Challenges of Decomposing a Massive Front-End Using Micro-Frontends

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Our web UI application is pretty big - hundreds of people have been actively building it during the past eight years. We started facing scalability issues and technological limitations. We evaluated plenty of options and settled on micro-frontends. This evening we will discuss:

- Differences between various micro-frontend architectures

- Why we made this choice and if it's helpful for you

- What we gained

- What we sacrificed (yes, there are downsides)

- What challenges are still ahead of us

Oleksandr Tryshchenko
Oleksandr Tryshchenko
28 min
08 Dec, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription

Microfrontends offer a potential solution to frontend engineering problems, improving testing efficiency and allowing for faster development. There are misconceptions about microfrontends, with different approaches such as horizontal and vertical splits. Monorepos are recommended for managing microfrontends. Data management and side effects can be handled through various approaches. Building microfrontends without a monorepo can be challenging, but it depends on the scale of the application. Trust in people and implementing a registry of components help avoid duplication. Tools like Module Federation and NX are useful for managing microfrontends.

1. A Dream, Pager Duty, and Microfrontends

Short description:

It's a nice, sunny day. You're gliding across the fjords. Water consumes you. You take a look at your phone and see a pager duty notification. You understand the problem, but it's caused by someone not even a frontend engineer. You fix it, but encounter issues. Eventually, you merge your pull requests. Microfrontends is a potential solution to this problem.

It's a nice, sunny day. You're gliding across the fjords. The nice sun rays fall on the lush forests and those fjords. You are dreaming to have this vacation for a long time. You are truly happy until something gets wrong.

Water consumes you. You lose control. You don't understand what's happening until you wake up. It's been a dream. It's been a bad dream and something has clearly woken you up. You take a look at your phone and you see that it is a pager duty notification. You have a duty to do.

Annoyed, you wake up. You stand up and lazily go to your computer to see what has happened. After some minutes of looking into the issue, you understand what the problem is. Nevertheless, you are extremely annoyed that it's caused not even by your team, but somebody who is not even a frontend engineer.

You hit the table because you're angry. You forget you have a kid who is woken up by your anger and now you have to explain your son why your father, Keith's father, has to fix a mobile phone validation library at night. You do the fix. You open the pull request, which takes 40 minutes to build. You make a coffee while you wait, and in the end instead of a happy green checkmark, you get a red cross.

Wakey test again. You click the restart button. You finish your cold tea to see your green checkmark. You merge your pull requests. You can go sleep for a couple of hours until you're going to wake up and do more job.

It's an example of a combination of a technological problem and an organizational challenge. It shouldn't have happened. Nevertheless, it's there. Microfrontends is one of the potential solutions to address this problem.

2. Microfrontends and Communication

Short description:

Today we are going to talk about microfrontends. We will share experiences from different companies and dispel stereotypes surrounding this topic. When discussing ideas in a group, the conversation often expands and deviates from the original plan. Many people can relate to this, as it can be challenging to effectively communicate and make decisions in larger groups. This concept applies not only to software development but also to other areas, such as politics.

Thank you all for coming here. My name is Alex, and today we are going to talk about microfrontends. I was fortunate or fortunate enough to work in three companies which did microfrontends. Those were fairly different companies, and they wanted to share their experience. How did they do it? Also, dispel some stereotypes which surrounds the topic of microfrontends in general.

Let's talk about your company. You're working and you get an idea. You want to do something very straightforward, very simple, very tangible, and it's going to have very predictable and clear output. Seems easy, right? Let's do X and we're going to get Y. Very straightforward. But no, there is a guy with opinions, and now you have to convince him how you're going to do this. And at least his point makes sense, like, understand, okay, I see where you're coming from. Let's have a chat. Unless discussion expands. Expands in dimensions you didn't envision at first. And the further it goes, the more it deviates from the place it started until eventually it's gone.

Please raise your hands who can relate to the story. Many people. And people who are sitting around you, people who are part of those calls, they don't really want to be there. They also have life to live and they have kids who don't want to know about phone libraries. There is a lot of research about this. It's not a bleeding-edge subject. There was Fred Brooks. He was an engineer and engineering manager, like, many years ago, before many of us were even born. And he wrote a book. The book is called the Mythical Man Mouth, where he describes the concept of people interacting on scale. And the bigger the group is, the harder it is for people to effectively communicate and make decisions. There are similar concepts and I would say that it's credible enough to make our assumptions on this. And it also applies to different spheres of our life. If you will take a look at politics, for example, countries which are like deeply decentralized, they tend to be more effective in managing themselves.


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