Independence: What Does It Mean For DevOps?

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Vultr's Walt Ribeiro takes users through steps to easily produce websites with Vultr using their One-Click Marketplace and Object Storage. In this talk, Walt will demonstrate how to configure your account, how to browse and deploy from Vultr Marketplace, and how to stand up a basic website using a simple web or mobile-based UI. Other flagship products and tools developers love will be highlighted along the way!

Walt Ribeiro
Walt Ribeiro
6 min
24 Mar, 2022


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Video Summary and Transcription

Vulture is a powerful and flexible cloud platform that offers an easy-to-use control panel, custom ISOs, and automatic backups. The Vultr Marketplace provides a wide range of applications for easy deployment and provisioning. Vultr also offers enterprise-grade networking options and has 23 locations available. Users can start with Vultr using a coupon code to get $150 of free credit.

1. Introduction to Vulture

Short description:

Vulture is the largest and fastest growing independent cloud platform, serving millions of customers globally. With a powerful Kubernetes engine, partnerships with leading cloud orchestration providers, and support for open source projects, Vulture offers flexibility and customizability. The platform also features an easy-to-use control panel, custom ISOs for launching servers, automatic backups, and a one-click app marketplace.

Hey, what's up everyone, welcome to Vulture's presentation. My name is Walt Ribeiro and I'm Vulture's Developer Advocate. I'm going to show you all about what Vulture does and let's just jump right into it.

So what is Vulture? Well, Vulture is the infrastructure cloud. We are the largest and the fastest growing independent cloud platform. Our cloud service has been deployed to millions of customers all across the globe to over 20 locations. We have an awesome price to performance ratio and we serve developers, IT ops, small and medium businesses and many brands. Here are some of them on the right hand side.

So we have 23 locations, we're independent, we have this very powerful Vulture Kubernetes engine. So if you're building an application on top of Kubernetes, rather than you dealing with the complexities of Kubernetes, let our engine deal with that and you just work on your product. We have great partnerships with Wasabi, Cloudways, for your cloud orchestration and more. We have major operating systems, Windows, VZLinux and so much more there too. We have object storage, bare metal, block storage and we have a very easy to use control panel.

We can't even just talk about this the entire time, let me show you. So let's go over here and when you sign up for Vulture, and don't do it yet because we're going to give you a little gift at the end to get started with Vulture, but when you sign up you're sent to and this is what you see. This is your panel with your billing information, with our Vulture support docs. On top here you can control your snapshots, your backups, your Kubernetes, your load balancers and it's really easy to get started. So just to start, I'll go here and I'll go deploy new server and I'll click on cloud compute, I'll say my CPU is going to be AMD, I'll choose New York because I'm just outside of Manhattan and I'll stick with Debian, server size that's great, I'll enable automatic backup so I want to keep my data safe and deploy now. So in just a few clicks I've now deployed a server on Vulture's infrastructure. So going back here, why would you choose Vulture? Well we have load balancers, we have this API V2, which is fantastic, as I talked about we have our Vulture Kubernetes engine and Vulture supports open source projects. We have repos for our Terraform provider, we have repos for our Golang work, and so much more.

So as I mentioned, we have flexible operating systems but we also have one more thing, we have custom ISOs. So if you have an operating system that maybe you built from scratch or maybe one that we don't have in-house, you're able to launch a server with that custom ISO and I'll show you how that works too. I'll go back to Cloud Compute, back down here, and over here it says upload ISO, I'll click on that and there's the upload form. It's literally just that easy. And after I upload, I'll deploy now, no, I have to choose which ISO. But when you do, then it's just that easy to get started. We also have automatic backups which I showed you and we have this really, really, really great Vultr marketplace which is a one click app marketplace that you can add any app, product, service onto your website. And I'll show you an example of that. So I'll go back here and this here is forward slash marketplace.

2. Vultr Marketplace and Contact Information

Short description:

Vultr Marketplace offers a wide range of applications, including cyber panel, lightspeed WordPress, and various servers, databases, and CMSs. With just a few clicks, you can easily deploy and provision cloud instances of your desired applications. By uploading your own apps or using existing ones, you can reach developers worldwide for one-click installations. Vultr also provides enterprise-grade networking options, such as bringing your own IP space and Direct Connect. With 23 locations available and more to come, you can start with Vultr using the coupon code GetNation150 to get $150 of free credit. Contact us at or for assistance, or email for general inquiries. Try Vultr with the free credit and experience its benefits.

This is not on the backend panel, this is on the front-facing website. And here is our marketplace. We have everything from cyber panel, lightspeed WordPress. We have server one so much, we have databases, we have CMSs.

So in order to get started, I can do this on the back panel, but I can also start let's say I wanted to start a open lightspeed WordPress server in literally one click. I click on deploy, it kicks me out to the control panel that you're familiar with now. And over here it already has it highlighted for you. So in two clicks, 1, 2 you're ready to go and just like that I now have a cloud instance of WordPress and of our Debian server that we installed before. In just a few minutes, it will be done provisioning and then I'm ready to go.

So let's talk a little bit about Vultr Marketplace. You can submit your own apps or you can use one of ours. This can be a video game, a platform, a service, an app that you're trying to build or that you're trying to deploy to developers all around the world. The advantage of uploading it to Vultr is that you have access to all those developers as a one-click installation of your product or service. And some examples are WordPress that people use to build a website or Azure Cast which people use to start a podcast radio station. So we also have a lot in terms of enterprise-grade networking. You can bring your own IP space, Direct Connect, and so much more. So as I mentioned, we have 23 locations and there are a lot more coming, and to get started on Vultr, you can use GetNation150. Use that coupon code to start with Vultr with $150 of free credit from us to get started. And to contact us, you can email us support at, partners at, or if you just have general inquiries, you can email info at And so that's it. Don't forget to try Vultr with this $150 of free credit. GetNation150 and thanks so much, and we hope that you give Vultr a shot.

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