oh, sorry.

Okay, so, I want to start with asking, what would you like to see from React in future versions, which I feel like is the overarching question of all of this, right? So, who wants to go first? Oh, Christmas. So, it's like a Christmas wish list, huh? Yes. Okay, great. So, if I were writing my letter to Santa today, I would say that I would really like to see is going to be unpopular opinion. So, let's just start with a hot take immediately. So, that he forget about it, because then everyone else goes. And actually, it is a thing that most probably people will forget about. I would like to see some level of support for accessibility. I know that generally this is something that always is overshadowed by performance conversations or whatever, CSS conversations.

2. React and Accessibility

Short description:

I would really like to see React or Metaframeworks or the community encouraging, or even why just encouraging, forcing developers to care about accessibility. Because it's kind of, like, shameful that we are in 2023 and we still don't care about that. I agree very much with accessibility. I think it still has a problem there. But I do believe that it will improve in the future.

I would really like to see React or Metaframeworks or the community encouraging, or even why just encouraging, forcing developers to care about accessibility. Because it's kind of, like, shameful that we are in 2023 and we still don't care about that. Hot takes. I don't think that's... It's sad that that's a hot take. Does that make sense?

Yes. I was actually also going to give a hot take. Stable features. Oh, my gosh. You say stable? Stable features. I cannot do that. I know. That's the whole problem, right? But yeah. There is a couple of things. And exactly. I agree very much with accessibility. I think it still has a problem there. But I do believe that it will improve in the future. And if they don't do it, then you all should do it. Because it's open source. But also, Elian, you missed an opportunity to do a humble brag. Because Astro has just shipped wonderful accessibility DevTools. So a huge round of applause for Astro. Thank you. Yes. But I was going to disclose that in my talk later today. So yeah. I guess you should still come. I still have other features shipped as well. So yeah. Does anyone else want to go take a shot at it?

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