Micro-Frontends With React & Vite Module Federation

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From my experience one of the hardest things is to share information between microfrontends, so in this talk I would like to explain various ways on how to share a design system to ensure uniformity to the application. Another difficult thing is sharing dependencies, fortunately with module federation it can be done, but how can I use different versions of the same library and how does it work behind the scenes?

I'm the creator of module-federation/vite library, with React and this library, I'd like to show you how you can achieve these results by configuring everything correctly.

Giorgio Boa
Giorgio Boa
20 min
23 Oct, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription

Microfrontends is an architecture used by big companies to split monolithic frontend applications into manageable parts. Maintaining a consistent look and feel across different microfrontends is a challenge. Sharing styles can be done through Vanilla CSS, CSS modules, or CSS in JS. JavaScript variables can be used in styles, but readability and runtime overhead are considerations. Sharing state in microfrontends can be achieved through custom events, broadcast channels, shared state managers, or custom PubSub implementations. Module federation with Vite allows for client composition and sharing dependencies. Configuration is similar to Webpack, and future work includes working on the QUIC framework.

1. Introduction to Microfrontends

Short description:

Microfrontends is an architecture that allows us to split a monolithic frontend application into multiple microfrontends. We can have vertical splits, where each microfrontend is responsible for a specific page or multiple pages, or horizontal splits, where different teams manage different parts of the application. This architecture is used by many big companies to easily manage their frontend codebase. Even if you have a small application, you can use microfrontends to gradually replace parts of your legacy application. However, one challenge is maintaining a consistent look and feel across different microfrontends.

Hello, everybody! Welcome to this talk, Microfrontends with React and Module Federation with Vitz. I would like, with Microfrontends... I know that this is a React Advanced Conference, but I would like to share with you Microfrontends architecture for those that don't know really well into deep the architecture.

So, Microfrontends is more or less what is microservices, but for the front-end. If we have a monolith, we can split the server part in microservices to manage better the endpoints and also the features, but in this particular case, the front-end is a monolith. So we can slice the monolith, the front-end monolith into many microfrontends, and that's more or less the architecture. We can have multiple vertical domains, so we can have one frontend in React, one another in Angular, and for example, another in Vue. And theoretically, microfrontends is both, so the server part and also the frontend part. But how we can slice the monolith? So we can slice our application, frontend application, into different ways.

We have a vertical split, so one microfrontend for each page or multiple pages. The blue team is looking for the homepage, and the red team is managing the checkout. Or we can split in a horizontal way. The blue team is the owner of the menu and the app bar, and the red, the green and the red is managing the dashboards. So this is more or less how we can split the monolith in vertical and in horizontal. But do we need, do I need this type of architecture?

These are some of the companies that are using micro frontend, and as you can notice, these are big companies. So this architecture is born to divide the frontend application and manage easily the codebase into multiple teams. But if I have a mid or a small application, I can use this concept, this architecture for the Strangler partner. So if I have a legacy application, I can replace pieces of my application to renovate it. So if you have an house and you want to, for example, renovate your garden, you can rip off all the old garden and put a new one. So that's more or less the idea that we can apply to our legacy application. So there are a lot of challenges in this process. One of them is the look and feel. So here you can see it's a modern house. So if we go into this modern house, we visit a little bit the location. We can see the kitchen that is a modern kitchen. We can go to the living room. But if we go to the bathroom, and we go into the bedroom, and we see this different style, it's a little bit weird. So you can imagine this concept in our application. We go into the home page, and it's really cool. We go into the product page, and it's cool as well.

2. Managing Styles in Microfrontends

Short description:

We need to share a style through the whole application to avoid different styles in different parts. We can use Vanilla CSS and inject style sheets, but we may face clashes. To avoid clashes, we can use npm package post CSS prefix wrap or post CSS prefixer for Vite. Another approach is to use CSS modules or CSS in JS, which allows locally scoped styles and easy management.

We go to the checkout, and we can see a completely different style. So our look and feel of the application need to be the same to avoid this kind of problematic or odd situation. So we need to share a style through the whole application, but how we can share these styles?

So we can use Vanilla CSS. So we have Microfrontend A and Microfrontend B. We can simply inject the style sheet inside of the page and we can define two classes, card title. So Microfrontend A has a card title with the color black and we have Microfrontend B with the same name with a color red. At the end, if we inject in this specific order the style sheets, we have the result is card title red, because the last CSS win override the other. So how we can avoid in this kind of situation this problem?

We can use npm package. This is for webpack, is post CSS prefix wrap. Basically, what is doing, is wrapping our CSS and put a prefix for all the CSS to avoid this clashes. It's quite used, more than 19,000 of download, weekly download in npm. But if your application is in Vite, you can use post CSS prefixer. As you can see here, we are defining the selector, and the output is prefix underscore underscore selector. So, it's wrapping for us in the building process, it's wrapping the CSS and giving us a possibility to define a CSS without clash other CSS from other micro frontends.

We have an independent possibility to define our class and use them. Or we can use another way is to use CSS modules. So, we can define this kind of type of file, so card.module.css, we define our CSS, so card background color black. Then we can import this module.css into our React component. And we can use this object styles.card. So, this card is basically our CSS, we can inject into the JSX of our React component. And the build process output will be more or less like this. So, card this is the name of the module. Card is the main name of the CSS. And we have this unique ID that avoids clashes through the other CSS. And this is locally scoped. So, we don't have a problem with other cart properties, cart CSS into the other files.

Another way to manage the style is CSS in JS. It's locally scoped style, like the CSS model we saw before, so we avoid clashes. It's a good approach for the co-location because we can co-locate the CSS into our JavaScript file or TypeScript file, so into our React component. The CSS is really nearby our component, so it's easy to manage the style and the other things.

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